View Full Version : s14 clutch pedal bracket and s13 bracket size

10-28-2008, 07:49 AM
so i was driving to my friends house the other night after the meet , and i come to a light , i come out of first gear and hear a huge snap and my pedal hits the floor , it was midnight , got it towed to my house blah blah
got home at 3 ugh

anyways i found out wat it was it was the bracket that connects the pedal to the clutch master bar ,

my question is , before i go to pick and pull or make one , does anyone know if the bracket is the same size as the s13 bracket?

Jonnie Fraz
10-28-2008, 05:41 PM
Yes and no. The bracket is the same. On the S13 there are bosses welded to the firewall. On the S14 the bosses are on the bracket. If you have a S14 just weld spacers to the S13 bracket. They are about 1 inch long. While you are at it weld the bracket where it is spotted together and it will not break again.

Have fun

10-28-2008, 06:02 PM
what about s14 clutch pedal on S13?

Jonnie Fraz
10-28-2008, 10:29 PM
what about s14 clutch pedal on S13?

It is possable if you take the stand offs off the fire wall or the bracket. Personally I would sell the S14 bracket and pick up an S13 one.