View Full Version : Horrible date experiences....

02-16-2009, 11:51 AM
So this past weekend my roomate set me up with a date with this girl, Lauren. Well i text her back and forth before the date, weve scene pics of eachother, shes pretty cute. So i tell her to meet me at this habachi sushi bar @ 7pm. I stop at the store and grab some nice wine, cuz its BYOB. I show up at 705pm. Im waiting and she finally rolls in at the like 730. Argh no biggie tho. Things went okay but she was very dull and borrign and keept texting ppl in her phone. I asked her the normal questions and some not so very to try to break her attention. I head to the bathroom and text my roomate to call and say theres a problem in 10 mins. So i get back and well shes already gone......Borring as hell horrible date.

So does anyone have any other horrible date experiences they want to share.

02-16-2009, 12:01 PM
Wow. No class at all.

I remember one day when I had a really important discussion with my ex girl friend, she was texting with her phone during the conversation another guy. I was so pissed.

fucking bitch.

02-16-2009, 12:05 PM
almost exactly a year ago a girl and i went to a restaurant called bj's. first date together. she was so quiet. i would be asking ALL the questions getting 1 word answers. we shared a pizza. she was so quiet she didnt even tell me she was lactose intolerant. we finish and we go walking around the local mall. she starts to open up. and by that i mean farting. hahaha!!! since she ate the cheese on the pizza she was farting so much she didnt think i knew but, oh! i could smell that shiz far away. hahah... good times.

02-16-2009, 12:21 PM
wow man that sucks johnnydrfiter... i once dated a chick who had a sidekick.. dam bitch wouldnt put it down, it was annoying.. its like everyone on her sidekick was super important.. i guess thats why i started disliking those things.. When your on a date, you could at least leave your phone, etc alone for a while out of respect.

guess thats why i hate dating, you have to go thru with things like this all the time when you meet another girl.. Some just waste your time too. but some are cool if they really dig you.

02-16-2009, 12:31 PM
If a chick starts busting her phone out on a date and continuously uses it in front of you, tell that bitch to lick your balls and bounce.

If she doesn't show respect, then she deserves none.

"Treat others how you would want one to treat you."

02-16-2009, 12:48 PM
Yeah texting on a date is mad rude.

My long term girlfriend used to do it when we went out to dinner and i'd get so pissed cause even then its rude. whats so important that you cant go 30 minutes without texting?

The wierd thing is I always ignored my phone when I was around her cause I know anything important wouldnt come to me in the form of a text and if it was important my friends knew to ring the phone right back if i ignore the first call. She would get pissed at me for ignoring my phone? WTF?

02-16-2009, 12:50 PM
If a chick starts busting her phone out on a date and continuously uses it in front of you, tell that bitch to lick your balls and bounce.

If she doesn't show respect, then she deserves none.

"Treat others how you would want one to treat you."

fuck yeah. If only I had the guts to do this everytime some1 is disrespectful with me.

02-16-2009, 01:00 PM
It all depends on the girl, some dates just feel awkward as fuck when there's no chemistry in it. Ive had dates where we hit it off right away, there were dates that I've contemplated sticking the fork in my eyeball...

02-16-2009, 01:56 PM
I would have to say the worst date experience (not mine but a friends),

This chick I know went on a date with this dude. Every things going good, they go back to his pad and end up getting a lil buck nasty, and in the middle the dude farts...

Damn if a chick farted when i was beating... can you say limp.
Worse though is if you're peeing in her butt then she farts.

02-16-2009, 02:05 PM
^ WTF? lol

02-16-2009, 02:07 PM
Butt peeing:hahano:

02-16-2009, 02:07 PM
"peeing in her butt then she farts"...............WHAT???


spray of shit piss all over your dick?

02-16-2009, 02:20 PM
I once had a house party and invited this chic to come over and hang out and get to know each other. she comes over and brings her friend too. then i start talking to her and try to get to know her and she wouldnt speak as tho she is deaf or some shit. She would smile at me and her friend would speak for her.

i started thinking to myself am i hooking up with her or her fucking friend??? they were both cute as hell so i had my fun with them at the party and then asked both of them to stay the night. her friend stayed and the girl i was supposed to initially hook up with left. some weird shit there. but then her friend told her how much fun she had the night before and then she tried to hit me up on the phone like hey, i want the same thing that u did to my friend. and i just laughed and told her no. she rejected me, i will reject u!!!! BURN!!!! :)

02-16-2009, 04:07 PM
whenever excessive phone/text use takes place during a dinner date,
I take vengeance by pretending to go to the bathroom and take off (or take off when they use the bathroom).
Scouting out the exits beforehand should always be considered.
text/phoning on any social occasional is just unacceptably rude, much less on some date.

02-16-2009, 04:18 PM
Going out with your girlfriend that's planned and ends up bringing her bestfriend which is a guy, now that she's with... WTF!!!! he got his ass beat though, and now scared of me..

02-16-2009, 04:28 PM
Going out with your girlfriend that's planned and ends up bringing her bestfriend which is a guy, now that she's with... WTF!!!! he got his ass beat though, and now scared of me..

Are you ever high when you post on zilvia, and then every single post you read you swear that person is high as well?

02-16-2009, 04:32 PM
Are you ever high when you post on zilvia, and then every single post you read you swear that person is high as well?I imagine if I ever was high and on this site I would just ramble on incoherently thinking I just posted the most insightful shit in the world.

02-16-2009, 04:35 PM
This happen like a month or so ago.

This girl wouldn't stop talking about her ex and how he treated her so bad.

Then she's texting on her phone during a movie.

On the way home she starts talking about her ex again and so I looked over at her and told her to stop talking about that shit since its only upsetting her and me.

Then she pouts her lips and sits up straight.

I'm thinking in my head, is this bitch pouting in my car.

It was bad...

Not the worst.

02-16-2009, 04:39 PM
One time I was going over to this girls house to hook up and it turned out to be a disaster.
I'd been talking to this girl for about three weeks. Most of it was online because she had a busy schedule (school.) Then one day SHE invites ME over for some fun. Shit yeah, I'm stoked. I havn't gotten laid in like three years, so I'm all about it.
I stopped by the CircleK to get some Mikes Hard Lemonade, gotta admit I'm not the best lookin guy, these should weaken her up a bit (she's a light weight, if the Lemonade don't work, I always keep a back up of ApplePucker in my trunk.)

I get to her house, she opens the door and looks bomb in this little red dress. SHE leads ME inside. I stand at the table and open up a beer while she goes to the bath room really quick.

THEN! This totally fuckin douche bag comes out of the closet or some shit and tells me I should sit down. I first I thought it was her dad but then a 18 man camera crew comes out shining lights on me and shit. So I said fuck this and busted a Mikes Hard over the guy in the suit and took out.
I think she was famous or something.

02-16-2009, 04:41 PM
I had just come back from dinner with this chick and we were watching a movie on my bed. We started fooling around, things progressed quite quickly. I grabbed for a condom and she was like "What are you doing?" I replied "umm condom" she says "you don't need one of those, I never use them. It doesn't feel as good." I put my pants back on, told her to get dressed and took her home.

Haven't heard a word from her since.


02-16-2009, 04:46 PM
dude bareback is so good though.

gotta live on the edge bro.

ok I'm kidding.

02-16-2009, 04:47 PM
One time I was going over to this girls house to hook up and it turned out to be a disaster.
I'd been talking to this girl for about three weeks. Most of it was online because she had a busy schedule (school.) Then one day SHE invites ME over for some fun. Shit yeah, I'm stoked. I havn't gotten laid in like three years, so I'm all about it.
I stopped by the CircleK to get some Mikes Hard Lemonade, gotta admit I'm not the best lookin guy, these should weaken her up a bit (she's a light weight, if the Lemonade don't work, I always keep a back up of ApplePucker in my trunk.)

I get to her house, she opens the door and looks bomb in this little red dress. SHE leads ME inside. I stand at the table and open up a beer while she goes to the bath room really quick.

THEN! This totally fuckin douche bag comes out of the closet or some shit and tells me I should sit down. I first I thought it was her dad but then a 18 man camera crew comes out shining lights on me and shit. So I said fuck this and busted a Mikes Hard over the guy in the suit and took out.
I think she was famous or something.


Look familiar?

02-16-2009, 04:49 PM
dude bareback is so good though.

gotta live on the edge bro.

ok I'm kidding.

I need that condom for my 30 secs brah

02-16-2009, 04:53 PM
I need that condom for my 30 secs brah

Did you know that the American Medical Journal has found that if you have intercourse for just 30 secs or less there is no need for condoms.

There is no way that you can contact STD's or impregnate a woman if you just pull out in less than 30 seconds.

ok once again I'm kidding.

One time a Marine patient of mine came in complaining about painful urination and I asked him if he had sexual intercourse with anyone and he said yes.

I asked him if he used a condom and he said yes. Then he tells me that his buddy doesn't have the same symptoms. I asked him what do you mean? Then he tells me that they both banged the same girl, but only had one condom and so after his buddy was finished, he turned the condom inside out and used it.


True story. Not even fucking with you.

02-16-2009, 05:19 PM
Damn wtf happen to common sense.

Well heres my bad dating exp.
My cousin had set me up for a double blind date without him telling me and ended up meeting these two girls. We met up at a decent eating spot and all they did during dinner was school and at each other. Not so much conversation between them and my cousin and I. I gave my cousin this wth look and he knew wtf I was thinking. So after all that bull they wanted to go do something after. So they decided to go sing karaoke for entertainment. Now my cousin and I are down for fun, but singing karaoke wasn't one of them. At this point I was thinking more along the lines of shooting random night creatures around the apt with our airsoft guns and ski masks. So we followed them to the karaoke bar and told them to choose the room and wait there while my cousin and I took care of the fees and stuff. After they turned the corner to whatever room we got the hell out of there and went home to play counterstrike.

02-16-2009, 05:27 PM
3 weeks ago i met this girl in an asian buffet, we start talking she was telling me that my car was cool and shit and then last week she call me, i went to her house we got drunk and then she say im goin to show you something she got naked..she had a fucking dick. but im like fuck it she looks like jessica alba so yeah...........is not homo unless you kiss

02-16-2009, 05:50 PM
3 weeks ago i met this girl in an asian buffet, we start talking she was telling me that my car was cool and shit and then last week she call me, i went to her house we got drunk and then she say im goin to show you something she got naked..she had a fucking dick. but im like fuck it she looks like jessica alba so yeah...........is not homo unless you kiss

ummmmm. sounds pretty homo to me.

02-16-2009, 06:12 PM
i would have so dumped the clutch on her face. I usually dont date.. kinda.. i dont know.. never liked that stuff. I usually just hang out and relax. plus if they are rude i go get the baby powder...

02-16-2009, 06:12 PM
You should have just talked through text while sitting next to each other.

02-16-2009, 06:15 PM
You should have just talked through text while sitting next to each other.

If i saw people doing that, i would crush them!

02-16-2009, 06:33 PM
If i saw people doing that, i would crush them!

If you're really drunk. It is with out a doubt the smoothest way to initiate something though. Just because I don't entirely trust my words when I am that shit faced.


02-16-2009, 08:04 PM
bad dates from teh female perspective lol
Worst Dates Ever - Lipstick Alley (http://www.lipstickalley.com/showthread.php?t=173930)

*dont ask me how i found that forum, dudes in the chris brown thread on a hiphop forum where bringing that shit up lol

02-16-2009, 08:42 PM
esmorz has a good point. she wont even remember her phone after a few drinks and will most likely give all her attention on you

02-16-2009, 09:02 PM
One time a Marine patient of mine came in complaining about painful urination and I asked him if he had sexual intercourse with anyone and he said yes.

I asked him if he used a condom and he said yes. Then he tells me that his buddy doesn't have the same symptoms. I asked him what do you mean? Then he tells me that they both banged the same girl, but only had one condom and so after his buddy was finished, he turned the condom inside out and used it.


True story. Not even fucking with you.

hahahahahahahahah!! thats one of the funniest things ive ever heard!!

you should have slapped him!

02-16-2009, 09:13 PM
the buddy got the good deal, the poor chump got left overs lmao

02-16-2009, 09:46 PM
Someone should post on that forum and ask why it is that so many women text while their on a date because I've also had that happen before and it's annoying as hell.

The one time it didn't happen, only because the girl didn't have a cell phone, well she ended up being crazy.

02-17-2009, 08:28 AM
yeah...the texting thing happened to me back then when my girl had her sidekick. i guess it's normal because she was on AIM all the time and if people were talking to her, she would feel bad if she ignored them i guess. i wasn't really annoyed with it, i guess to each his own because she would only do that if there was awkward silence between us and i would joke about it or use the texting as a way to start up a conversation.

she asked if it was rude for her to do that, i told her 'sort of'. she apologized and never did it again. god i'm so lucky to have her understand that plus the fact that she doesn't have a side kick anymore lol

02-17-2009, 10:04 AM
i dont go on dates much but me and my buddy double dated at prom. only thing was he wanted to hook up with my date and i wanted to hook up with his... the girls werent down for the switcheroo. sucked. mine had stank ass breath too. i kept trying to give her punch but she kept saying she wasnt thirsty.

02-17-2009, 02:07 PM
Someone should post on that forum and ask why it is that so many women text while their on a date because I've also had that happen before and it's annoying as hell.

The one time it didn't happen, only because the girl didn't have a cell phone, well she ended up being crazy.

they would probably flip the situation and blame the guy saying that the date was probably borring.. :rant2:

02-17-2009, 04:54 PM
they would probably flip the situation and blame the guy saying that the date was probably borring.. :rant2:

I actually went ahead and asked on yahoo answers and you basically hit the money on that. 95% of them said that its because the date is boring but then I added the detail that they'll do it even if the date is going good.

A few other girls just said they want to keep their girls up to speed on how the dates going. disrespectful imo

02-17-2009, 09:57 PM
Don't you guys know that girls love texting and bluetooth...

02-17-2009, 11:33 PM
never go on blind dates.. I've learned my lesson.

I went on a double date.. blind-date, my friend and his girl were arguing made my date uncomfortable and fucked up my chances.

bunch other shit.. but I don't like to think about it.

02-18-2009, 12:12 AM
I actually went ahead and asked on yahoo answers and you basically hit the money on that. 95% of them said that its because the date is boring but then I added the detail that they'll do it even if the date is going good.

A few other girls just said they want to keep their girls up to speed on how the dates going. disrespectful imo

dam they might as well have brung their friends along shit lol.., they should wait til after so they can call and tell em... not minute by minute thats stupid lol..

and thus we live in the age where people feel they need to cheat or are not satisfied in one way or another etc.. where as years ago our grandparents would never consider and last thru decades of anniversaries... women get influenced by their friends and peers "oh the guy has to be perfect, buyin me everything , if he aint, then im leaving" yadda yadda..

Theres still some good girls out there,... they just aint the hot ones lol

02-18-2009, 01:32 AM
Worse though is if you're peeing in her butt then she farts.

I still cant get over this shit :loco:

What kind of drugs do you do man?

02-18-2009, 08:20 AM
i have a date planned this weekend. we'll see what happens. ill tell the story if its funny or anything.

02-18-2009, 11:17 AM
I had just come back from dinner with this chick and we were watching a movie on my bed. We started fooling around, things progressed quite quickly. I grabbed for a condom and she was like "What are you doing?" I replied "umm condom" she says "you don't need one of those, I never use them. It doesn't feel as good." I put my pants back on, told her to get dressed and took her home.

Haven't heard a word from her since.

Exactly dude. I was foolin around with this chick, super drunk, went for a condom and remembered I had taken it out of my wallet, so I was all like, "do you have a condom"? She was all "no, but its ok, just dont cum." Fuck that shit, if a chick doesn't care if you use a condom or not, you know shes dirty. She went from like a 10 to a 5 just by that comment. She was hella sexy, but to me, alot more goes into judging a girl (even just one night stands) than just looks, and I dont really like to hook up with slutty, dirty chicks, condom or not. I was real polite about it though, was like "nah, i dont do that". But she got really pissy about me not fucking her, so she asked me to give her a ride home, but i was drunk, so I told her in the morning. She decided to call a cab, and she waited outside for like an hour but the cab never showed. So I ended up giving her a ride home in the morning. Awkward drive. And the bitch still has my hoodie.