View Full Version : So something actually happend in Iowa... didnt say it was good

12-04-2008, 10:12 PM
So this 23 year old had sex with a 12 year old! I hope he gets assraped in prison for for the rest of his life!
Police Arrest Man In MySpace Sex Case - Des Moines News Story - KCCI Des Moines (http://www.kcci.com/news/18204793/detail.html)

yota man
12-04-2008, 10:18 PM
Wow! Just wow. A 12 year old. Really? Guys like this should get life sentences, like legit "you're never leaving jail alive" shit.

12-04-2008, 10:22 PM
Hoping he is sent to Iowa State maximum security, child molesters will get killed there.

12-04-2008, 10:26 PM
this shit has happened before. and even though im going to get flamed hear me out..
these young girls LIE about their age like crazy. and girls are starting to look older then they really are too. i know i 14 year old who looks like she could be 22. A lot of these dudes get tricked into sex and then end up paying for it because the bitch lies. Theres no consequence to the girl if she does this, just the guy. /end rant

12-04-2008, 10:36 PM
this shit has happened before. and even though im going to get flamed hear me out..
these young girls LIE about their age like crazy. and girls are starting to look older then they really are too. i know i 14 year old who looks like she could be 22. A lot of these dudes get tricked into sex and then end up paying for it because the bitch lies. Theres no consequence to the girl if she does this, just the guy. /end rant

true that!

bitches lie about there age all the time.
young girls want to be older.
old girls want to be younger.

and who gets blamed? WE DO.

i dont advocate smashin 12 year olds, and maybe this guy knew she was 12, but there are tons of high school chicks who look and act and blah blah like they are older. even when you ask what there age is, they lie. fucking bitches. FUCK.

12-04-2008, 10:41 PM
true that!

bitches lie about there age all the time.
young girls want to be older.
old girls want to be younger.

and who gets blamed? WE DO.

i dont advocate smashin 12 year olds, and maybe this guy knew she was 12, but there are tons of high school chicks who look and act and blah blah like they are older. even when you ask what there age is, they lie. fucking bitches. FUCK.

Dude 12 is sixth grade... you would be able to tell

12-04-2008, 10:54 PM
wheres the pedobear?

12-04-2008, 11:00 PM
this shit has happened before. and even though im going to get flamed hear me out..
these young girls LIE about their age like crazy. and girls are starting to look older then they really are too. i know i 14 year old who looks like she could be 22. A lot of these dudes get tricked into sex and then end up paying for it because the bitch lies. Theres no consequence to the girl if she does this, just the guy. /end rant

AMEN, screw these girls, figuratively and litterally.

If you're 12 years old, and you get on Myspace and you want to be "older" and cool, and want a sex video like Paris Hilton and seduce guys to F**K your brains out...you should be the one in trouble.

When I was 12, didn't freaking go online and seduced woman to have sex with me. I was like riding my bike and BUYING X-MEN CARDS AND COLLECTING MARVEL COMICS AND SHIT. These girls F**K em.

12-04-2008, 11:02 PM
Dude 12 is sixth grade... you would be able to tell

Dude, I've met Asian women who are like 25 and looked like 15.
You cannot tell! These girls think they are women with make up and whore clothing. What is a guy suppose to do?? Looks is decieving.

6th graders....Have you SEEN these six graders now a days???
New law should state: "if you're dumb enough to do it, it's your fault."
If you're like 12-15 years old, and don't have the sense to not let R-Kelly pee on you, you should just give up now.

And where the hell is Chris Hansen!?

Jimmy Up
12-05-2008, 12:29 AM
Umm, 12 man. Thats 2 years older than 10...

Thats pretty ridiculous to say you cant tell.

12-05-2008, 03:16 AM
whats wrong with ppl these days?

seriously 12!

death sentence! nuff said...

12-05-2008, 04:17 AM
Get em before the hair does!!!!!!!!!!!!


okay maybe not....

So, my girlfriend broke up with me the other day once she learned I was a pedophile. I told her "pedophile" was a pretty big word for an 8 year old.


But wait, if there is grass on the field....play ball!


Im done now.


In all seriousness.... pedos should have their junk cut off and fed to them. THEN...
tie em up to a chair. Twist up a good ol wet bath towel.....stuff it down their throat..make em swallow just enough to where there is about a foot hanging out their month. After about 4 hours when the stomach starts digesting the towel....yank out the towel. Out come their inards before their very eyes and they die a horrible death

12-05-2008, 04:17 AM
Umm, 12 man. Thats 2 years older than 10...

Thats pretty ridiculous to say you cant tell.

I've met a girl who was my cousins bestfriend, the first time I met, I could have fucking sworn shes atleast 20. Gave her the "imma smash that look" thats untill my cousin introduced me to her and was told shes 13.

Whats sad is a year later, she got pregnant and had a kid right around when she turned 15. How gay is that? Someobody else beat me to the punch!!! :rolleyes:

12-05-2008, 08:57 AM
i always ask for ID...

WHo am I kidding I dont. But damnit I can tell the difference between a 12 year old and an 18 year old.