View Full Version : WTB: Parts to complete my 95 S14 Auto to Manual Swap

03-05-2003, 08:58 PM
Hey Guys,

Got in my car today to go home and I put it in Reverse and NO REVERSE. I bought a S13 KA24DE engine and 5 spd. tranny a couple of weeks ago, so basically I need everything but the Tranny and Shifter. If you have anything that I can use please please email me [email protected] I need to get my car back on the road. Thank you for all of the help in advance.


03-07-2003, 06:57 PM
Best bet, find someone up here with a parts car and hit them up for EVERYTHING relating to the tranny! I did this swap. It sucked. There is a list of stuff you need in the archives. Good luck.