View Full Version : College Question

11-14-2008, 02:30 PM
I just missed my advisers by literally one minute and they refused to answer my questions because they were closed. So I'm going to them on Monday, so hopefully you guys could answer my questions till I get to them on Monday. I have one semester left at my local community college to get an associates degree in Liberal Arts. I decided that I want to do Mechanical Engineering. Is it stupid to apply for Mechanical Engineering at another local college for spring semester or should I finish up my Associates degree and apply for Mechanical Engineering in fall? Thanks guys!

BTW my college is known for its stupid advisers. Nassau Community College, the schools awesome; the advisement not so much.

11-14-2008, 02:31 PM
Finish it, or you'll kick yourself later. Two degrees > one. A semester isn't very long in the long run.

This is coming from a senior in Genetics. I wish I had double majored personally.

11-14-2008, 02:33 PM
just finish it up where you are and while you're doing that apply for another college.

11-14-2008, 02:37 PM
I'm in the same spot as you, gonna do one more semester, spring, then go to the CSU in fall.

11-14-2008, 02:41 PM
Finish it up.... What you want to do might change in that semester. Plus its safer in case finances don't work out or something and you can still get a good job.

But my suggestion is apply to a better college for Mech Eng.... it makes a difference.

11-14-2008, 02:44 PM
It kinda makes me feel like I wasted the past 2 years because it's just liberal arts. What's that going to do for me? I was going to do Radiation Therapy; guaranteed job, excellent money and job security. I just felt like I would be bored to death at that job. Does anybody know any sites that tells of colleges with Mechanical Engineering near my area? I don't want to dorm because of the money but I also want the best education possible. Only college I have looked at was SUNY Farmingdale just because my brother went there for Automotive Engineering.

Totally random, I took out my French 101 class for a Pre-Calculus class for a head start in Mechanical Engineering. Is that stupid? I was going to use the French for when I go to Europe but I'll just learn it off Rosetta Stone.

11-14-2008, 02:53 PM
You gotta take ALL the math classes and your best bet is to see what classes are transferable SO

think about which college you want to go to and call the admin office up and see what classes are transferable... Don't be taking classes you THINK will be transferable as you could be wasting your time again....

I think your local library has some information on colleges and stuff like that.... ask...

11-14-2008, 03:01 PM
Clemson University has a good engineering program, but I'm biased ;). No offense but if you can't fine the motivation to finish a degree with a semester left then expect to get your ass raped in ME. :spank:

11-14-2008, 03:04 PM
Clemson University has a good engineering program, but I'm biased ;). No offense but if you can't fine the motivation to finish a degree with a semester left then expect to get your ass raped in ME. :spank:

I never said that I couldn't find the motivation to finish. I was just wondering if it was stupid or not; and now I know.

So I had a talk with my parents. And my mom suggested that I take Radiation Therapy (2 yr program) and then take Mechanical Engineering while I am a Radiation Therapist. I told her that I'll be bored of the job and she responded with a, all jobs get boring. At least its a guaranteed good paying job and its good for now while your looking to get another job while the economy is bad. So I guess I'll just do Radiation Therapy for now and look for another job. What do you guys think? It's not bad, it's just annoying doing the same thing over and over and over and over again.

11-14-2008, 07:40 PM
The right job doesn't get boring IMO. I work in a population genetics lab right now as an undergraduate researcher and research always leads to more research. :)

Don't get me wrong, it DOES get frustrating though. :bash:

Money is nice but definitely work towards your eventual goal. a ME degree will get you a fun, challenging, dynamic job more than likely. :bigok:

11-14-2008, 07:52 PM
Find out what you want to do and do it.

ME is no joke man. I've wanted to quit so many times but have been able to grind it out up to now. I'm a 4th year (5 year ME plan). Say bye bye to your free time and sleep. If this degree was easy, everyone would be graduating with them.

But definitely finish your AA. Like someone else said, look into possibly taking more Math/Science courses that will transfer towards whatever technical degree you plan on pursuing. For us, the first math class that actually counts toward the degree is Calculus 1. So just prepare yourself.

11-14-2008, 08:04 PM
tell your advisor he/she is receiving a gut punch. u need to know what classes are gonna transfer over, or you are federally fucked when it comes to engineering , i.e. spending 4 more years to do what you want to do in two.
schools are fickle man, they have certain classes the accept, certain maths, sciences, etc.. i know im a junior in mech engineering, they accept just about nothing from cc's here, best to start right outa hs in it

11-14-2008, 08:15 PM
I just missed my advisers by literally one minute and they refused to answer my questions because they were closed. So I'm going to them on Monday, so hopefully you guys could answer my questions till I get to them on Monday. I have one semester left at my local community college to get an associates degree in Liberal Arts. I decided that I want to do Mechanical Engineering. Is it stupid to apply for Mechanical Engineering at another local college for spring semester or should I finish up my Associates degree and apply for Mechanical Engineering in fall? Thanks guys!

BTW my college is known for its stupid advisers. Nassau Community College, the schools awesome; the advisement not so much.

I'm actually at a CC right now trying transfer to a 4 year school (really more like 5) for ME. Starting over is going to be tough, to say the least. If you're just starting calculus, you're looking at around 5 years. If you haven't, you'll have much more.

That said, we don't know you very well, so we can only tell you what you're looking at for ME. You have to decide if you want to do this or if you will be able to do it.

If you tell us what math classes and physics classes you've taken so far and how well you've done in them, we can give you a better estimate of your success as well as whether or not we think it's worth it.

Here in CA, there's this great website called assist.org (http://assist.org). I don't know how much this will help you, but if you go there and select ME as your major with any community college with any UC school, you'll get an idea of what the undergraduate work entails.

touge monster
11-14-2008, 09:14 PM
Finish it.

Get as much education as you can. The more you educate yourself the more better off you will be in the future.

11-14-2008, 10:03 PM
Thanks everybody. I posted this up there but I guess nobody saw it.

So I had a talk with my parents. And my mom suggested that I take Radiation Therapy (2 yr program) and then take Mechanical Engineering while I am a Radiation Therapist. I told her that I'll be bored of the job and she responded with a, all jobs get boring. At least its a guaranteed good paying job and its good for now while your looking to get another job while the economy is bad. So I guess I'll just do Radiation Therapy for now and look for another job. What do you guys think? It's not bad, it's just annoying doing the same thing over and over and over and over again.

11-15-2008, 12:30 AM
I dont know how it is in NY but here in socal, before transferring to any 4 year college you must meet the transfer requirement towards your major. so for instance if you want to transfer as a mech engineer you must take calc, physics, and available engineering classes on top of the GE classes so that you will be accepted into the university of your choice.

my point is if you plan on transferring make sure you find the right university and research their transfer requirements. i was looking around your schools site and found this link..

Nassau Community College - Planning Your Transfer (http://www.ncc.edu/Academics/AcademicAdvisement/TransferOffice/PlanningYourTransfer.htm)

hope it helps

brown eyes
11-15-2008, 12:42 AM
You can apply while you finish up your last spring semester. I'm assuming you want to start your engineering program in fall 2009. The sooner you apply, the better off you'll be.