View Full Version : Studying Abroad? (serious)

11-27-2008, 12:53 PM
Why did I add the (serious) tag? Because in the other forums the off topic chat is strictly joking unless you add the tag and now it is habit :-).

So I'm applying for the major Radiation Therapy this year for next year Fall semester. Only 14 people get in a year. But I realize that I only want to do this major for the easy guaranteed money. So I figured, why not explore the world, cultures, etc before I step foot into a major and might not even like and see if there are better things out there.

Has anyone ever Studied Abroad before? What did you like about it? What did you hate about it? Was it fun? Was it annoying being around others who don't speak your language?

Anyone study in Japan or Italy? Those are my two choices right now.

Fat Felix
11-27-2008, 01:06 PM
One of my biggest regrets of my undergrad is not studying abroad. The main thing that held me back was having to take out more loans, but I realize now that money can be earned and repaid while the memories, knowledge, and experience from such a trip would be much more difficult to gain in the future.

11-27-2008, 01:11 PM
I didn't have the money to do study abroad, but from what I heard its like the best experience> I had a couple of good friends that did a France Study Abroad, Germany Abroad. I go to Japan like 3 times a year, so for me its a study abroad. I think you will learn about culture and get a lot of language. THese study abroad programs where during when I was in my MBA, so they visited businesses and talk to people.

One thing I think you should really check on is HOW the program is setup. The teacher who leads the program makes the MOST difference.... So check up on that because the school doesn't setup the curriculmn, the teacher does....

11-27-2008, 01:12 PM
friends just got back from south africa after spending a month there. said it was a great experience. they worked for planned parenthood.

11-27-2008, 01:12 PM
One of my biggest regrets of my undergrad is not studying abroad. The main thing that held me back was having to take out more loans, but I realize now that money can be earned and repaid while the memories, knowledge, and experience from such a trip would be much more difficult to gain in the future.

I would have my associates degree by then (I get it in May 09'.) My friend just told me that she paid $15,000 for one semester to go to Italy. That's a lot of money which got me second thinking it. But it is such an experience. I don't know. :-P

11-27-2008, 01:14 PM
I had one friend go to Taiwan, and another to Italy, both said it was worth the money. That you get to learn alot about the culture and you meet alot of new people. I'm currently trying to work on trying this for the summer, hopefully Japan.

11-27-2008, 01:20 PM
I had one friend go to Taiwan, and another to Italy, both said it was worth the money. That you get to learn alot about the culture and you meet alot of new people. I'm currently trying to work on trying this for the summer, hopefully Japan.

Yeah, I don't know if I want to do a summer or a whole semester. I feel like I would want to do the semester so I get a longer stay and can experience the culture more. This is a hard choice; leave everything behind, go to a new country and be in debt for a while or stay home.

11-27-2008, 03:08 PM
Do the programs specify which city/town in Japan or Italy? Between the two, Italy would be my first choice hands down. It's typically more affordable than Japan, it's easy to travel to other surrounding countries, and well imo Italy has some of nicest, friendliest people in the world. The Japanese in larger cities like Tokyo can be a bit cold, even if courteous to non-Japanese.

It's a wonderful opportunity. You should really look into it further. This is something you don't get to do too often in life. It will be pretty much impossible when you have a career and/or family. go for it. wish I did the same, and now I regret it very much.

Oh and whichever place you decide to go, be sure to learn some of the local language before you go. In my experience English alone was difficult to get by in both Japan and Italy. My then beginner's (and now non-existant) Spanish didn't work too well in Italy either.

11-27-2008, 07:21 PM
I say do it.

But be sure you're the right person to undertake something like this.

The first step is to go talk to your student counselor. You can't just pick a school overseas, pack your bags, and transfer everything over after 3-6 months.

Most universities and colleges in the States partner with specific schools abroad to ensure proper transfer and accreditation of school performance to avoid this.

Also, studying abroad is EXPENSIVE. Not only will tuition be higher because you're an international student, but a lot of your financial aid will not transfer to overseas institutions.

Also, Europe and Japan are a lot more expensive than the States. Even though you can get by if you know you're way around, cost of living is generally higher in Europe and Japan.

Northern Italy in particular is rather expensive. There's actually a big cultural divide between northern and southern Italy. Southern Italy is a lot more laid back and almost third worldly where as the north tends to be more refined and stiff.

Unfortunately, the really good schools in Italy are in the north. We're talking about cities like Milan, Venice, Florence, Pisa, Genoa. The region is home to some of the richest brands in the world like Gucci, Armani, D&C, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Bugatti. Don't expect to get into a lot of the really trendy establishment unless you're wearing at least a $1,500 designer suit.

Basically, unless you're independently wealthy, check your financial resources before proceeding.

Do you have a significant other. 3-6 months apart can be a long time for some people, and many relationships don't pass the test. Perhaps it doesn't apply in your case, but if it does think long and hard about your decision.

All that having been said, if you still decide to do it, be prepared for some awesome times and memories of a lifetime.

Like the time I met that stripper in Malta because my brother bailed out on me at a bar that was selling $0.75 buy-one-get-one-free vodka shots...

Or like the time I took the subway through half of London for shits and giggles. Tokyo may cram more passengers into their trains, and New York may have meaner thugs, but in terms eclecticism, nothing beats London. Punks with 2 foot high pink Mohawks standing next to bankers wearing designer suits, next to a lady wearing a burkha, next to whatever.


And, of course, FOOTBALL! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsizQdNKhGg)

P.S. Come in the Summer. Traversing all those windy streets inebriated is a lot more comfortable when it's warm outside and everybody's in a good mood.

11-27-2008, 07:25 PM
im planning on doing study abroad in japan for my 4th year. it works out perfectly because im an international studies major and it fulfills part of my requirements to graduate. plus they say that studying abroad is the same or if not a little bit more expensive than what you pay if your not studying abroad

11-28-2008, 01:07 AM
im planning on doing study abroad in japan for my 4th year. it works out perfectly because im an international studies major and it fulfills part of my requirements to graduate. plus they say that studying abroad is the same or if not a little bit more expensive than what you pay if your not studying abroad

hey micus, a little off topic, but do you know where to do interships for international studies?

11-28-2008, 02:24 AM
i think it is a cool idea but not gonna help your career too much. Health profession ischools are expensive, and maybe you want pursuit higher degree such as BS or MS in the future. If money could be an issue, maybe you should be more conservative..... now even school loans are really hard to get.

11-29-2008, 10:28 PM
i think it is a cool idea but not gonna help your career too much. Health profession ischools are expensive, and maybe you want pursuit higher degree such as BS or MS in the future. If money could be an issue, maybe you should be more conservative..... now even school loans are really hard to get.

I also want to learn about cultures and the experience would just be amazing. I haven't done that much in my life and this would be amazing. Plus, I wouldn't have time to do something like this later on in my life.