View Full Version : February 1st... Southern California meet!

01-16-2003, 11:15 AM
THe socal240 people are throwing a meet on February 1st...

go to the website to get information...

Here is the info on it


Shine Street Meet
Saturday, February 1st, 2003
Shine Street
20925 Bonita St.
Carson, CA 90746

Parking is free!

People from Nico are going to be there as well...

01-22-2003, 11:37 PM
just wondering if anyone from orange county or irvine area would like to meet up before the meet and cruise down to shine street

01-23-2003, 07:33 AM
im in irvine, i'm going. always leave early for 2 reason. i meet w/ some friends there all the time and i want a good spot hahah.. so i dont have to move my car for picture time :)

let me know if you want to caravan up there, or anyone else in south OC! im down!

01-23-2003, 10:52 AM
im going.. im just gonna park way way waaaaaaaaaaaaay in the back... i hate moving cars.

01-23-2003, 03:09 PM
sounds good, i dont mind getting there early. do you wanna set a time and place to meet up so anyone else who wants to caravan has an idea of a time and place

01-23-2003, 03:16 PM
takes about 40 mins or so
so if it starts at 10 am so lets leave OC at 9:30..

i dont want to move my car when they re-organize for the photoshot and there will be SO MANY CARS. park along te back fence is best and where i want (park in rear too). so i'm leaving early. if no one else wants you guys can schedule your own time to leave hehe. i'm super lazy.

how about meet at Ikea Parking lot on Jamboree and the 5. HUGE lot and lots of room..sat might be kinda busy though.not sure what else would be good.

01-23-2003, 08:44 PM
ill be there in my beat ass bodied sr car. ITS whats under the hood that really matters, although ill prolly be rollin at 7 psi that day < damn waiting for custom fuel rails> oh well detonation is a bigger bitch

01-24-2003, 08:08 AM
sounds good.
one note DRIVE SLOWLY. i dont want a speeding ticket so please DRIVE THE LIMIT or w/ flow of traffic. DONT cut in and out of lanes to cathc up just cruise along. make sur eyour tags and all that are up to date.

as it is on pulp fiction

you dont do it, unless i do it first


just please DONT SPEED. if u got a lead foot, go up by yourself (directed to anyone who does the cutting and and out and speeding stuff-dont join the caravan)

01-24-2003, 03:11 PM
A few of us from NICO are planing to meet up as well...

most of us are from OC... would you guys mind meeting up with us and then caravaning to shrine!?!?

Some people are meeting up at my house first... I live off where 91 and 57 meet so who ever lives in riverside and are coming from that area will stop at my house and then the people that are comming from Pamona area are gonna stop at my house as well...

then we will go to Cerritos where more people will join us and then head out from there... since all these areas will be in our way.... let me know wha you guys think... either post up here or e-mail me...

01-24-2003, 11:50 PM
yeah i'm down for that Black240sx

01-25-2003, 05:05 AM
yeah... don't cut dousan off, he hasn't learnt how to change lanes yet. :D

01-25-2003, 06:28 AM
yeah well at least my rear breaks loose on the track when i want it to!
mr. full understeer.

oooooh dayyyyyummmmm!!!


01-25-2003, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by Black240sx
A few of us from NICO are planing to meet up as well...

most of us are from OC... would you guys mind meeting up with us and then caravaning to shrine!?!?

Some people are meeting up at my house first... I live off where 91 and 57 meet so who ever lives in riverside and are coming from that area will stop at my house and then the people that are comming from Pamona area are gonna stop at my house as well...

then we will go to Cerritos where more people will join us and then head out from there... since all these areas will be in our way.... let me know wha you guys think... either post up here or e-mail me...

Do you live by Ruby's Diner in Fullerton? Do you think you could give me directions from there? Also, what time are we meetin at your house? Thx in adv....:)

01-27-2003, 12:39 PM
I live off Orangethrope and Kramer... it is at the bordor of PLacentia and Anaheim and Fullerton... I am not sure of what time we are meeting up as of we have not made the FINAL plans of who is going and meeting up... as soon as I gather more info on who is actually DOWN... cuz you know people say they will come and then don't end up going... so I would say, by Wednesday I should know... As soon as I know, I will post it here...so, post up your address and I will let you know the directions... If you guys don't want to do that, then e-mail me and I will e-mail you the directions... this sounds like it's going to be a huge event... the only thing is that I am going out for my wife's birthday the night before to Highlands and so I hope I am not all trashed in the morning.. BUT come rain or shine... i am planing on going to the meet... I'll just be drinking a lot of Gatoraid on the way.. i'l look like crap too but who cares.... also..

are you guys down to get your car washed before he he.. I just got myc ar washed and waxed this weekend and it is dirty already... FN crap... I hate dust and crap... it shows up soo damn quick on a black car... but oo well....

01-27-2003, 06:55 PM
Ouch man, that one hit a nerve! =) Understeer isn't so bad a thing; it's only the F-ing BANE OF ALL DRIVERS... or at least, it is the bane of my life. My one and only true enemy! I will defeat it!

Dousan: So are we going to understeer today!?!?!!
AD: ...maybe just a little bit, if you do'nt mind. :D

01-28-2003, 11:50 AM
damn it
always theres meet up when im working!
i ll c u this sunday black240sx haha
im serious man
if u have time on sunday e mail me or call me

[email protected]

01-28-2003, 01:11 PM
alright... we are going to mee at my house before 9:00am.... I will leave my house at 9:00AM promptly... no lagging.... post your e-mail address if you want me to e-mail you my address or directions.. even if no one shows up.. I will be going!... let me know...

01-28-2003, 01:47 PM
heres my email, [email protected]

01-29-2003, 11:42 PM
[email protected]

hit me up. just moved to irvine and not to familiar w/ the area.


sr'd 89 240sx

01-30-2003, 12:11 AM
i just moved down here to irvine about a month ago. would the people from irvine wanna meet up maybe at like 830-845 and then head over to anaheim, let me know

01-30-2003, 12:22 AM
LOL OMG what is wrong with you people.. im not leaving san diego till AT LEAST 9:30.. HAHA geez.. ass cracks better not take all the parking! :mad: LOL

01-30-2003, 12:24 AM
Originally posted by saga240
LOL OMG what is wrong with you people.. im not leaving san diego till AT LEAST 9:30.. HAHA geez.. ass cracks better not take all the parking! :mad: LOL

You know what they say..."The early bird gets the worm"....

Er, but then again, "the late mouse gets the cheese." :)

01-30-2003, 12:32 AM
damn mandatory meetings at work, why in the world do they have to be at 8 am saturday.. LOL oh well.. im gonna start up the late caravan then =P

01-30-2003, 05:34 AM
Is there going to be any sort of "plan" for this meet? Any games? BBQ? Contests? Or is it "just" a meet where you say hi to ppl and leave?

01-30-2003, 09:23 AM
I don't know about the agenda or anythign. I am just trying to meet up with some people form SC... This will be my first meet, I have been trying to get one together and nothign turned out. SO I figured, unless I take in charge and just make some plans... no one wil care much... It should still be cool just eeting up with people and seeing all their set-ups and cars and get some help on stuff...

01-30-2003, 11:18 AM
adey, its not a dating service. there is no pin the tail on the donkey haha

j/k bro
its a meet. just hang out and chit chat. talk crap on people's cars, meet up with friends u havent seen in awhile, talk bout mods, drool over JDMrice's car (always what ends up happening) and chill. they usually have some food (last year did) and just have a good time.

bring suntan lotion, might be hot and sunny out there, there is very little shade.