View Full Version : any music/recording engineers?

09-09-2008, 09:53 AM
ANyone here into that? considering checking it out as a career, just not sure on the demands *would be cool to work in the industry tho for like production etc*.

09-09-2008, 10:16 AM
cool. gig... im not one by career but i hang out with my buddy who has his own studio legit Building) and i do a lil somthin... all i can really say is you have to be dedicated as fuck and deal with all the bullshit local artist/musician have to throw at you. other than that.. its hella fun..

09-09-2008, 10:32 AM
how about the income? is he rollin?

09-09-2008, 10:55 AM

09-09-2008, 11:18 AM
I have a freind with a degree in Mechanical Engineering... And my dad's got a masters in education, and I have friends in a band.

Put those together and you have a school for music engineering lol.

09-09-2008, 11:21 AM
my boy is an recording Engineer for Akon

09-09-2008, 11:30 AM
i guess i always feared going to a specific school because i always feared that careers all look iffy

robby that was funny lmao thanks. id rep but no more rep

drift freaq
09-09-2008, 11:45 AM
i guess i always feared going to a specific school because i always feared that careers all look iffy

robby that was funny lmao thanks. id rep but no more rep

Honestly Austin, If you love music, if you want to work hard, and are prepared to be competing with a sea of Recording School graduates go for it.
Fact is, if you like sound engineering lean towards post production and sound for TV/Film. More jobs there.
There are way to many sound engineering schools turning out wanna be recording engineers.
The amount of studios today aka Facilities has shrunk and is shrinking big time. Its a much tougher business than it ever was before. Now if you want to go into doing music production on your own with your own little studio go for it. Though if you do choose that road then you should have writing ability and talent for that as well.

If you want to make a lot of money, steady money and really do not have your heart in Music? Choose something else. Its a love of the art these days. The heyday of big money in the music business is over. The consumers themselves destroyed that with free internet downloads and piracy.

Oh yeah I know that comment will piss some of you off but its the truth. The big labels may not have been perfect but the consumer himself drove the death knife into the industry in his belief that downloading was somehow correcting the wrongs of big labels. Wrong, it ripped the artist off as well and it made it impossible for bands to get heard on a major distribution basis.
Labels are so scared to try anything new they go with only what will sell several million result is you don't really get to hear a lot of the good stuff out there.

Ya I know your going to say I can hear them on the net. Ya and they do not really make much money off the net.
Once again a situation were people throw the baby out with the bathwater. Lets fix a problem by throwing it away and creating a whole new worse problem. hahahhaha.

Illegal downloads are stealing intellectual property. Its just like someone saying I like your wheels I want them I am gonna take them.

09-09-2008, 12:20 PM
yah i see there could be potential in tv/film production. As much as i love music, unfortunately your right, with the internet, its really hurting.

09-09-2008, 12:35 PM
I was considering it, but I chose not to since it's
not really a "high-demand" job, and I want something
steady as a career. I just take classes here and there
and learn bit by bit, so at least I can do it on the side.

09-09-2008, 12:37 PM
I wanna Direct Music Videos???

I always picture them in my head the way i'd do it..

09-09-2008, 12:37 PM
simoun whatcha studyin?

09-09-2008, 12:39 PM
I'm taking business and respiratory therapy.

09-09-2008, 12:53 PM
The heyday of big money in the music business is over. The consumers themselves destroyed that with free internet downloads and piracy.

Oh yeah I know that comment will piss some of you off but its the truth. The big labels may not have been perfect but the consumer himself drove the death knife into the industry in his belief that downloading was somehow correcting the wrongs of big labels. Wrong, it ripped the artist off as well and it made it impossible for bands to get heard on a major distribution basis.
Labels are so scared to try anything new they go with only what will sell several million result is you don't really get to hear a lot of the good stuff out there.

iTunes is the number 1 retailer of music on the planet. Music co's should be kissing the man's feet. He made a device that allows them to sell music at a fair price and it doesn't cost them anything. No printing, no cd's, no jewel cases, no shipping, no boxing, no returns, no surplus stampings on a crap album that no one wants. He solved all their distribution problems in one swoop. The internet did not hurt the industry but saved it. For 10 years customers have been saying mp3's are going to be the future. Once they went through every excuse they finally started selling and in 3 years itunes now sells more music than walmart. Think about it. Sony records just walks out to the mailbox and pics up a check. Emails Steve some new songs they want to sell with the details for them and gets paid. Don't have to do anything else. That's the best game in town. You trade some lost sales to freebie downloads for the luxury of not having to do anything.

Illegal downloads are stealing intellectual property. Its just like someone saying I like your wheels I want them I am gonna take them.

No it's not.. there's a difference between copy and stealing. If I want your wheels and I take them. Volk couldn't give two shits. They still sold them to you. They made their money. It's not like they've got to give you a free set because yours were stolen. You care though because you've got a car on blocks and no wheels.

Now, if I could walk by your car and say damn I like those wheels, press a button and poof another set would fall out of the sky next to yours. I picked up the spare set and loaded them into my truck. Would you care? how about would you even know? What if they weigh'd 10lbs more and were called sportmax instead? matter now?

Every industry has some level of copying. Don't cry intellectual property theft without understanding the underlying business model and how it's applied. No one cares if you steal a single mp3 or a couple. It's stealing when you resell it to someone else. That hurts their business. That's a property theft because they lost a sale. The counting each "illegal" download by someone with them not selling as a lost sale has been thrown out of court already several times and is not a valid argument or else the original seeder of a mp3 torrent could be processed under rico as operator of a criminal enterprise just because he set the first domino in motion to the loss of 5000 albums in lost sales. Although 4500 of those downloads were to college students that have less than $10 in their bank account and weren't going to buy it anyway.