View Full Version : hey look, our creators birthday

02-07-2003, 01:39 AM
happy birthday mark.

-who didn't realize he was older than mark.

02-07-2003, 03:28 AM
Happy happy birthday!
I'm not a big celebrator of birthdays, but when it comes to a particular character as influential and respected (cough cough) as THE Mark West... well... :o :D

02-07-2003, 06:57 AM
Happy ****** Birthday Mark!! :)

02-07-2003, 09:57 AM
happy birthday mark west!
i love the forum:D

02-07-2003, 10:28 AM

No more birthdays to look forward to, Just cheaper insurance

02-07-2003, 01:17 PM
have a happy birthday and may ur insurance always get cheaper. :D

02-07-2003, 01:17 PM
(dave pulls up in his s14a next to Mark and Irena`s 240 and gets out and approaches (hand outstreched) to congratulate Mark West on his birthday and thank him for creating such an awesome site for all of us enthusiasts)
(shakes Marks hand hard and pates his shoulder firmly)
"Happy birthday Mark , i mean it Happy birthday"
(approaches irena standing on the otherside of Marks car but still talking to Mark)
"we really appreciate all you`ve put in to Zilvia"
(takes a bemused Irenas hand and walks her to his car)
" it really is some feat creating such a proffesional site"
(opens his car door)
" y`know Mark i think everyone loves you in their own special way for what..."
(places Irena in his passenger seat)
"...you`ve achieved here on..."
(Irena lifts her leg and kicks dave swiftly in the bollocks)
(dave starts to spit blood whilst continuing to speak to Mark)
"...here *cough* . It has obviously *spits blood* taken you..."
(helps Irena from his passenger seat and walks her back to Marks car)
"... a great deal of *cough* dedication and... "
(walks back to his car like he`s trying to hold a golf ball between his knees whilst blood dribbles down his chin and a bollock shape is noticed in his neck)
" commitment. Anyway all the best and ...er... *cough* happy birthday. And ...er....nice to see you too Irena *cough*..."
(Falls painfully into his driving seat and shoots off...fishtails.....hits tree)

Happy Birthday Mark.
Bloody Hell state of this site now mate. Nice one

xxx (woo your a bloke arent ya ! Oh well forget the kisses then )

02-07-2003, 03:06 PM
lol, dave your the greatist!

Happy b-day again mark, I'll have a few drinks in your name tonight.

02-07-2003, 03:48 PM
Otanjyobi Omedetou Mark-San!

I've been having drinks for you all week so it's all good!

02-07-2003, 07:00 PM
Happy Birthday Mark! :D

I hope you get to play the other banana role tonight. :p

Oh yes, I shall also have a few..erm... many drinks in your name tonight.

02-09-2003, 02:19 PM

02-10-2003, 04:01 PM
Dave's back!!!!!!!!!!

We missed you, Dave!

Happy birthday, baby! (yet again)

02-10-2003, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by S13Grl
Dave's back!!!!!!!!!!

We missed you, Dave!

Happy birthday, baby! (yet again)

aww she called me baby *melts*
(even if it was my birthday back in august)
(ah well its the thought that counts)
