View Full Version : Da Truth Cometh!

11-19-2008, 03:54 AM
DaTruth (http://datruthcometh.blogspot.com/)

Anyone else read this blog? Not sure if this is a repost.

Cracks me up when he rips up the ugly import models and china made products. :bowrofl:

What's your thoughts? :drama:

11-19-2008, 04:08 AM
i read his post about ray's wheel in f1 and he just went off.

11-19-2008, 07:36 AM
shits pretty interesting

11-19-2008, 07:57 AM
^^ I read it but i would still fuck the hell outta Jenny Chu


11-19-2008, 08:19 AM
Drops way to many Racial and Sexual slurs for me to take him serious. A lot of his posts are just ego jack off sessions on how leet he is.

11-19-2008, 08:31 AM
he has the same rant over and over...

11-19-2008, 09:24 AM
what a lameass, lol.

11-19-2008, 10:35 AM
He has a point.....just not the best way of explaining it.

11-19-2008, 11:50 AM
I enjoy it.

drift freaq
11-19-2008, 11:54 AM
Ya pretty much, the funny thing is everything he rants about he seems to know a hell of a lot about. I.E. he is more into it than he cares to admit. If he wasn't he would not have a clue. I know plenty of people in LA and Hollywood who know absolutely nothing about drifting or knockoff aftermarket parts for Japanese cars. These are people that go to clubs, are into cool things and what not.
A person that rants that much about the Automotive business and particular areas of it is pretty much into it already. Plain and simple.
Oh and he does swear to much to make his rants seem serious. Its amusing and he does point out a lot of crap, but it gets lost in the swearing and racial slurs which pretty much just turns it into a comedians rant.

11-19-2008, 02:28 PM
eh this guy is a moron...seriously, go cry somewhere else

11-19-2008, 02:43 PM
but it is his own blog....

11-19-2008, 04:27 PM
best thing i've read all day. he's 100% dead on about the "industry"

Mi Beardo es Loco
11-19-2008, 04:32 PM
appearances.jpg (image) (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_VlCA3Oq0raM/SPWSxMoJOzI/AAAAAAAAANI/G1_16FLcEl0/s1600-h/appearances.jpg)

lyla is HOT

11-19-2008, 04:33 PM
To me it's more an industry insider blog. There are things that the general public would never know. Things that are pretty well known, and not so well known.

As for the models.... I know I remember going to events thinking..."WHO HIRED HER TO MODEL?!!!"

When he talks about KT and her mouth always open. LMAO.

11-19-2008, 04:35 PM
but it is his own blog....

got me there i guess

best thing i've read all day. he's 100% dead on about the "industry"

yeah, because the industry has been like this for years, you act like he's some guru of crying about fake parts...none of this is news

Mi Beardo es Loco
11-19-2008, 04:35 PM
most models look very average. They just have GREAT makeup people.

11-19-2008, 04:52 PM
Its still funny to me. But I swear about as much as he does in regular conversation, so thats probably why I dont mind it as much. Its all stuff thats been discussed on here to death.

11-19-2008, 05:11 PM
yeah, because the industry has been like this for years, you act like he's some guru of crying about fake parts...none of this is news

every industry is like this, not just the auto aftermarket one. i don't see how what i said makes him out as a guru. people have been crying about fake parts for years, including myself.

my comment was that it was the best thing i've seen online todya, and that he's spot on about the industry. don't see how im making him out to be a guru but whatever bro. i dont care. i dont buy knockoff for my car and thats all i care about.

he's right about the magazines.
he's right about some really tore up "models".
he's right about cheap products.

he's just lumping them all into one blog.

he's just poking fun at some of the bullshit that goes on in the "import car industry"

some people just take shit too seriously.

11-19-2008, 07:48 PM
^^ I read it but i would still fuck the hell outta Jenny Chu

she is the gf of the RMJ driver she goes to the events with him see's actualy really nice, not conceded, or bitchy at all, i know cause i use to help out the RMJ team

11-21-2008, 09:43 PM
Eric Hsu?

Or no?

Uses way to many of the same terms to not be.

I find both blogs entertaining. Both tell it how it is. Cocky? Yea...but everyone that works for themselves or cares about what they do is as well.

11-22-2008, 01:15 PM
He has his own blog and the writing style is different. Eric is more upfront, I dont think he'd make anonymous blog.

11-22-2008, 01:41 PM
Its like the Maddox of the car industry.

I have often found his blog to be humorous and painfully true.

Hate it or love it, he's showing the ugly side of the car lyfe that some of us don't want to admit is real.

The knock off thing is true. A lot of people are sick of them and can't tell the difference.

He may not convince anyone that knock offs are bad because he talks condescendingly about the people that produce and the items in name (bad debating technique.)

But yeah, I often check this blog.

11-22-2008, 03:14 PM
He has his own blog and the writing style is different. Eric is more upfront, I dont think he'd make anonymous blog.

I know of his blogs, I read them all (although his is down at the moment). I REALLLY think it's him...similar 'put downs' and the sort to me...

And why not make one? He can bash whoever he wants, without worry of losing his job.

11-22-2008, 07:16 PM
Guaranteed this guy is a writer for another magazine. All this Primedia hate is within the magazine industry.
Referring to your comment... exactly my point. why be anonymous, he wont lose his job.

11-22-2008, 08:24 PM
wow i personally know 2 girls on the flyer of his recent blog..
The strategy of posting those girls on the flyer is to promote it, if you want to go to a club, you want to go to the one with the hot girls. Of course your not going to have a chance at the ones on the flyer, but it will more then likely majority of the club will be hot girls.

Some of those girls i know are not models.. just girls that are friends of the models, who happen to get free entry to clubs etc.. I actually find those type of chicks who always club 24/7 unattractive and more then likely high maintenance *i dated a chick like that and she gave clubbing a priority in her life, shit was retarded*

otherwise interesting blog, imma read it lol.

11-22-2008, 08:35 PM
after reading a few blogs there, i agree with him on the car parts.. Once was a nice respectable scene of people who would invest the cash into building cars, now is a bunch of cheapass people who just want to look the part, and people trying to make a quick buck selling fake parts. Just ruins the enjoyment of looking forward to building cars.

same thing with teh import models.. every asian girl now thinks they can be models and the guys who fool em into thinking they got a modeling career. he does seem a lil harsh on the girls tho, but they choose to appear in public, which allows em to face criticism .

11-22-2008, 10:25 PM
"Buyers who only give a shit about money they "save" by buying bullshit products. You're the same fuck that buys fake Bape t-shirts, download illegal copies of movies, use coupons at McDonald's and steal cable / satellite television."

I use coupons at mcdonalds, fuck this guy. He reminds me of my boss, the kind of person who would spend top dollar without a second thought and assume hes getting what he paid for. Either he hasn't figured it out yet or hes just in denial, but the truth is you can slap a large price tag on anything and sell it with the right marketing.

11-22-2008, 11:46 PM
Referring to your comment... exactly my point. why be anonymous, he wont lose his job.

No way. Not in this day and age. Companies and publishers are to quick to cower to the consumer.

For example: Product G advertises in Magazine Y, that employs person X. Product G reads blog bashing their product, is pissed. Product G then finds out that it's Person X bashing Product G, on a different site. Product G speaks with magazine Y, threatens to pull advert money or fire Person X. Person X soon finds himself without Job.

In the perfect word (aka: where accountability still meant something) then yes, I would agree with you.

I use coupons at mcdonalds, fuck this guy. He reminds me of my boss, the kind of person who would spend top dollar without a second thought and assume hes getting what he paid for. Either he hasn't figured it out yet or hes just in denial, but the truth is you can slap a large price tag on anything and sell it with the right marketing.

I think you miss the point he's trying to make by looking at it to seriously (which is why the blog is funny to me). He's trying to make a point, albiet a bit 'over the top', but that's one of the only ways people even remotely have a reaction anymore...

11-22-2008, 11:52 PM
^^word, its just entertainment.

I could only imagine someone who buys the freddy parts etc to get offended by his views.. clearly ruins the fun of the scene when 3 million wannabe kids get into it... theres no pride anymore.

11-22-2008, 11:54 PM
I especially like the part where says ppl cheap out on their "drift car" by turboing the KA, nniiiiiiiiiicccccccceeee. Can't drift w/o the SR ppl, every shot of BH's engine bay must be photoshopped.

11-23-2008, 04:09 AM
For example: Product G advertises in Magazine Y, that employs person X. Product G reads blog bashing their product, is pissed. Product G then finds out that it's Person X bashing Product G, on a different site. Product G speaks with magazine Y, threatens to pull advert money or fire Person X. Person X soon finds himself without Job.

Your point is what I'm trying to make. It's someone in the media/magazine field that is writing this. Because person X is at the mercy of advertisers.

Can't you tell this person realllllly hates primedia. So he obviously works for a competitor.

Everyone else who owns a shop/brand/manufacture could careless about primedia and will blatantly bash knock off parts. They are not at the mercy of these knock off companies, because they are only stealing business from them.

11-23-2008, 03:12 PM
I think the blogger makes some valid and entertaining points about the US auto manufacturers, fake parts, china made car parts.

About the 'import models', I concur 100%. Based on what's shown in the pics the blogger presents, I don't think he's nitpicking. Maybe some of the chicks (like the mentioned Jenny Chu) have better photos, idk. growing up in Asia for a couple of years, I do get the impression that the standards here in the US are a bit more lenient to say the least. The tranny calls are probably legit. I've never paid attention to import shows, much less the models until now.

This was my fav; http://bp1.blogger.com/_VlCA3Oq0raM/R-3va3ebYBI/AAAAAAAAAKA/ZlDioOrumJg/s1600-h/8.jpg

I don't like some of the generalizations, like belittling the turbo KA, Korean/Taiwanese parts being universaly bad, etc racial slurs are uncalled for and not all that funny. The primedia stuff, I could really care less about, but whatever everyone has their priorities I guess. sometimes as much as I might agree with his analysis of material, I think it's a bit oversimplified. it's not the most proffesional in most aspects. but then again, this is a private blog so it's not as if he's being measured to that. I agree to about half the stuff he says. I couldn't take it too seriously (and doubt it was meant to be that way) but I did enjoy it overall.

fun read nonetheless. thanks for the link.

11-23-2008, 03:49 PM
"Buyers who only give a shit about money they "save" by buying bullshit products. You're the same fuck that buys fake Bape t-shirts, download illegal copies of movies, use coupons at McDonald's and steal cable / satellite television."

I use coupons at mcdonalds, fuck this guy. He reminds me of my boss, the kind of person who would spend top dollar without a second thought and assume hes getting what he paid for. Either he hasn't figured it out yet or hes just in denial, but the truth is you can slap a large price tag on anything and sell it with the right marketing.

He's talking about people that bitch and complain OR rant and rave about the quality of their knock off parts.

Look at the post about the 350z exhaust, its a pure copy of the name brand exhaust but with inferior materials.

s13 @ fullboost
11-23-2008, 03:51 PM
That was a waste of my time some parts were pretty true most of it just bs

11-23-2008, 09:42 PM