View Full Version : Sukiyaki Western Django SteelBook Give-Away

10-31-2008, 11:20 AM
I run a website: CollectorsEdition.org (http://collectorsedition.org)

basically just catalog limited and special edition video game releases.

A couple days ago First Look Studios asked me to help promote their movie Sukiyaki Western Django by giving away some free SteelBook editions of the DVDs.

The DVD isn't released until the 11th but I've already got two of them. They also sent me stickers and some really cool Limited Edition playing cards.

For the give-away basically I'm just asking people to post a comment somewhere on my site... anywhere it doesn't matter... between now and the 10th and I'll pick someone at random to give the DVD/playing cards/stickers to.

Right now I've got a really small number of people signed up so the odds are really good... If I break 500 though I'll give away the second DVD as well to help improve the odds.

more info here: CollectorsEdition.org » Blog Archive » Win a SUKIYAKI WESTERN DJANGO SteelBook Collector’s Set! (http://collectorsedition.org/992/win-a-sukiyaki-western-django-steelbook-collectors-set)

the collectors edition is completely owned and operated by me... and me alone, I'm not trying to spam anyone or anything like that... just have some cool stuff to give away and figured there are some Zilvians who might be interested in getting a shot at it.

If you don't know about the movie it's like a modern day cross between a spaghetti western and a kung-fu flick... famed Japanese director and all Japanese cast but it also Stars Quentin Tarantino...

if you liked Kill Bill you'll probably love this movie.

10-31-2008, 01:27 PM
I've seen that movie showcase in some of the local arthouse cinemas. Looks interesting, especially since Takashi Miike is directing.
Is that a remake of Django? (more obscure, but very good imo spaghetti western in the 70's). Think I'll go watch it in the movie house.

10-31-2008, 02:13 PM
I've seen that movie showcase in some of the local arthouse cinemas. Looks interesting, especially since Takashi Miike is directing.
Is that a remake of Django? (more obscure, but very good imo spaghetti western in the 70's). Think I'll go watch it in the movie house.

I think it is actually a remake of Django, maybe with a more modern/Japanese twist... I've never seen the original though so I can't say for sure.