View Full Version : 1993 240sx: Should I buy a new or used fan clutch?

11-19-2008, 10:17 PM
Id being buying the used one blind off someone in the forums. Are these clutches close to death on the typical 240sx? a new one ie Hayden can cost $43 and better ones $70 or higher.

11-19-2008, 10:22 PM
A Hayden clutch is fine, no need to go OE. Thought they typically don't wear too much a used one is always a risk, especially with some of the fools who own 240s now. You might pay for it and get a water pump for an '89 Cutlass instead.

11-19-2008, 10:24 PM
if there is a autozone around you i got mine under warranty hit me up

11-19-2008, 10:41 PM
seriously hit up an autozone or advanced auto parts. a lot better then getting a used one that runs like crap.

11-19-2008, 11:04 PM
i just recently picked up a used one and its spins just as smoothly, if not, smoother than the brand new part (torqflo i think) i checked out at autozone.

if you pick up a used one, just test spin it first.. rotate it a little bit, and make sure there's no shaft-freeplay