View Full Version : Ka starting problem

07-01-2009, 11:19 PM
So i replaced my ka's head gasket, got everything back in and started the car. It ran good, Smooth idle responsive revs ect, so i let it warm up for like 10 mints and i took it around the block shifting low and babying the car i got it home and shut it off. did the same thing the next day. so today i took it around the block, went to get some food, when i left the parking lot i got about half way into 1st gear and all the suddon it shut off, it was rather abrupt, i was rather low on gas so i figured maby it ran out, so i dumped 4 gallons in it and no start, i cheked spark and i was good. i pulled off the fuel line after the filter and i had pressure. it cranks pretty good but no fireing.
so dose anyone have any insight? i know i need to test compression but any other insight before that would be gretley healpful

07-02-2009, 12:07 AM
make sure you didn't leave a rag in the intake.
other than that, recheck your timing, make sure the dizzy bolts are are tight and it didn't spin on you.

just a couple of thoughts

07-02-2009, 12:12 AM
yea, well it ran great for a little while so i think maby i slipped timing, imhopeing its just the dizz and not the chain

07-08-2009, 09:32 PM
ever fix this?

07-10-2009, 10:47 PM
yeah, the exhaust cam bold came out, fail install... so it couldn't spin, so i reset the crank to tdc and re aligned the cam and it ran great