View Full Version : Should I send this or not?

02-03-2009, 08:11 AM
(These are parts the company I work for makes not my own)
Got a super lo-ball offer from someone, thought it was a typo and then got this back.

I don't mean to lo-ball you and mean no disrespect but that is even higher than what I really should offer in this state of economy...

So I came up with this but dont know if its too much?

No not at all, and I mean no disrespect but here is something to think about....
So because this economy isn't in the best of shape right now, that changes the fact that we use CNC laser and CNC metal brakes to produce that part? And what would you really like to offer us for such a part? You know you should check into the cost of the equipment I mentioned above and then figure out what it would cost to buy those machines, produce the part, pay for advertising to promote that part and then get back to me about what you would have to sell it for to make any headway..........then reconsider your offer.

02-03-2009, 09:14 AM
Nope, sounds douchey. Don't send.

02-03-2009, 09:16 AM
It sounds like a butthurt and unprofessional response if I'm honest. Tell him that you appreciate the offer, but cannot accept due to the cost of equipment, labor and materials. In this economy, it's very important to not only be professional, but also honest with your customers. If you want to sell to him just tell him that if he still wants the parts, you MAY be able to work out a price that works for everyone.

02-03-2009, 09:19 AM
it sounds like a butthurt and unprofessional response if i'm honest. Tell him that you appreciate the offer, but cannot accept due to the cost of equipment, labor and materials. In this economy, it's very important to not only be professional, but also honest with your customers. If you want to sell to him just tell him that if he still wants the parts, you may be able to work out a price that works for everyone.


02-03-2009, 09:29 AM
Definitely too much butt hurt and not enough funny.

Keep it simple, for example:

How about NO.....you twat.

02-03-2009, 09:50 AM
Definitely too much butt hurt and not enough funny.

Keep it simple, for example:

How about NO.....you twat.

that would work if this were some cragslist punk. but its a customer for a professional business.. i suggest to restructure it but still keeping the key points of your reply just like WagDatto stated; thats if you want to stay professional. but if hes being a dick about it, hit the send button. lol

02-03-2009, 09:57 AM
I would not do it if I were doing it in the name of the company...
Now, if this was some other online posting, from Zilvia or CL or somewhere like that, I would set his ass on fire with my response. I would also include that if his concerns are about the economy as his reasoning for offering what he apparently knows is a too-low offer, then perhaps he should rethink even spending ANY money for the time being.
But, don't do it if it is for work. Just decline his offer.

02-03-2009, 10:03 AM
Since it's a professional interaction, I'd politely decline, perhaps stating something about how the economy is affecting all of us, including yourself, and you can't afford to sell for so little.

02-03-2009, 10:05 AM
yeah, just decline it respectfully. customer service is a big part of a company, you dont want a bad rep for yours.

02-03-2009, 11:13 AM
Word, yeah now that ive went to lunch and sat on it for a while im not as pissed. Ive found that lately if I don't jump down someones throat right off the bat and THINK about it for a while its works out better lol thanks for the comments!

It sounds like a butthurt and unprofessional response if I'm honest. Tell him that you appreciate the offer, but cannot accept due to the cost of equipment, labor and materials. In this economy, it's very important to not only be professional, but also honest with your customers. If you want to sell to him just tell him that if he still wants the parts, you MAY be able to work out a price that works for everyone. Thank you sir!

02-03-2009, 11:18 AM
wow that is one of the worse responses to a client you can give.. you are basically telling him to find another provider..if your boss or whoever you work for saw that.. you will not be asking this on zilvia and will be packing your shit up and preparing your wait on the unemployment line..

02-03-2009, 11:24 AM
wow that is one of the worse responses to a client you can give.. you are basically telling him to find another provider..if your boss or whoever you work for saw that.. you will not be asking this on zilvia and will be packing your shit up and preparing your wait on the unemployment line..I doubt that.....and im not posting prices but the offer was fucking ridiculous. Maybe I get so pissed off because I have never lo-balled anyone on anything in my life. Never asked for a discount or a "is that the best price you can do" bullshit. It really gets under my skin when people try and pull this shit.

02-03-2009, 11:53 AM
I'm all about offering lower than advertised, that's how an economy like ours works. Supply and demand. If I can shave even $5 off the top, I'm doing good for myself. Not to say that I'd LOWBALL someone, which I consider to be a totally different thing altogether. I do keep in mind that people have to design and process things, and it's not a cheap labor, regardless of the product, but knowing that typical markup on things is approximately 50% means I can afford to ask.

I'm not here to rip people off, and that goes both ways. When/if I'm able to give a discount to a deserving party, I do. It's how I get returning customers and good reviews, ya dig? But I wont bend over backwards for anybody, that's how you go OUT of business quickly. I expect the same from people. If I'm a loyal customer wanting to spend money, and you're a businessman looking to make money, let's get everybody taken care of.

02-03-2009, 12:21 PM
I'm all about offering lower than advertised, that's how an economy like ours works. Supply and demand. If I can shave even $5 off the top, I'm doing good for myself. Not to say that I'd LOWBALL someone, which I consider to be a totally different thing altogether. I do keep in mind that people have to design and process things, and it's not a cheap labor, regardless of the product, but knowing that typical markup on things is approximately 50% means I can afford to ask.

I'm not here to rip people off, and that goes both ways. When/if I'm able to give a discount to a deserving party, I do. It's how I get returning customers and good reviews, ya dig? But I wont bend over backwards for anybody, that's how you go OUT of business quickly. I expect the same from people. If I'm a loyal customer wanting to spend money, and you're a businessman looking to make money, let's get everybody taken care of.
Oh I totally agree, in this case it wasn't one of our pricier parts and like I said the offer was just stupid. Now someone who orders a few things and gets a good total together I am more than happy to help them out. Its the people that want a discount off of nothing that suck.

Andrew Bohan
02-03-2009, 02:09 PM
it's not production or R&D cost that ultimately determines price.

if enough other people are willing to pay the price you want, then that's a good price.

if no one is willing to pay it, then it's too high, regardless of what goes into producing it.

02-03-2009, 02:58 PM
OP, you have a name to uphold. By sending a response like that it makes your company look bad.

Just because he is a broke fuck and doesn't have his priorities straight doesn't mean it should affect you.

Tell him sorry but you can't accept his offer.

If he wants to buy it from you for the price that is stated, then fine.

If he doesn't, fine.

02-03-2009, 03:20 PM
OP, you have a name to uphold. By sending a response like that it makes your company look bad.

Just because he is a broke fuck and doesn't have his priorities straight doesn't mean it should affect you.

Tell him sorry but you can't accept his offer.

If he wants to buy it from you for the price that is stated, then fine.

If he doesn't, fine.I pretty much did, a nice and courteous "no thanks" to your offer.

+1 on the broke fuck part :w00t:

02-04-2009, 08:33 AM
Professionalism at all times possible my good sir is the proper way to do business

02-04-2009, 08:37 AM
Screw 'em. Jerks. Sucks that you even got low-balled. Nothing sucks more than a person who is serious about low-balling everyone

02-04-2009, 09:22 AM
whats he trying to buy anyways

02-04-2009, 09:30 AM
We make an aluminum skid plate for the new GTO that replaces the factory steel one. Mostly for drag racing as it takes 10lbs off the nose of the car.

02-04-2009, 11:17 AM
basically" Due to current economic situations and cost, we can not offer the item at a lower price. Thank you." ..... cause we gotta eat too! lol < leave that out

something like that =D

seriously, it sucks because when people dont get their way, they tend to turn to someone else for business and badmouth you. Its a loose loose situation.
My old job had raised their prices up due to the cost of gas inflating in the last few years and people left and right stopped going to us.

everyone is trying to save or make the most money because we all got to eat...

02-04-2009, 11:37 AM
We make an aluminum skid plate for the new GTO that replaces the factory steel one. Mostly for drag racing as it takes 10lbs off the nose of the car.

I'm just gonna cut mine up. free and effective :)

If he is concerned about price so much, why would he be spending that much money on a part that will offer him no real noticeable gain?

02-04-2009, 11:46 AM
I'm just gonna cut mine up. free and effective :)

If he is concerned about price so much, why would he be spending that much money on a part that will offer him no real noticeable gain?Cause thats how lo-ballers do! :rofl:

and after I sent him the "Well I appreciate the offer, but cannot accept due to the cost of equipment, labor and materials" I have yet to get a response. Like HyperTek said, hes prolly all butthurt now and badmouthing us to friends and such.

02-04-2009, 12:38 PM
Cause thats how lo-ballers do! :rofl:

and after I sent him the "Well I appreciate the offer, but cannot accept due to the cost of equipment, labor and materials" I have yet to get a response. Like HyperTek said, hes prolly all butthurt now and badmouthing us to friends and such.

haha to all his broke ass friends that won't buy shit either.:rolleyes: