View Full Version : Sileighty

04-04-2003, 11:05 AM
archive this or something for others to cut and paste!

rumor still. no SOLID proof
yes there are pics from a 'brochure' but i dont recall a FULL scan of the brochure

points to consider:

no one has ever come up with a sil80 part number
no sil80s have popped up since the supposed '500 made' (nothing in magazines or yahoo japan or otherwise)
it is though that Kid's Heart MADE the sil80s and sold the 500.

its not set in stone of the sil80 rumor. until part numbers show up or a picture of the car (beyond the 1 or 2 shown) will i believe it. as same goes with most people who do some leg work on it
who's kid's heart?
read this:

sil80 by DriftmaniaKen (http://forums.freshalloy.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=UBB21&Number=248557&Forum=All_Forums&Words=kids%20heart&Match=Entire%20Phrase&Searchpage=0&Limit=880&Old=allposts&Main=248557&Search=true#Post248557 )

read this part specifically (i bolded it for the lazy)!

hi. my name is ken and i work for japanese drift magazine called `Battle Magazine`.
i see some of you arguing about nissan produced sileighty or not. since i actually talked to some people in japan who made sileighty, i`ll give you the truth about sileighty.
used car and custom shop `kids heart` planned and sold THE SILEIGHTY which PRODUCED by nissan. they were 500 limited.

the guy who had 180SX crashed his front end and he found silvia face. so he just used silvia front end to fix his car. maybe this is how sileighty started.

BUT this is true that MR Takayama from `kids heart` did plan and sold the sileighty which produced by nissan.

i hope i made it clear for everyone.

oh and some of you who needs evednece, call Mr takayama at kids heart at 011(int`l #)-81(japanese country #)-0568(kids heart area code)-24-1222

get a japanese translater and call them if you dont agree. until then. CASE CLOSED!

04-04-2003, 01:25 PM
That guy's post is damn hard to understand. His English isn't very clear... at least not to a redneck like me.

His second post makes it clear, though. "the sileighties were produced by NISSAN DEALER." That's the key...

It sounds like the Sileighty is just as much Nissan, as the Buick GNX is a Buick. The Buick GNX was only half produced by Buick... 547 normal Buick Grand Nationals were shipped to ASC/Mclaren (no, not THAT Mclaren) to be converted into the GNX (upgraded turbo, etc). They were sold through select Buick dealers as Buicks, but not built by Buick.

04-04-2003, 03:25 PM

04-09-2003, 10:14 AM
Originally posted by AKADriver
That guy's post is damn hard to understand. His English isn't very clear... at least not to a redneck like me.

His second post makes it clear, though. "the sileighties were produced by NISSAN DEALER." That's the key...

It sounds like the Sileighty is just as much Nissan, as the Buick GNX is a Buick. The Buick GNX was only half produced by Buick... 547 normal Buick Grand Nationals were shipped to ASC/Mclaren (no, not THAT Mclaren) to be converted into the GNX (upgraded turbo, etc). They were sold through select Buick dealers as Buicks, but not built by Buick.

Another similar car would be the 300ZX SMZ. Nissan hired Steve Millen to modify a few 300zxtt's to be sold at select dealerships around the country to boost sales. I doubt you will find any seperate parts numbers for it through a dealership, but it is very much a Nissan car, sold by Nissan. I would classify the sil-80 with the SMZ and the GNX judging by what has been said so far.

04-29-2003, 07:59 AM
here is the Kidsheart site for the sileighty. they give costs, equipment, colors, date of manufactur (it claims may 1 1998), everything.


interesting note is you could order one with a Nismo LSD installed as an option. this confirms the dealer made theory, as it is clearly stated on the site (if you can read japanese). and if you want it in english, babelfish puts it as "until now, as a new model car it did not exist." and "entrusts vehicle production to the NISSAN related dealer and sells as the new model car."

theres the proof.

edit: on the site they do mention that sileighty "emblems" were made for the glass and rear.

04-29-2003, 06:08 PM
i didnt even know there was so much controversy about the sil eighty....i thought it was just another conversion. Ive played GT2...or was it 1...i dun remember, but i do remember winning the car, and what they said on the other forum its true, it might just be a video game, but it still has laws it has to follow, and if nissan licenses the use of their vehicles, then w/e the makes of GT wrote on there has to be true, or they can be sued.

04-29-2003, 07:28 PM
think about it this way. if GT1 (2, or whatever game) had a camaro with a corvette front end called a cormaro (or whatever), theyd still have to get rights from chevy (as they make both of those cars). that doesnt mean that the cormero is an official chevy product though.

04-29-2003, 07:38 PM
I found this. They call it the "real thing" or whatever and I belive it says sileighty on the rear panel. Seems real, but I dont know.

04-29-2003, 08:13 PM
i was bored, so heres pics of the actual shop. you can see the sileighty sign.
http://www.kidsheart.co.jp/img/kanban.jpg http://www.kidsheart.co.jp/img/gaikan.jpg

04-29-2003, 08:47 PM
I am geussing we now confirmed that one way or another sileighty's were produced in a small quantity. Cool.

Hey Boro,

Do you like sileighties? A lot of people think they don't look right, but I think there quite nice. I would never do it on my S13 FB, but I do like it a lot...

04-29-2003, 09:07 PM
i like some sileighties, if its done right.

drift into a curb
04-29-2003, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by boro240

http://www.kidsheart.co.jp/img/kanban.jpg http://www.kidsheart.co.jp/img/gaikan.jpg

Sign says "Kizzu Haato"

04-29-2003, 11:07 PM

04-30-2003, 12:18 AM
recently found a Sileighty brochure for sale on Yahoo Japan... starting bid was 5000 yen and was up to 6500 when i last checked (don't know what it finally sold for b/c unlike Ebay, once an auction is over on Yahoo JP you need an account to check on that stuff)... anyways, on to the pics of the brochure

haha, oh and "kizzu haato" = kids heart, you can also see that on the 2nd pic on the bottom of the brochure...

drift into a curb
04-30-2003, 11:26 AM
Originally posted by boro240

Free Dom :D

6500 yen for a brochure whoa, isn't it like 120yen to 1USD

Trust T518
07-07-2003, 10:37 PM
so basically da sileighty is a official nissan licensed car.