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12-09-2008, 12:15 AM
YouTube - CELL PHONE (FBI can listen to you when phone is turned off) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0G1fNjK9SXg&eurl=http://bulletins.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=bulletin.read&authorID=5776093&messageID=6244542388&MyToken=&feature=player_embedded)
Like seriously wtf? The losses of our freedoms are becoming a reality, and fast. What else are they doing that we dont know about to infringe upon our privacy? And does anyone know how to disable it?

12-09-2008, 12:35 AM
wow, wonder if thats for real?


touge monster
12-09-2008, 12:43 AM
And does anyone know how to disable it?

Take the battery out? LOL
did you even watch the video?
It's the last thing he says.

12-09-2008, 12:45 AM
supposedly they can use your gps tracking on your cell to turn on the mic even if the phone is off...... only way to disable is to remove the batt., fukin big brother is always listening is now a reality... wtf. fukin feds....

12-09-2008, 12:47 AM
i watched the story on cnn... don't know if i trust the media though. everyone is owned by everyone so to speak these days
They can watch and listen to you 24/7 without a warrant because of the patriot act. go and buy a new car and put 10k down and you have to sign a patriot act agreement. Hell we torture and kill people nowadays for fun. just look at guantonimo bay prison in Cuba.
Shit is outa control.

12-09-2008, 01:00 AM
Honestly, I try to use as many red flag words in my phone calls as I can. Bomb, 9/11, president, allah, nuke, plutonium, president bush, anthrax, terror...

Eventually, I figure they'll just ignore my shit because they know what I'm doing.

12-09-2008, 01:10 AM
LOL wow. . just like eagle eye

12-09-2008, 01:23 AM
Honestly, I try to use as many red flag words in my phone calls as I can. Bomb, 9/11, president, allah, nuke, plutonium, president bush, anthrax, terror...

Eventually, I figure they'll just ignore my shit because they know what I'm doing.

I use to do that all the time to freak out my girl and a couple friends that were all into conspiracy theories.

To the OP, guessing you haven't heard of the Patriot Act. :fruit:
Shit has been happening for quite sometime now with people actually knowing it's happening. I'm sure it's been happening way before even people really suspected it.

touge monster
12-09-2008, 01:43 AM
Shit has been happening for quite sometime now with people actually knowing it's happening. I'm sure it's been happening way before even people really suspected it.

Yeah, every once in a while they'll have a scoop on it. I remember watching one similar to the one posted a few years back.

Since my phone is not US made, does that still apply to me?

12-09-2008, 01:53 AM
It's FOX, since when are they credible...

I'm not worried anyways, I don't have any information worth hearing.

they can do basically anything and say it was for national security...

the government wants people to believe they are free and a democracy ( rule by the people ). The cold hard truth is, the government gets away with so much, and nobody has the balls to stand up.. when it's the people they should be scared of.

who here is gonna stop paying their Income Tax? No law saying you have to, another thing when you send in your information, you are supposed to receive information back on what they did with the taxes... what does the Income Tax go towards?

When the IRS can take away everything you own, including freezing your bank accounts.

It's FEAR that control the people

12-09-2008, 02:04 AM
The system's not perfect by any stretch of the imagination... but damnit, I'd rather be an american then anything else... Patriotism is a love for ones country, not necessarily one's government. I dont agree with alot of what the government is doing, especially after 9/11. But the people let it happen. There were no mass protests, there were no marches on washington, there were no petitions, nothing... The American people have gotten complacent.

"Oh, I feel bad about blah blah, but I'm busy, thats hard work, blah blah. Someone else can do something about it"

There isnt always a someone else. People need to learn that they have to sacrifice some things in order to get more important things done. But they're content in their little dream world, living from paycheck to paycheck, waiting for the next distraction...

It pisses me off sometimes to think how much we, as a people, have let ourselves down. But thats how it is... We've become dependent on the government to spoon feed us, make us fat, give us money, and let them do what ever it is they do.

12-09-2008, 02:06 AM
i dont care, if it helps stop a few dumbfucks out there, so be it.. same with cameras everywhere. Long as you dont get in trouble for lil petty shit.

Sometimes people need to be checked in line..gays requesting same benefits as married couples, illegal immigrants requesting benefits.. etc etc. Sometimes there needs to be a limit to all this lmao.. otherwise one day man will be married to goats etc etc... I know this shit dont go along with the cell phone thing, but I just think the individuality of people sometimes needs to be limited.

12-09-2008, 02:36 AM
if you think this is bad, you should hear about the plan to plant chips inside drivers licenses and having security checkpoints :cough Hitler Era cough:.

newer passports already contain RFID chips

I'm not saying the Government is bad, but they keep a lot from us they shouldn't and that's just the stuff we know about.

12-09-2008, 02:52 AM
There is gunna be so many more hackers out there tryin' to hack some crazy shit and rig up some online society that listens to people and tracks their boyfriends and girlfriends convo's through the mics in their cell phones, finding out they are cheating on each other oh man this shit is gunna be insane in the future.

I can't wait...

12-09-2008, 03:25 AM
1.) it's Fox News
2.) it's not even the full story, it's cut off with the fear mongering text at the end
3.) it's on youtube
4.) if you believe loose change then go ahead and get worked up about this too, because you're fucking retarded

12-09-2008, 04:01 AM
Dont hate on your country until youve lived somewhere else. i am living in another country right now and i cant wait to come back. you dont know how good you have it until its gone.

12-09-2008, 04:13 AM
lol no big deal. it is very unlikely you are on FBI's list and they would pay a guy $70k a year to figure out wtf you were talking about.

Koopa Troopa
12-09-2008, 06:58 AM
Ever heard the song "Every Home a Prison" by Cold Cut?

12-09-2008, 07:35 AM
Honestly, I try to use as many red flag words in my phone calls as I can. Bomb, 9/11, president, allah, nuke, plutonium, president bush, anthrax, terror...

Eventually, I figure they'll just ignore my shit because they know what I'm doing.

You should mix in a little drug talk as well, even if you're just like talking about breakfast or something completely other.

12-09-2008, 08:34 AM
Honestly, I try to use as many red flag words in my phone calls as I can. Bomb, 9/11, president, allah, nuke, plutonium, president bush, anthrax, terror...

Eventually, I figure they'll just ignore my shit because they know what I'm doing.

Nice job, Zilvia is now probably on the watch list.

12-09-2008, 08:40 AM
Nice job, Zilvia is now probably on the watch list.

Like we weren't already on the watch list after election season?

12-09-2008, 09:03 AM
Does not surpirse me in the least.
Like said before, you really shouldn't have a reason to worry about it. And if you DO worry about it, you might just have a reason. Are you some type of criminal?
I don't have anything that I need to hide from the government. They can listen to my calls all day. I don't care.

Ans speaking of Big Brother sort of stuff, think about this.

Google Earth/Maps.

You have used it I bet. Look at how close you can zoom into anything. You can even go along certain streets.
Now, take that technology and think what the GOVERNMENT has. It has got to be 1ox better than what Google has... and they can do it real time I bet.


bottom Line - It IS kind of "shitty" that our privacy is so limited, but if you have nothing to hide, don't worry about it.

12-09-2008, 09:19 AM
also, as an example,

Let's say that there were a pair of guys. Guy X and guy Y.
Guy X and Y are having a cell phone conversation that contains immediate plans to blow up the city that YOU and your family live in. No bullshit. They have vans packed with "problems" to let loose on the city.
Now, unknown to many, There is a team of government agents listening to every single word that is being said and they, at the drop of a hat, send dozens of members right to that city and narrow in on guy X and guy Y.
Suddenly, the van with both those gentleman is seized and taken over by the government agents and Guy X and guy Y are now captured and nobody even knows this happened. The news media never gets word of it. Nobody. Nothing.

You go on living your life as if nothing happened and as if your entire life was just about to end because a couple bad guys were about to have a field day.

You go home and talk to your girlfriend on the phone and have little arguments about whose house you will go to for Christmas this year.

The End.

Is this so bad now?
Can you understand the good side of it?

12-09-2008, 09:53 AM
I cant understand the good side brian, can you explain? as if I were 6?

12-09-2008, 09:54 AM
i watched the story on cnn... don't know if i trust the media though. everyone is owned by everyone so to speak these days
They can watch and listen to you 24/7 without a warrant because of the patriot act. go and buy a new car and put 10k down and you have to sign a patriot act agreement. Hell we torture and kill people nowadays for fun. just look at guantonimo bay prison in Cuba.
Shit is outa control.

[/QUOTE]The Bank Secrecy Act of 1970 requires banks to report cash transactions of $10,000.01 or more. The Money Laundering Control Act of 1986 further defined money laundering as a federal crime. The USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 expanded the scope of prior laws to more types of financial institutions, added a focus on terrorist financing, and specified that financial institutions take specific actions to "know your customer" (KYC).[/QUOTE]
Money laundering - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Money_laundering)
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_Crimes_Enforcement_Network)

You have had to sign that form way before 2001. 1970 was to stop the Mobsters. 1986 was for all the drug dealers and 2001 was for terrorism. Nothing new..

USA PATRIOT Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USA_PATRIOT_Act)

Still need a search warrant to listen to your voice mail or follow more stringent wiretap laws to listen to your phone.
FBI taps cell phone mic as eavesdropping tool - CNET News (http://news.cnet.com/2100-1029_3-6140191.html)

12-09-2008, 11:29 AM
I cant understand the good side brian, can you explain? as if I were 6?

Hmmm, are you being sarcastic?:tinhat:

12-09-2008, 11:35 AM
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:Like we weren't already on the watch list after election season?

RaceBred 17
12-09-2008, 11:45 AM
I take it you all have seen zietgiest ? Dont worry about, if someone really cared they would be in politics trying to change the system. Not caring what kind of theories and government secrets are being posted on the internet. They would be looking for real truth and looking for solid evedince when it comes to these types of things.

12-09-2008, 01:36 PM
Take the battery out? LOL
did you even watch the video?
It's the last thing he says.
No shit, but a cell phone with no battery is useless to me. iirc there is some way to disable the gps.
Also while on the topic of the whole gps thing, you that you cannot use it to track your phone via phone company? I work for sprint and when people lose their phones they want to find it via gps, but we cant do that... so on phones that dont have gps, the tracker is strictly for government use.

Does not surpirse me in the least.
Like said before, you really shouldn't have a reason to worry about it. And if you DO worry about it, you might just have a reason. Are you some type of criminal?
I don't have anything that I need to hide from the government. They can listen to my calls all day. I don't care.

No I have no reason to be worried about them listening in, but thats not the point. The point is the progression of the loss of our privacy's and eventual loss of our freedoms.

12-09-2008, 01:41 PM
I understand that.
It will progress more and more and more.

All they have to do is put it up on the news... "USA in fear of attack".
We'll all freak out. We'll give unlimited power to the government.

I understand it. It makes sense.
I've VERY convinced that our nation would be MUCH better off right now if the news channels spent just ONE week saying that the economy is ok. Suddenly, people will spend money again and people won't lose jobs. Really simple stuff...

RFIDs... and all that.
Ralph's club cards. rewards cards. all that crap.
Just another way for higher ups to get a detailed picture of EXACTLY who you are. Not only will they know WHO you are, but they will know your spending habits. What you like to eat. What you like to drink. It's all there in a nice neat little package.

12-09-2008, 01:51 PM
Criminals are too sophisticated to get caught like this.

It's probably just used to sell information to marketers.

12-09-2008, 02:06 PM
I understand that.

I understand it. It makes sense.
I've VERY convinced that our nation would be MUCH better off right now if the news channels spent just ONE week saying that the economy is ok. Suddenly, people will spend money again and people won't lose jobs. Really simple stuff...

100 percent true. The number one perpetuator (not a real word but using it anyways) of the poor economic conditions is the media. Seriously, by them saying "economy bad, recession, worst economic crisis, ect" all their really comunicating is " dont spend your money, keep the economy shitty" contrary to popular beleif, the economic downfall is not due to lack of money in the economy. There is a shit ton of money. Its due to the lack of movement of money.

steve shadows
12-09-2008, 02:17 PM
Free what? where do I get it?


12-09-2008, 02:26 PM
100 percent true. The number one perpetuator (not a real word but using it anyways) of the poor economic conditions is the media. Seriously, by them saying "economy bad, recession, worst economic crisis, ect" all their really comunicating is " dont spend your money, keep the economy shitty" contrary to popular beleif, the economic downfall is not due to lack of money in the economy. There is a shit ton of money. Its due to the lack of movement of money.

Yes, I don't understand how people don't GET IT.

If I dont spend money, the guy at Shop X wont have income and he will go out of business. Then he wont have money to spend and I will eventually have to close my shop too.... people are the most stupid creatures around.