View Full Version : Pilgrims and Indians... not anymore.

11-25-2008, 12:01 PM
Claremont parents clash over kindergarten Thanksgiving costumes - Los Angeles Times (http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-thanksgiving25-2008nov25,0,1458033.story)

A community is divided.
Should the small children be allowed to dress up as pilgrims and Indians that come together for a feast? Some say yes of course. Some say, no way in hell.


11-25-2008, 12:11 PM
why does it seem like every story lately about someone bitching about nothing is from cali. you people need to grow some thicker skin..

11-25-2008, 12:15 PM
Says the dude from America's Hat.


11-25-2008, 12:15 PM
its not just CA, its the USA we are a bunch of whiney wimps. its kinda sad, anything offends everyone.

11-25-2008, 12:15 PM
Get the hell over it. Im sick and tired of all this politically correct liberal bullshit.

Pilgrims and indians having a feast. Isnt that the traditional school play? I know I did one.

We're going to end up being so politically correct in the future that we will have no holidays, no traditions, no culture. It makes me sick to think about shit like this.

11-25-2008, 12:17 PM
that's stupid.

i remember dressing up as an indian for thanksgiving for a indian/pilgrim feast in kindergarten and i turned out just fine. i had no false images or stereotypes in my thoughts at the time to make me think negative of indians or pilgrims otherwise.

11-25-2008, 12:17 PM
I hate this kind of shit. Its infecting all of California.

If i were in charge, i'd say fuck it.

I'll make it true to life. You can't complain if you're teaching them the truth, right?

Indian Slave Year!
Mexican Slaughtering Week!
Chinese Railroad Oppression!

Seriously, if they don't like it, keep your kid at home for the day. Done.

11-25-2008, 12:20 PM
Don't worry guys, "CHANGE".

Anyways, I agree with what has been said so far. USA and CA specifically seems to be so far up their own asses, that they don't even see reality anymore.

I'm wwaiting for the day I can bitch about anything to do with having European ancestory.
In fact, I think I might just bitch this upcoming 4th of July. I'm sure some long lost European ancestors were killed in the revoltionary war. So, if you celebrate.... that is kinda racist... ;(

11-25-2008, 12:28 PM
once upon a time, the whiteman was taking land from indians.. now he dresses up his kids as indians lmao jk

Those people should go bitch about the cleveland indians and redsoxs lmao
Pretty soon, i wont be surprised if the discussion of meat like the turkey being the traditional thanksgiving feast being banned from schools etc.

The celebration of christmas is next!!! lol

11-25-2008, 12:31 PM
I think it's b/c there's just an overabundance of super self-righteous ppl and organizations (like CARB) in CA. for them, there's nothing more enjoyable than forcing their extremist opinions on others, even if for the most trivial of excuses.

It gives the rest of us here a bad name.

11-25-2008, 12:32 PM
Yeah, come to think of it, I don't know why Easter and Christmas haven't been banned yet from school... Well, christmas might have. I bet they have to say "happy holidays" instead.

11-25-2008, 12:32 PM
The celebration of christmas is next!!! lol

Next? That shits been going on for years now man. First person who says happy holidays to me is getting bitch slapped.

11-25-2008, 12:34 PM
Merry Christmas.

11-25-2008, 12:35 PM
Thank you. A Merry Christmas to you too!

11-25-2008, 12:39 PM
I dont see nothing wrong with this thread tho, dont see why california was brought up, people just shit on us I guess. This is a open forum and this topic is very debatable , even if it didnt happen in cali, theres nutjobs out here that would have brought up this issue anywhere.

Let the kids enjoy the holidays. We got to enjoy them as kids in school, Why take them away? Let the parents decide if they dont want to celebrate it in their homes, but it shouldnt be removed from school in my opinion. The kids get to bond and build relationships together... Makes them potentially better allowing them to socialize.

Probably all the poor parents not wanting their kids to wonder "Why did lil Bobby get this and that for thanksgiving and I didnt get anything?"

11-25-2008, 12:40 PM

The pussification of America.

11-25-2008, 12:41 PM
Im not gonna dog on Cali. I think its a beautiful state with alot of cool people... But then in the 60s the damn hippies had to go over there and fuck everything up with their radical ideas and free love and extensive drug use and shitty music... Well, not all of it. but alot of it.

And the beauty attracted the rich and famous... Cool, good for them. But half of them are either elitists or neo-hippies, driving prius' and telling the rest of america to stop polluting (see Al Gore) while using more energy then 4 regular families do in a year.

And do you ever watch that show the hills? My buddies gf watches that show all the fucking time... Is that what cali is like? No. But alot of people see that shit and think thats what everyone over there is like. That and the pussies. Its a terrible show btw lol.

I can honestly say, I blame most of this countries problems on the baby boomers.

11-25-2008, 12:43 PM
Exploit the children to impose our views and beliefs on others! I mean save the children so they can spread our self-centric views on others...

Aren't these people committing the same acts against their children that the Nazi's, slave owners, ect did by using them as pawns in this?

This is a peace ceremony. Not Cowboys and Indians. By saying this is wrong you are saying one group is better than the other. Where the purpose is to show they are equal.

11-25-2008, 12:45 PM
I dont see nothing wrong with this thread tho, dont see why california was brought up, people just shit on us I guess. This is a open forum and this topic is very debatable , even if it didnt happen in cali, theres nutjobs out here that would have brought up this issue anywhere.

Let the kids enjoy the holidays. We got to enjoy them as kids in school, Why take them away? Let the parents decide if they dont want to celebrate it in their homes, but it shouldnt be removed from school in my opinion. The kids get to bond and build relationships together... Makes them potentially better allowing them to socialize.

Probably all the poor parents not wanting their kids to wonder "Why did lil Bobby get this and that for thanksgiving and I didnt get anything?"
i brought it up because the last thread about people being overly sensitive was in cali too. i dont blame you guys, just seems like your neighbours are a bunch of sandy vaginas. maybe they slip something into your water lol.

11-25-2008, 12:49 PM

Are you referring to the thread I made about Basketball being banned in some parks. I think that was thread I made....

11-25-2008, 01:11 PM
that one and the prop 8 one also. it seems to be never ending unfortunatly..

11-25-2008, 01:12 PM
man this is a offtopic forum, anything goes lol
even pedobear threads lmao

11-25-2008, 01:14 PM
That cunt ass bitch is probably just on the rag or something. Give it a week. Either that, or she needs to get laid.

11-25-2008, 01:17 PM
ryguy - come on, contribute something at least SOMEWHAT mature.

11-25-2008, 01:22 PM
Im not gonna dog on Cali. I think its a beautiful state with alot of cool people... But then in the 60s the damn hippies had to go over there and fuck everything up with their radical ideas and free love and extensive drug use and shitty music... Well, not all of it. but alot of it.

And the beauty attracted the rich and famous... Cool, good for them. But half of them are either elitists or neo-hippies, driving prius' and telling the rest of america to stop polluting (see Al Gore) while using more energy then 4 regular families do in a year.

And do you ever watch that show the hills? My buddies gf watches that show all the fucking time... Is that what cali is like? No. But alot of people see that shit and think thats what everyone over there is like. That and the pussies. Its a terrible show btw lol.

I can honestly say, I blame most of this countries problems on the baby boomers.

I don't think it's fair to label the source of the problem to boomer and/or hippies. A lot of the so called parents who are making this fuss would be in later generations. The liberal movement in the 60's fought for civil rights for women and minorities, which were admirable and might have actually contributed to improvement in awareness and rights. free drugs and sex, I have no issue with at either lol. bad music, well that debatable.

What you see in this day and age is entirely different. I think the problem lies in the 3 groups.

First, it's people basically with no life stirring crap for the sake of publicity. civil rights isn't the reason. it's an excuse, and if it isn't that they could be quoting the bible, crying discrimination or some other topic. You also get a lot of calculating opportunists now and then who know who to capitalize off the civil courts, and institutions that have $ to give out.

Second, it's the media giving them attention they don't deserve. It reinforces their childish agendas further, but this cannot be helped really given the stuff we see.

Third, and probably most importantly, it's the civil courts and the frivolous lawsuits. Judges simply don't have common sense dealing with such matters, and it ends up hurting people. Civil courts are the main reason why imbeciles who complain about something as stupid as banning a thanksgiving celebration in schools, have as much power as the do.

Honestly I think civil courts, with the way they've been operating is the biggest liability in modern america.

11-25-2008, 01:26 PM
The whole PC thing is out of hand in the UK too.

The problem is, the PC brigade get their knickers in a twist "defending" ethnic minoritys (who don't care about the "issue" whatsoever), then the public lash out at the ethnic minorities for not having freedom of speech!

Its all very fustrating. Damn you media!

11-25-2008, 02:51 PM
ryguy - come on, contribute something at least SOMEWHAT mature.

I'm sorry, i'm sorry, that was inappropriate. I just can't believe that people could be so self centered that they would mess with little kids harmless fun. The only reason I could think she would do this is because she wants attention. You know the type. There really is no reason to take away harmless fun from innocent children. Maybe instead of Thanksgiving we should call it Native American Slaughter Remembrance Day? Give me a break.

First, it's people basically with no life stirring crap for the sake of publicity. civil rights isn't the reason. it's an excuse, and if it isn't that they could be quoting the bible, crying discrimination or some other topic. You also get a lot of calculating opportunists now and then who know who to capitalize off the civil courts, and institutions that have $ to give out.

Couldn't agree more, that's why I said she needs to get laid. She just craves attention, and she obviously wasnt getting any. Somebody get her off her soap box.

Mi Beardo es Loco
11-25-2008, 03:04 PM
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of Vagina

11-25-2008, 03:05 PM
its things like this that make little kids fucked up, having to explain why they cant do things...because no matter whats done in today's education system, someone is ALWAYS offended...i say keep doing whats been done since i was a kid in elementary school, UNTIL.....

.....one of the kids complains, then start changing shit

Mi Beardo es Loco
11-25-2008, 03:07 PM
In HS, we were reading Of Mice and Men and a mother of one of the students, a real beastly woman, came wobbling in the door and pulled her son out of class. She eventually got that book banned in the entire Colton School District. Fucking fat whore, that book was cool

11-25-2008, 03:13 PM
Remember Altamont.

11-25-2008, 04:32 PM
That reminds me, there's a historic town from the 19th century here, it's kind of like a museum. The employees dress up in period costumes and act as townspeople.

When I went there about 7 years ago, the big houses had little cabins next to them, which were labeled as slave homes.

I went there again this summer, and now the little cabins are labeled as summer kitchens.

When I asked about it, they told me they had to change it because it was racist.

Changing history is so much easier than having to deal with it.

They also banned Christmas decorations from the airport here, because some Jewish lady filed a lawsuit about how the Christmas decorations didn't make her feel welcome when she arrived during Christmas season.

11-25-2008, 04:44 PM
Changing history is so much easier than having to deal with it.

quoted for truth.

11-25-2008, 05:33 PM
I wonder if "my" forefathers, great-grandfathers, grandfathers, father, brothers and myself..... would have fought so hard for freedom, if we had only realized that it was for the freedom of the rest of the world to corrupt, alter and delete our very own culture, beliefes and free way of life for which we fought for in the first place.

11-25-2008, 05:49 PM
Maybe instead of Thanksgiving we should call it Native American Slaughter Remembrance Day? Give me a break.

Then they would have to change Columbus Day too.

Can't change the past, But you should never forget it. So you dont repeat past mistakes. Don't like our history? then move, find a country that doesn't have a horrible history and get back to us.

11-25-2008, 05:50 PM
who cares? they're just kids (assuming they're in elementry) and they're gonna learn that americans killed off at least 95% of native north americans in middle school and high school anyway. so who cares, let them have their fun and innocence.

that pilgrim and indian bullshit is a symbol of peace anyways right? lol.

11-25-2008, 06:56 PM
Maybe instead of Thanksgiving we should call it Native American Slaughter Remembrance Day? Give me a break.
Along with the National We Killed Hella People for This Day, Day for Independence Day.

11-25-2008, 08:22 PM

11-25-2008, 08:31 PM
im native american

i was chosen to be a pilgrim in a school play

you think i gave a shit? nope

you think i give a shit now?

PC is fucking retarded

11-25-2008, 09:31 PM
In HS, we were reading Of Mice and Men and a mother of one of the students, a real beastly woman, came wobbling in the door and pulled her son out of class. She eventually got that book banned in the entire Colton School District. Fucking fat whore, that book was cool

Dude that movie and book was awesome. Last part made me cry... Poor Lenny.

11-25-2008, 09:35 PM
I love everyone.

paypal me.

11-25-2008, 09:55 PM
Fuckin liberals.

11-25-2008, 11:31 PM
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of Vagina
I love it...
Pussies er where!
The country set up that why, wild wild west weeded em out and boosted economy! tomb stones needed fixen.
caskets made etc...

11-25-2008, 11:54 PM
In HS, we were reading Of Mice and Men and a mother of one of the students, a real beastly woman, came wobbling in the door and pulled her son out of class. She eventually got that book banned in the entire Colton School District. Fucking fat whore, that book was cool

why ?

what so offensive about it?

the dead girl?

11-26-2008, 11:10 AM
In HS, we were reading Of Mice and Men and a mother of one of the students, a real beastly woman, came wobbling in the door and pulled her son out of class. She eventually got that book banned in the entire Colton School District. Fucking fat whore, that book was cool

Right, because banning a book will most certainly NOT contribute to close-minded thinking... :rolleyes:
I can't stand people like that.

That reminds me, there's a historic town from the 19th century here, it's kind of like a museum. The employees dress up in period costumes and act as townspeople.

When I went there about 7 years ago, the big houses had little cabins next to them, which were labeled as slave homes.

I went there again this summer, and now the little cabins are labeled as summer kitchens.

When I asked about it, they told me they had to change it because it was racist.

Changing history is so much easier than having to deal with it.

Wow, talk about whitewashing the past (no pun). That sort of thinking is idiocy. If the word slave bothers people, that should be a good thing. If we can't reconcile ourselves with the fact that this nation used to have a largely slave-driven agricultural economy, we should probably move somewhere else with less morally questionable history. There's nothing racist about the word slave, btw. Man, people are stupid.

im native american
i was chosen to be a pilgrim in a school play
you think i gave a shit? nope
you think i give a shit now?

PC is fucking retarded

QFT. The woman behind that bitchfest is claiming that the whole thing demeans Native Americans, but she couldn't be more wrong. Sure it's not historically accurate, but kindergartners don't look at the historical accuracy of things, only the major themes. They learn that there was equality and fellowship between pilgrims and indians (YEAH INDIANS - an incorrect term that ISN'T meant to be offensive), and that sharing and teamwork are important things.

why ?

what so offensive about it?

the dead girl?

I think they swear a bit and Holden thinks about/talks about sex quite a bit. In other words, typical behavior for a 16 year old boy.
Banning things based on reality is a TOTALLY good idea. :tinhat::tinhat:

11-26-2008, 11:19 AM
its things like this that make little kids fucked up, having to explain why they cant do things...because no matter whats done in today's education system, someone is ALWAYS offended...i say keep doing whats been done since i was a kid in elementary school, UNTIL.....one of the kids complains, then start changing shit

Truth. Everything in the world is offensive to someone. Growing up I would hear some of my more ghetto family complain about how a movie or tv show contained no black people.

I would also hear them complain about the movies that did have black people in them, saying there were tossed in their just cuz the movie directors didnt want to seem racicst.

I've also heard complaning about all black shows, sayin how that show has to be all black and seperate from the rest of the shows.

See no matter what how you look at things, determines how you see it. Some people are just going to be those kinds of people. We all hate them, but we just got to deal with it. and hope they dont fuck everything up for everyone else.

Till they do I shalt continue to pledge my allegiance to the great vagina

11-26-2008, 11:35 AM
I think they swear a bit and Holden thinks about/talks about sex quite a bit. In other words, typical behavior for a 16 year old boy.
Banning things based on reality is a TOTALLY good idea. :tinhat::tinhat:

What I could never understand is why Catcher in the Rye is banned and why people's screwed up behavior is contributed to it. That's one of my favorite books, and to me was in no way suggestive.

11-26-2008, 11:49 AM
political correctness is so fucking out of hand these days it makes me sick.

11-26-2008, 12:01 PM

11-26-2008, 12:09 PM
after working in several places that force a "Sensitivity Training" course, ive decided that should i ever run a buisness i will not do this. Insted i will for "INsensitivity Training". What it will be is locking every one of my employees in a room, and then forcing them to play xbox live. Im sure each of them will slowly pick up many racist, derogatory term. I will then get them to call eachother these names until they become immune to them.

Think how awesome that would be. A customer would yell something like FUCK YOU, and the employee would be like, "no mam, why dont you go fuck yourself" all calmly. What a wonderful dream <3

11-26-2008, 12:15 PM

The pussification of America.

Quoted for fucking truth!

These stupid liberal bitch mothers are getting out of hand.

FYI shit like this doesn't happen in Louisiana :rl:

11-26-2008, 12:19 PM
merry christmas
merry christmas
merry christmas
merry christmas
merry christmas
kiss my ass
kiss his ass
kiss your ass
happy hanukkah

pretty soon.... christmas vacation the movie will be outlawed from all households....

11-26-2008, 11:36 PM
Its fucking retarded...just shows what kind of gene pool we have left in the US. Serously, dont you have anything else to bitch about, like oh I dont know, the fucking ECONOMY?!?!

11-27-2008, 01:48 AM
I don't think it's fair to label the source of the problem to boomer and/or hippies. A lot of the so called parents who are making this fuss would be in later generations. The liberal movement in the 60's fought for civil rights for women and minorities, which were admirable and might have actually contributed to improvement in awareness and rights. free drugs and sex, I have no issue with at either lol. bad music, well that debatable.

What you see in this day and age is entirely different. I think the problem lies in the 3 groups.

First, it's people basically with no life stirring crap for the sake of publicity. civil rights isn't the reason. it's an excuse, and if it isn't that they could be quoting the bible, crying discrimination or some other topic. You also get a lot of calculating opportunists now and then who know who to capitalize off the civil courts, and institutions that have $ to give out.

Second, it's the media giving them attention they don't deserve. It reinforces their childish agendas further, but this cannot be helped really given the stuff we see.

Third, and probably most importantly, it's the civil courts and the frivolous lawsuits. Judges simply don't have common sense dealing with such matters, and it ends up hurting people. Civil courts are the main reason why imbeciles who complain about something as stupid as banning a thanksgiving celebration in schools, have as much power as the do.

Honestly I think civil courts, with the way they've been operating is the biggest liability in modern america.

Valid points all.

But being the typical ignorant american, Im inclined to blame all of my problems on 1 group. While the baby boomer generation did help many things, civil rights, womens rights, sexual rights... Im still going to say they fucked alot of shit up. This is my personal opinion, however I do realize that many factors added up to where we as a nation are today, the baby boomers probably, actually, undoubtably being one of the most insignificant of those factors. But everything is tied into eachother.

I just find it a lot easier to blame 1 group lol. Im old fashioned like that.

And before anyone compared me to a white supremicist or Adolf Hitler, or Joseph Stalin or anyone like that, realize that 99% of anything I ever say is A: Complete bullshit intended to start a discussion and many lulz for me
B: Complete bullshit intended soley for the lulz.
C: Worded in such a way to be A or B dispite having some factual evidence to support my claims.

This is the 1% right here though: Its bullshit. Let little kids dress up as indians and pilgrims, learn a little about our history, and have fun. Political correctuality be damned.]

Is correctuality a real word? Lol it is now.

11-27-2008, 02:39 AM
I think people must eat Turky and Stuffing and they will be happy.
Life too short to complain.

Why don't the parents ask the kids if they "Give a shit."
Because, I bet the kids don't care or give a shit.

11-27-2008, 11:05 AM
Valid points all.

But being the typical ignorant american, Im inclined to blame all of my problems on 1 group. While the baby boomer generation did help many things, civil rights, womens rights, sexual rights... Im still going to say they fucked alot of shit up. This is my personal opinion, however I do realize that many factors added up to where we as a nation are today, the baby boomers probably, actually, undoubtably being one of the most insignificant of those factors. But everything is tied into eachother.

I just find it a lot easier to blame 1 group lol. Im old fashioned like that.

And before anyone compared me to a white supremicist or Adolf Hitler, or Joseph Stalin or anyone like that, realize that 99% of anything I ever say is A: Complete bullshit intended to start a discussion and many lulz for me
B: Complete bullshit intended soley for the lulz.
C: Worded in such a way to be A or B dispite having some factual evidence to support my claims.

This is the 1% right here though: Its bullshit. Let little kids dress up as indians and pilgrims, learn a little about our history, and have fun. Political correctuality be damned.]

Is correctuality a real word? Lol it is now.

If you had to blame it all on 1 group, it's the civil courts.

If judges had the common sense to throw out frivolous lawsuits before they even began, AND make the burden of proof in winning a civil case to be higher.

Another thing to consider, its that it's much easier to win a civil case than say a criminal case. to convict in a criminal case, the state has to prove "beyond reasonable doubt", or that there's approx a 99% likelihood that there is a good evidence to support the argument that the defendant in question should be penalized. the key is that there had to be substantiated accountability, before even accusations started rolling in. Rightfully so, since what is at stake is high.

In a civil case, it's extremely easy to throw just about any accusation out there and win. criterion for winning a civil case is "preponderance of evidence", or having to prove that there's approx 51% likelihood that there's a good support to to the argument, one way or the other. Even, if it doesn't go to court, defendants might opt for an expensive settlement. Even if the defendant is ultimately victorious, legal fees might add up. It's a essentially a lose-lose situation for the defendant that gets sued. On the other had (unlike criminal courts), the nature of the system more or less demands no accountability on the plaintiff (party thats suing). Therefore, you can pretty much sue anyone for anything. Even if you had no money at all, you might get a lawyer who would help you for free, in exchange for a percentage of the payouts or settlement. Schools or other organizations, understandably would rather concede to demands, however absurd, instead of standing their ground. The stakes are high here. Not only is a lot of $$$ at stake (here from the taxpayers), but so is our culture and future of our children.

To make it simple, if civil courts made it more difficult for trivial lawsuits to occur in the first place, and made them more difficult to win, we wouldn't be seeing all this. There are lots people in the world with less than noble intentions. That's never going to change. That's why there are laws to keep such people from doing others and society harm. I'd say civil law has not only failed terribly in this respect, but it has even encouraged injustice. this will continue to do much much more harm in the future, if the civil court system isn't revised. I despise this institution far more than anything in this country, and it's setting a bad precedent for others (for example, the city of Batman in Turkey or some other country, suing in the international courts for the profits of the film Batman)

11-27-2008, 11:22 AM
Valid points all.

I just find it a lot easier to blame 1 group lol. Im old fashioned like that.

And before anyone compared me to a white supremicist or Adolf Hitler, or Joseph Stalin or anyone like that, realize that 99% of anything I ever say is A: Complete bullshit intended to start a discussion and many lulz for me
B: Complete bullshit intended soley for the lulz.
C: Worded in such a way to be A or B dispite having some factual evidence to support my claims.

Is correctuality a real word? Lol it is now.

I don't see how that's relevant at all. This has nothing to do with white supremacy.

If anyone thinks there's anything wrong with being appreciative of your own heritage, regardless of where you're from, then that's just them being intolerant and racist.

Some of my ancestors were from England, and I'm proud of my British roots.