View Full Version : Letterman: A-rod top ten messages on answering machine

02-10-2009, 10:07 PM
LOL: top ten messages left on a-rods message machine

10. "Hey, it's Mark McGwire. Want to get together this week and not talk about the past?"

9. "Joe Torre here -- thanks for helping book sales"

8. "Could you find a steroid that keeps you from choking in the playoffs?"

7. "Are you worried this will taint all the championships you didn't win?"

6. "It's Bernie Madoff. Nice try but I'm still the most hated man in New York"

5. "Michael Phelps here. Got any snacks?"

4. "This is Sammy Sosa. Just pretend you don't speak English"

3. "Michael Phelps again. Did I call you or did you call me?"

2. "Hey, it's Rod Blagojevich -- I'll say you're innocent, if you say I am"

1. "It's Madonna. You got a phone number for Jeter?"

02-10-2009, 11:08 PM

+1 for micheal phelps, I bet he wishes he still had all those free keloggs cereal products from his sponsorships, because everyone knows cereal = best munchie foodstuffs.

02-10-2009, 11:23 PM
saw this on sportscenter. Shit was too funny