View Full Version : car audio ?: how to make bass blockers

02-24-2003, 06:03 PM
I am running JBL 6.5s up front and polk 4x6s in back and a 10 in the trunk, i want to eliminate the "rattles/distortion" from up front and rear, i was thinking about cutting the 4x6s off at about 300hz, no idea on the 6.5s though, maybe 200-250hz? any suggestions? thanks

also can i make a bass blocker myself with a trip to radioshack?

02-24-2003, 06:13 PM
yeah, you will need a 150hz for the 6 1/2, I would think that radio shack will have what you need, make sure they will handle the watts going thru them to. Cruthfield sells these to if you didn't know, they are $10 a pair.

02-24-2003, 06:16 PM
yah i just figured i could go to radioshack and slap em together for cheaper instead of buying online. but i want to know how they work and how to make them, so i can set up 150hz for the front and 300 for the rear (crutchfield recommends this for my 4x6)

02-24-2003, 06:32 PM
I will be doing this soon myself, I got speakers and a mp3 player coming soon, and I will be using the bass blockers, I would think somebody at radio shack could tell you how to make it work, if not, guess I will get them from Crutchfield.

02-25-2003, 01:43 AM
They are just capacitors but there is a certain value that will only work for a 12v 4ohm speaker system. More than likely it will be in the microfarads for mids.

02-25-2003, 05:35 PM

=website with what farad rating to use to block what frequency, very helpful. you can check on www.crutchfield.com to see what frequency cutoff they recommend for your speakers. should this be archived?

02-26-2003, 12:01 PM
dude just go buy some at circuit city. i think i paid 5 bucks for a pair of 2.