View Full Version : Looking for fellow Chicagoland drifters

Crab Spirits
04-08-2003, 06:55 PM
Me and some buddies are trying to find some guys we can meet up with every now and then to go drifting. It would be cool, since we have limited spots around here. We're looking for drifters, not spectators. Anybody out there?

04-08-2003, 08:15 PM
Well I'm from chicago, not too sure how many drifters you'll find over, but I am sure you'll find some.

If it was an organized thing, you could prolly get a lot of people, considering the lack of drift events in this area, but I am assuming you are just talking about going to some open parking lot and show off skill.

Come to the meet we are having on may 4th, try asking there, at least you'll have everyone in one place. Info on the meet is Click here (http://www.geocities.com/chicago240sx2003/) for more info on the meet and others.

BTW, where do you guys go, I'll be looking for a place to mess around, and a place to break in an LSD if ever decide to get an aftermarket one.

Good luck, be safe, and have fun.:D

04-09-2003, 02:40 AM
Yeah very limited spots for it. Well I'm not really into drifting for drifting's sake so much, but i have an appreciation for it. and car control in general. Check out Oni's minnesota drift event thread.

If you guys plan to do some drifting, and have a place that is safe, I may be interested in showing up later this summer.