View Full Version : FL FS/FT XBOX360 Arcade....Will ship

11-26-2008, 12:34 PM
I'm selling my XBOX 360. Its in perfect working condition. No red rings, no flaws, nothing. I never play it because I only play my PS3 and I have no games for it. http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/images/smilies/frown.gif

Its the arcade version so no hard drive.

-XBOX 360 Console w/ all wiring.
-Wireless controller
-No games, harddrive, etc..
-I'm still looking for the box so may or may not be included.

Looking for $135. Sells for $160+ tax on Gamestop.com for the same setup used.

Pics upon request.


-PS3 games
-Blu-Ray Movies
-Anything that fits an 07 WRX
-HID's for 98 S14 or S14 aftermarket parts

11-26-2008, 02:16 PM
check my 4 sale thread-
if you see anything you want to trade for- let me know- I can ship out asap-

11-28-2008, 12:06 AM
Still FS. OBO guys.

12-01-2008, 06:14 PM
Final Bump