View Full Version : !!!!Anyone with Symbian/Nokia Smarts!!!!!

The Chad
04-23-2009, 08:29 PM
OK here's what I have:

Nokia N91 4 gigabyte model. Purchased 2 yrs ago from an individual in Hawaii. Worked great untill yesterday.

Here's the Problem:

I was talking on the phone like normal and the phone cut off to the "NOKIA" screen. I cut off the phone and turned it back on. Then the message popped up stating: "startup failed contact retailer." and "SIM Card Registration Failed".:eek2:

Of course no one at the local AT&T store knows anything about the phone due to it being from over-seas.:wackit:

I did some googling and found that you can do a "hard boot" manually by pushing the *, 3, and green send key when powering up...all at the same time. This is supposed to bring it back to the factory settings.

Without a SIM card the phone will now start up but everything (and writing) is in Chinese/some kind of script ( i have no clue what language).

I can't seem to find anything allowing me to change the default language setting. Anyone have any info as to how to re-set the phone again and keep the US spec settings???? Thanks in advance!:trogdor:

04-23-2009, 09:00 PM
ive only seen the Symbian
in adult movies
with females,
dunno if there are many users on here.

04-23-2009, 09:06 PM
It's Sybian.... :P

The Chad
04-23-2009, 09:13 PM
Any other day I would be laughing at that. And yes that is the Sybian...I have seen Cytheria ride it many a time. Alas, I am looking for info on Symbian Platform users.

04-23-2009, 09:23 PM
and off to look for videos, now that i know how to spell it properly.

04-24-2009, 12:37 AM
Free Software Downloads and Reviews - Download.com (http://www.download.com)

search symbain programs and look for the one that resets your whole phone....did that to my windows phone and it worked like a charm.

The Chad
04-24-2009, 04:17 AM
Free Software Downloads and Reviews - Download.com (http://www.download.com)

search symbain programs and look for the one that resets your whole phone....did that to my windows phone and it worked like a charm.

Ok I was just surfing that site...Nokia.com has some basic software like that as well, I tried the Nokia site's download and it did not work.

I want to try one the Downloads from that site but I have no clue which one to choose. Some of them have "generic" and some have "OBEX" in the title. I have no clue which one is the best or most functional for the phone.

Thanks again in advance!

The Chad
04-24-2009, 04:21 AM
And I just found one more that states : http://adlog.com.com/adlog/i/r=10624&s=847435&o=20:2010:2064:&h=cn&p=2&b=6&l=en_US&site=4&pt=3000&nd=2064&pid=&cid=10763203&pp=100&e=3&rqid=01c18-ad-e949F1224815CC40&orh=&ort=&oepartner=&epartner=&ppartner=&pdom=download.cnet.com&cpnmodule=&count=&ra= ag%253dNokia%2520Corp%252e%2523dvar%255fplatform%2 53dwindows%2523dvar%255fversion%253d2008&ucat_rsi=1%25260424%252610159%252610168%252610180% 252610183%252610195%252610203&pg=V6RhXAoPjAIAAFsPzm0AAAEk&t=2009. MOSH Mobile Client 3.1.742

Is that one decent?

The Chad
04-24-2009, 11:22 PM
Ideas...anyone? I don't want to mess my phone anymore than it is :( .