View Full Version : 97 KA24DE bogging

09-23-2008, 11:20 PM
Ok, I have no idea what to do, I have an 89 240sx with a 97 KA24DE, the problem I have is that the motor bogs a lot, its definitely not making the power it should, it idles perfect and runs smooth but when i step into it it bogs, the weird thing is that sometimes when i get on it and pulls like its supposed to and feels normal, but most of the time its just sluggish and bogs, i figured maybe it was a fuel delivery problem maybe i am running rich because it back fires when i let off when it bogs, i changed the fuel rail, injectors, fuel pressure regulator, and fuel filter, plugs and wires are good to go, maf is good, ECU is good, does anyone know wtf could be wrong with my car?? thank u in advance

ALSO: it seems like half throttle pulls harder than full throttle when it is bogging, could it be something to do with my intake manifold? i was told some s14 intake manifolds are different or something

09-23-2008, 11:40 PM
How do you know maf and ecu are good? Check your vacuum lines.

09-23-2008, 11:57 PM
How do you know maf and ecu are good? Check your vacuum lines.

i tested 2 of my friend's ECU's and MAF's off of their cars that worked perfect and it did the same shit, i don't think its a vacuum leak but i guess it wouldn't hurt to test it again

09-24-2008, 12:38 AM
Check the timing.

09-24-2008, 02:51 AM
you said you changed the injectors, but my first guess was a fuel problem as well. even still, i'd say a bad batch of fuel, or a clogged injector. mine used to do the same thing.

the backfiring after bogging doesnt sound like it's running rich, it sounds like you're not getting spark and/or not all the fuel's burning. you said the plugs/wires were good, so did you change the cap/rotor?

09-24-2008, 11:00 AM
Check the timing.

timing is perfect

09-24-2008, 05:50 PM
you said you changed the injectors, but my first guess was a fuel problem as well. even still, i'd say a bad batch of fuel, or a clogged injector. mine used to do the same thing.

the backfiring after bogging doesnt sound like it's running rich, it sounds like you're not getting spark and/or not all the fuel's burning. you said the plugs/wires were good, so did you change the cap/rotor?

yeah i was thinking maybe i should try my coil and distributor next

09-25-2008, 09:39 AM
try changing the fuel pump.I had a car that was really slow and would bog and i changed the fuel pump and ran and pulled the way it should.If you have enough money you could get a walbro 255.i just put one in my car and you can definitly tell the power increase

09-25-2008, 04:24 PM
try changing the fuel pump.I had a car that was really slow and would bog and i changed the fuel pump and ran and pulled the way it should.If you have enough money you could get a walbro 255.i just put one in my car and you can definitly tell the power increase

yeah i was thinking about just going ahead and buying a walbro cause they are only about 90 bucks and i'm going to need one in the winter for my KA-T set-up, so i guess i'll go ahead and order one tonight and see what happens, thanks for the input guys

09-28-2008, 08:20 PM