View Full Version : Ohio Meet

03-23-2003, 07:58 PM
Just saw some intrest in this happening, so I thought I would just start and official thread.

Who is interested?
Where could we have it?

I dont live in a very good location to have the meet around here, so anyone with some options please speak your mind.

Add any info you feel needed.


03-23-2003, 08:36 PM
i'd be interested once i get my 240, we should shoot for mid summer perhaps

03-23-2003, 09:51 PM
Summer would be cool. hopefully i will have my SR by then.

03-24-2003, 01:25 AM
mid summer would be good, my car might look reasonable by then. Where is everyone located maybe we could find a central meeeting point. I'm in Dayton. But willing to travel a bit.

03-24-2003, 08:58 AM
I am thinkin Columbus would be about the best place, since it is already centralized pretty much. Just have to see if the Columbus guys have a good place or not.

03-24-2003, 08:53 PM
Come on Ohio people where ya at?

03-25-2003, 09:50 PM
i'm here, just nissan-less, i'm shoppin though, we could meet up maybe in columbus somewhere, maybe at one of the parks, grill some dogs and burgers, then go on a cruise, hopefully there will be a gathering somewhere, often is in the summer

03-26-2003, 07:00 AM
somebody has to play mommy and start coming up with dates and places or else this won't get anywhere.

04-02-2003, 01:16 PM
i live in detroit area make the location a bit more to the north and im down to drive a bit....

04-02-2003, 08:31 PM
OK Ohio people where are you at. Start throwing out dates and meeting places. I live in southeast Ohio, and think it would be a little hard to get everyone to drive down here. But if ya want I can hunt down some places too meet here. I will give fair warning there is nothing to do here. So I hope somepeople start throwing out some options.

04-03-2003, 08:11 AM
Good luck all, I hope you get this together. I won't be in the state from may 1st to Sept 5 or so otherwise I would definately be in...If you have it in Cleveland I have people that can help set it all up. Prolly columbus would be the best place though.

04-04-2003, 11:17 AM
Any one going to the autoX in Akron on april 6th? If the weather is nice we will have about 5 or 6 cars from the shop there. At least 2 silvia conversions and an FD along with an eclipse. We may have a wrx and another 240 or two as well. Hope to see ya there

04-04-2003, 01:30 PM
I would just like my lazy brother to get busy working on my bodywork. He is almost finished so hopefully I will be getting it painted soon, I cant wait to go play in it again.

04-15-2003, 10:34 PM
I'm in indy, but i would definately be up for going to cincinati, and possibly even columbus (and anywhere in between). if you all get a date and a place together let me know.

05-14-2003, 09:50 AM
I've got a good place to meet, but it's in Youngstown. My parents have a business with a reasonable sized parking lot, and food on hand.............I wanted to try to organize a nice Nissan/Datsun meet, but nobody seemed to show much interest

05-14-2003, 09:59 AM
Throw out some dates when you could have it. Maybe if we can have a set date it will start to snow ball. Anyways I am down as long as its like later June.

05-21-2003, 04:05 PM
I live in columbus, but I'm horibble at making plans. If some does decide to start this I'm in. I Have to purddy up my 240 though. the lady I bought this one from didnt keep the exterior in great condition. So as long as I get it painted in time I'm in. I'll even drive if I have to.

05-22-2003, 07:46 AM
I could start one up down here is southeast Ohio, but keep in mind there is nothing too do what so ever! There is a small park I could look into. I would need to see more intrest first though. I know there are a lot of Ohio people on here, SO WHERE ARE YOU????

05-22-2003, 10:25 PM
Like i said before, if my SR is in and i'm off on that day i will be there, wherever

05-26-2003, 11:31 PM
my god!,, i swear i leave the forum for a year while i'm at college and like 20000 ohio people show up ;) awesome!...

umm i'm in cincinnati,, so if there is a southwest meet ;) i'm down with that whenever.. umm,, we have lotsa parks.. but, cinci is def dull... man, sure wish we had an autocross track, we could make the meet @ one,, that would be amazing.. oh well, pipe dreams.. regardless..

i'm down for whenver, sn is aj2four0.

05-27-2003, 08:18 PM
Im going to Ohio this weekend. What is there to do there??? I think im going to St. CLairesville.....where ever that is. Ne thing interesting happen in that area?

05-27-2003, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by S1LV1A
Im going to Ohio this weekend. What is there to do there??? I think im going to St. CLairesville.....where ever that is. Ne thing interesting happen in that area?

Never heard of a St. CLairesville....That's not a good thing considering i have heard of most of the main cities. I do however know of a St Clair, it's a street though in C-town

05-29-2003, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by S1LV1A
Im going to Ohio this weekend. What is there to do there??? I think im going to St. CLairesville.....where ever that is. Ne thing interesting happen in that area?

I live about and hour and change from there. I dont know what there is to do up there. Im thinking there is a 1/8 drag strip up there somewhere, but other than that I dont know.

06-06-2003, 09:52 PM
I live in cincinnati, and I used to be a member of probetalk,and I hosted a couple of meets around here.. Here is a few ideas I stole from my probe frends

1.Hocking Hills, is a good place to have a campout/meet. the probe guys do it every year, and they have awards and such for hotest rides Ect...

2.edgewater drag strip

3.Tristate drag strip

4.every thursday NIGHT cincinnati has a HUGE car cruze in at Surf cincinnati 300 cars plus (I think they changed it to Wed??) info www.cincinnatistreetracing.com

5.we had a meet at the dayton mall once, that went over well

6. kenwood mall in cincinnati, cops are cool

7.would be willing to throw a meet at my house,granted it doesn't get roudy. I have off steet parking oversized two car garage with plenty of tech support, we use to have meets wre we would just work on cars or just hang out.. grillout Ect...

if any of this sounds cool or if you want to know more about what other stuff this X-probe guy use to do with fellow proBONERS, Contact me..

There is plenty of parks, and night action around here to were we could hook somthing up

if you think I'm a lameazz,and my Ideas and dumb.. well never mind

06-06-2003, 09:56 PM
Oh, Lunken airport,and Scarlet Oaks Vocational school use to have a Scca autoX track event through out the summer. not sure anymore ,but its worth looking into

06-06-2003, 09:59 PM
WEll you are the first one to throw out a serious plan, so Im in. My car isnt quite finished yet but i hope to have it done this month. One of my friends has a Probe as well so maybe I can even drag him along. See if ya cant set a date sometime in mid to late July and see what kind of response ya get. If ya wanna talk it over more Im on aol a lot so just shoot me a line - Mitsufury.

06-07-2003, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by silnv
WEll you are the first one to throw out a serious plan, so Im in. My car isnt quite finished yet but i hope to have it done this month. One of my friends has a Probe as well so maybe I can even drag him along. See if ya cant set a date sometime in mid to late July and see what kind of response ya get. If ya wanna talk it over more Im on aol a lot so just shoot me a line - Mitsufury.

Thats cool,i'll keep my eye out for you on IM. Oh and tell you friend that I do KL-ZE motor swaps for good price. I owned a PGT for like 5 years, and my Wife still does.

06-10-2003, 10:27 PM
:aw: OK people silnv and I have talked, and we are going to see how many people can agree on a month and location.. So far we have come up with the month of JULY, and the location Cincinnati. What we want to know from you all, is how many could make it??? I have some plans in mind, but before I shoot out a Time/Date Ect.., I want to know FIRST how many can make it, and NEXT Question will be kinda a poll question as to what type of meet you all want, as in just haning out and meeting people in some type of parking lot location, or cruzing , movies/ dinner, clubing, going to other cruze in. or working on cars Ect.... so I will wait on you all to respond JULY??? and Cincinnati??? respond ASAP here, or pm myself or silnv ,and I look forward to meeting you...:cool:

06-11-2003, 10:04 AM
July is good, Cincinnati works. Just have to get a real date to decide if I can make it. But so far I'm in.

06-11-2003, 11:01 AM
depending on the date and my car, i'll be there. Cincin is not that far from here.

06-11-2003, 11:04 AM
I think we may try to shoot for the middle of July, like the 12th or so. If you have anything you would like to add or maybe some dates that you can make it go ahead and throw them up.

06-12-2003, 04:59 AM
Originally posted by silnv
I think we may try to shoot for the middle of July, like the 12th or so. If you have anything you would like to add or maybe some dates that you can make it go ahead and throw them up.

OK the 12th is perfict, because the Probetalk boys are throwing a meet at Cox park on the 12th LOL:D they were planing a grill out/ cruze. I had wanted to go anyway, and this could give you all an Idea of what an average meet is like;) If this Idea completly turns you off to the Idea let me know:D so

July 12 Cincinnati, Cox Park, Grillout/cruze:D all in favor??

06-12-2003, 09:50 AM
Im game, what time??

06-13-2003, 01:47 PM
Sure, I'm in. I just need directions. I have no idea where cox park is. I think I can make it to cinci tho.

06-14-2003, 05:34 PM
i'm in, hopefully. i used to drive a probe and frequent probetalk, so i'd like to go to that meet too. some directions and other details would be in order.

06-15-2003, 07:56 PM
Hell, I might as well go. I can come down from Indy. I was just in Cincy this weekend. I'll try to contact some of the other Indy guys and see if they wanna caravan.

06-16-2003, 01:05 AM
I'm a late addition to this thread but if I can work it into my schedule I'm in.

96 S14
06-16-2003, 11:48 PM
I live in Cincy and would love to meet up w/some people that actually know a thing or two about the car they actually drive. Not to many people like that from what I have seen around here......

shoot me an email........... [email protected]

06-17-2003, 04:41 PM
i'm down i'm from cincy just need to know where the park is.

06-17-2003, 08:44 PM
I just hope I will be able to make it now. I blew the tranny outta my daily driver and I had to fix it which too most of my money I had saved to do stuff. So I may just have to ride it out and see if I will have some cash by then.:(

96 S14
06-18-2003, 01:55 AM
just to let you guys all know, if anyone is in Cincy this friday, I am going to Edgewater to run my car, just got a centerforce clutch and did a Eibach Sportline/Kyb Agx sus. setup.

Other than that its pretty much stock, buts fun!

06-18-2003, 10:08 AM
cool most likely i will be at edgewater friday too.

96 S14
06-18-2003, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by halyoder
cool most likely i will be at edgewater friday too.

Cool, what kinda 240sx will you have there? Mine is Emerald Blue, lowered w/stock SE wheels....

06-18-2003, 04:30 PM
here are some pics of minehttp://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid60/pa9ed964fcb2ebee6094122b100f8b964/fc4e9614.jpg http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid60/pf9cae51717efdd7c1c098a8391c132b1/fc4e9617.jpg
its a 91 240 coupe with a sr20det with some mods i need to get it painted soon

96 S14
06-19-2003, 12:06 AM
Well, looks like I won't be able to go to Edgewater this friday, I got a Nissan/Infinit meet up in Indy this weekend and I want to save my car for the auto-x up there.

Your car is pimp, and if you would like to meet up at all email me at [email protected]

if you want, why don't you come up with me and another friend to the Indy meet, it should be pretty big..........?

06-19-2003, 07:45 AM
OK, I just found out that cox park is in lexington Kentucky:doh: so I think Cox park may be out of the question, only because I assume its to far of a drive for most of you. Its about 1 1/2 hours south of Cincy, But the 12th of july is still on as far as i'm consern. ther are plenty of parks around here ;) the Probetalk guys have not made up there minds as to wether ther meet is going to happen at cox park or not.

06-19-2003, 07:49 AM
Also I just got this E-mail from CSR

If you live anywhere near Cincinnati, or you don't mind driving, I encourage everyone to check this out.
Starting Wednesday June 18th (and continuing through the summer), Cincinnati Street Racing and Motions Nightlife will be hosting:
Cincinnati Street Racing -- Redefined and Finely Tuned

These are now located at Historic Long-worth Hall, 700 West Pete Rose Way,
in Downtown Cincinnati.
It's $5 per car to show your car. We don't care how many people you stuff in
your car, it's still only $5/car.
There will be a live DJ spinning the latest, trance, techno, rap, and other various music choices OUTSIDE in the parking lot!
Also expected to be there is a film crew and also, everyone's favorite, a bikini contest!
As we can find some more sponsors, there will be refreshments and other booths. For those people who do not wish to show their car, they can either 1. ride with one of their friends and get a free pass to the club, or 2. walk into the show for $2 a person and get into the club for free.There will be separate parking for those intending to drive their custom cars in to show and those who are not.
Sport Compact Car told one of our members, Derric Massie (had the Yellow Type R in the Sport Compact Challenge this year.) that they want to write a spread on our car "scene" here. So the more people we get, the better the chance on them coming out and maybe showing YOUR car in SCC.Wednesday and everyone after will host special event.
From the Cincinnati Street Racing Staff our goal is to make every Wednesday surpass the last by putting on a better show.

06-19-2003, 07:57 AM
it look like july 12th falls on a Saturday, so it will rule out the CSR cruze in for that day, BUT I plan on working that in to future meets;) Unless you all want to change the date to JULY 9th or JULY 16th ???? that way we can do a grillout during the day,and the Cruze in later that night.. Its up to you all:D

06-19-2003, 12:54 PM
i'm up for changing the date, i have a wedding to go to on the 12th.

06-19-2003, 12:57 PM
How bout the 19 or the 26 those are the next two Saturdays. Moving the date would also give me a better chance to make it as well. So Rick what else can ya plan for us?:)

06-19-2003, 03:15 PM
i say we do it on a weekend. because those cruise ins suck sometimes, stupid people and things like drugs and drinking i hate being around drugs, don't get me wrong i like drinking alot but not when i'm driving or around my car!!!

well no matter when you have i will still be there.

06-19-2003, 04:55 PM
I'm up for a meet, I'd much rather have it in Columbus because that is half the distance to Cincinnati for me but I guess wherever we can get the most people to come together.:cool:

06-19-2003, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by rcviper
I'm up for a meet, I'd much rather have it in Columbus because that is half the distance to Cincinnati for me but I guess wherever we can get the most people to come together.:cool:

where in NW ohio are you, maybe we could carpool or caravan.

06-20-2003, 08:42 PM
I live in Maumee, about a stones throw from your ***.:cool:

06-28-2003, 07:31 AM
so is this going to happen, or what? i can't make it for the 12th so i'd prefer a later date, i'll go out on a limb and say let's do it on the 19th. who's in?

rcviper, i'm barely a stones throw away, i live near the farmer jack on byrne and heatherdowns. we should meet up sometime.

06-28-2003, 07:43 AM
Im still in. I havent heard from rick in a long time so i am not real sure what is going on. I am game for the 19th. So someone make the plans!!:D

06-28-2003, 09:40 AM
i don't know about the 12th coz my swap might not be starting for another week or so. Hopefully i can make a later date

07-02-2003, 11:39 PM
ok, so we have changed the date to Sat july 19th:) sounds good
lets pray for clear skys. I am going to need some help with $$ for the food like Hotdogs/burgers steak :D Mmmm steak!!, whatever you all want to eat.. I was thinking we could meet up at the Kenwood mall parking lot , because its right off I-71 south for most of you. After every one gets down here we can move to my house, then to the park for FOOD/grillout, then we can talk over plans for later that evening. Does any one want beer???

07-02-2003, 11:44 PM
PLEASE, PLEASE Pm me to let me know if you plan on making it, so I can get some type of a head count. you don't have to say much in your Pms just a (I'm down for the 19th) will do:D I will post directions soon. Pm me and I'll get my phone ## out to you

07-02-2003, 11:53 PM
Originally posted by rcviper
I'm up for a meet, I'd much rather have it in Columbus because that is half the distance to Cincinnati for me but I guess wherever we can get the most people to come together.:cool:

I'm sure after the 19th, others hopfuly will get motivated to try to put together other meet in other parts of Ohio. I plan on getting you all to get down to see this CSR cruze in I just got another E-mail from CSR

(Cincinnati Street Racing is finally back to the level it was last year. Now
that summer is here, and the scene knows where to meet....
The meets will be switcthed to Sunday so that it is "FINELY TUNED" and other
cities such as "Pittsburgh" wont have an excuse to come down to see which
scene is better.

This Wednesday, July 2nd @ Longworth Hall
Expect Finer Bikinis
Bigger Dj's
More Vending

This Sunday, July 6th @ Longworth Hall
Opens @ 5pm, Party Starts @ 7
will be "Redefined and Finely Tuned"

But before the Csr Festivities begin everyone will be pre partying at:
Basz Racing will be having a Cruise-In and BBQ on Sunday, July 6th... this
is open to anyone and everyone, it will start at 12 noon...... come down to
check out the shop.....also Basz Racing will be playing a sneek preview of
blacklist II,

07-04-2003, 05:03 PM
wow i totally forgot about this thread, my bad. i doubt i could make it down to cincy, i work a bunch of random hours, so i don't really know what my schedule is

07-06-2003, 05:06 PM
so where is this park at?

07-06-2003, 11:58 PM
SAT July 19th, we will meet up at the Kenwood mall. T give everyone time to get here we will make it 1:30pm until 3:00 or until everyone has arrived, wich ever comes first. Then we will cruze over to Ault Park. I will post Directions to the kenwood mall. and for those of you that Pm me I'll pm you with my phone##

07-07-2003, 12:17 AM
Coming from Dayton

1: Start out going South on S MAIN ST/ OH-4 S toward MARKET ST. Continue to follow S MAIN ST. 0.44 miles

2: Turn RIGHT onto W WASHINGTON ST. 0.09 miles

3: Turn LEFT onto S LUDLOW ST/ OH-48 S. 0.02 miles

4: Merge onto US-35 W toward I-75/ EATON. 0.57 miles

5: Merge onto I-75 S. 35.66 miles

6: Merge onto I-275 E via exit number 16 toward I-71/ COLUMBUS. 5.98 miles

7: Merge onto I-71 S via exit number 49 toward CINCINNATI. 5.11 miles

8: Take the US-22/ MONTGOMERY RD/ OH-3 exit- exit number 12. 0.21 miles

9: Turn RIGHT onto MONTGOMERY RD/ OH-3/ US-22. 0.22 miles
Total Estimated Time: Total Distance: 48.30 miles
51 minutes

07-07-2003, 12:21 AM
Coming from columbus


1: Start out going West on NORTHRIDGE RD toward OAKLAWN ST. 0.09 miles

2: Turn RIGHT onto DRESDEN ST. 0.06 miles

3: Turn LEFT onto ELMORE AVE. 0.40 miles

4: Turn RIGHT onto KARL RD. 0.33 miles

5: Turn LEFT onto E COOKE RD. 1.07 miles

6: Turn LEFT onto ramp. 0.13 miles

7: Turn RIGHT onto E COOKE RD. 0.06 miles

8: Merge onto I-71 S via the ramp- on the left. 6.37 miles

9: Merge onto I-70 W via exit number 107 toward INDIANAPOLIS. 1.59 miles

10: Merge onto I-71 S via exit number 99A-B- on the left- toward CINCINNATI/ DUBLIN RD. 94.02 miles

11: Take the US-22/ MONTGOMERY RD/ OH-3 exit- exit number 12. 0.21 miles

12: Turn RIGHT onto MONTGOMERY RD/ OH-3/ US-22. 0.22 miles

Total Estimated Time: Total Distance: 104.55 miles
1 hour, 45 minutes

07-07-2003, 12:23 AM
And for all others please use Map Quest and this adress 7875 Montgomery Rd
Cincinnati, OH
45236-4344 US

07-10-2003, 02:14 PM
i'm in, pm me any other details.

rcviper, are you going? we should caravan.

07-10-2003, 03:15 PM
Damn guys, you keep making me want to go to this thing more and more. Would be sweet to be able to caravan with someone. I might be bringing my friend as well who has a 92 Z32 that is gorgous. We are both still trying to work out the job situation, we work at Best Buy and retail is hard to get the weekends off :bash: I'll keep you posted fellas.

07-13-2003, 06:42 PM
I got another E-mail from CSR :rolleyes: these A-holes just can't make up there minds. its now Sunday nights??

Has CSR finally met there match?
Here’s excitement galore!
A breathtaking location and
Sumptuously beautiful girls.
High Life and High Living
Can you possibly survive all this?

For Sunday’s CSR’s Cruise-In, Week 4
>From www.CincinnatiStreetRacing.com

Please bring a video camera for a stunt show (StreetFReaxs)
And $100 in cash and prizes for a Hydraulic Competition

!!Cincinnati Street Racing!!

I konw who cares :boink:

07-17-2003, 09:09 PM
I have to work till 5, so how long will u guys be hanging around? i can be there by 5:30 or a little after,, so let me know how long you all plan on stickin around!

07-17-2003, 11:36 PM
I was wondering the same thing as AJ, I have to work but I'd like to come out How long are you guys going to be hanging around and I'm not sure how big Ault Park is but whereabout's in it are you guys going to be?


07-18-2003, 08:41 PM
OK people tomarrow is the day, so if any one has any questions please contact me in person at (513)519-3738 and for any late comers please use this ## to find out where we are, but like I said we will meet up at the kenwood mall parking lot In front of Micdonalds on the montgomery Rd side of the mall.. I will be in my 90 Nissan White pickup truck with the big *** tires

I look forward to meeting you all

07-18-2003, 09:44 PM
okay well, since no one gave me a time they r hangin around till, i'm not going to make it, hope we have another one soon, and next time i will freakin make sure i can get off work... also, sundays work better :) i'm in retail also,, so.. saturdays = boss better love you or u better suck at selling to get off on saturday :) hope it goes well, someone take mass PICTURES!.. umm then when ya do :) send'm on over to [email protected] thanks! ;)

07-18-2003, 10:33 PM
Hey Guys I am new to the Nissan world.... but I am also on Staff for the CSR Cruise in's I would love to see most of you all down here on Sunday!!! I am Josh Combs I will be talking to most of the Grand Am people and the Nissan 240 SX people...

Also we do have A Nissan Skyline R33 that comes every week!! You all should come and check us out!!!


07-20-2003, 11:38 AM
thanks for everyone showing up it was a blast. ooooohhhhhh what no one show but me and rick that is some bull s#@t. come on what happened.:mad: :bash: :hammer: :cry:

07-20-2003, 04:36 PM
i drove all the way from toledo and couldn't find anybody. oh well, maybe some other time.

07-20-2003, 07:20 PM
damn that sucks man. we all need to have a meet in columbus and people need to show:D

07-21-2003, 03:28 PM
Hey guys, Iv been watching this thread and wanting to meet up with some of the Ohio 240s but it always seems like I have something going on when you guys plan a meet.

As for the CSR thing... it is every Sunday (weather permitting) at Longworth Hall on Pete Rose Way in Cincinnati from 8pm - 12:30am and usually has a decent turnout. If you guys want to come to Cinci to check it out just let me know, Im sure it sucked driving from Toledo and not seeing anyone there,:( Iv had that happen before... Id be more than happy to meet up with you guys. I usually go with another 240 in town and Im sure I can get a few more together for it…

As for planning a meet in Columbus or whatever Id be up for it...

Hope to see you guys around...

Nicole :)

07-21-2003, 08:15 PM
like i said before i would be up for a meet as soon as i get my engine and install it coz the KA is beginning to complain and the 3000GT needs some tranny work, which i am not doing again. So and soon as i get straightened out i'm meet anywhere, anytime, as long as i can get off from work, or call off.

07-21-2003, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by Nicoles97~S14
Hey guys, Iv been watching this thread and wanting to meet up with some of the Ohio 240s but it always seems like I have something going on when you guys plan a meet.

As for the CSR thing... it is every Sunday (weather permitting) at Longworth Hall on Pete Rose Way in Cincinnati from 8pm - 12:30am and usually has a decent turnout. If you guys want to come to Cinci to check it out just let me know, Im sure it sucked driving from Toledo and not seeing anyone there,:( Iv had that happen before... Id be more than happy to meet up with you guys. I usually go with another 240 in town and Im sure I can get a few more together for it…

As for planning a meet in Columbus or whatever Id be up for it...

Hope to see you guys around...

Nicole :)

Hey meet me this sunday... look for a fat dude named Josh with a Staff Shirt on @ CSR....

See you then..

07-21-2003, 11:11 PM
dunno if ill be back in time for the meet... I'll be in chicago for hin next weekend... it just depends on when we roll back in.

07-21-2003, 11:13 PM
thats cool... if you wanna meet sometime let me know... We are there on sundays.... ttyl

08-03-2003, 12:31 AM
for anyone who is still intrested in having a meet any time soon just contact me in person, at the cell ## listed above..... and for you CSR people I'm sure you all know Aaron or phiberopticx? hes the guy that started the CSR cruz-Ins, I have his Trubo'd Civic in my garage ,and I seem to be the only one helping him with the Turbo project I know I know :gives: my point, I don't realy have one