View Full Version : Forum looks great!

01-09-2003, 08:08 PM
Mark and everybody who worked on it (and still works on it):

This forum looks the best it ever has since I've been on it. It's quicker than ever also. I left for a while (had to take a break) and came back and I am sooooo impressed!!!

great job!!!!

And plus--it seems the bickering and immaturity has left (there was quite a bit for a while--reason for the break from the forum). This forum is awesome again! Actually, I think it's the best all-around since I've been here. And I'm very glad that the "old-timers" are all still here.

BTW--what's the deal w/ the "Mark & Irena" screen name? Did I miss something?

01-09-2003, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by 96SEChick

BTW--what's the deal w/ the "Mark & Irena" screen name? Did I miss something?

I was wondering the same thing, where's s14guy? Not like it's any of my business. :D

01-09-2003, 10:13 PM
ya. we missed all the drama :confused:

01-10-2003, 02:02 AM
I tried to pry as much as possible without West kicking me off, but it seems that s14 guy left and west entered, sounds fair to me. Also, it appears that s13girl was the most desirable woman on the forum (according to popular opinion, I'm not into trying to pick up forum girls) it is fitting that west would win her over. Plus like he said, he is the super moderator and a good one at that, this site rocks

01-10-2003, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by 240racer
I tried to pry as much as possible without West kicking me off, but it seems that s14 guy left and west entered, sounds fair to me. Also, it appears that s13girl was the most desirable woman on the forum (according to popular opinion, I'm not into trying to pick up forum girls) it is fitting that west would win her over. Plus like he said, he is the super moderator and a good one at that, this site rocks

Didn't Irena live near Chicago before though? I guess we'll find out next week on "Days of our Zilvia".

01-10-2003, 01:28 PM
:) me and West finally met after two years, and we liked each other, so I broke up with S14Guy and moved to Colorado, and here I am :). Yes, guys, it's West's super administrator powers, lol :). You all have figured me out ;) ;). No, he's too hot to pass up. :)

Lauren, welcome back!!! Where've you been???

01-10-2003, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by S13Grl
:) me and West finally met after two years, and we liked each other, so I broke up with S14Guy and moved to Colorado, and here I am :). Yes, guys, it's West's super administrator powers, lol :). You all have figured me out ;) ;). No, he's too hot to pass up. :)

Lauren, welcome back!!! Where've you been???

someones a little smiley happy.

While we are talking about smileys, when do we get more, or different ones, every board has these ones, and I don't like em:(

Mark & Irena
01-10-2003, 04:11 PM
We're working on it, sorry.


01-10-2003, 04:19 PM
I agree this is a very nice forum, kinda like FA in the early days, but way better. I remember when Mr West use to post at FA, he than created this place. At the time I thought why would I ever want to leave FA, but FA has gone to hell. I just wish I did not wait so long to join.

Keep Up the great work:D :D :D :D :D :D

01-10-2003, 04:37 PM
I created Zilvia back when I was on the 240SX Amorok List, I never even know FA Existed back then. Although, Its amazing how many 240 sites have poped up recently :(

01-10-2003, 04:47 PM
Yeah there have been allot of sites, I blame that Fast & Furious movie. :mad: The mags are a bit to blame to.

When I first got my 240, I had hoped of being more of a 1 of a kind sleeper type, but it seems now a days everyone is tring to trade in their honda for one. I am glad that there were not that many 240's made, there is nothing worse than having a car that you see every where you look.

01-10-2003, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by S13Grl
:) me and West finally met after two years, and we liked each other, so I broke up with S14Guy and moved to Colorado, and here I am :). Yes, guys, it's West's super administrator powers, lol :). You all have figured me out ;) ;). No, he's too hot to pass up. :)

Lauren, welcome back!!! Where've you been???

Wow! When did this happen? What kind of work are you doing there? I have definitely missed a lot in the past few months! If you're happy, then I'm happy :D

I just had to take a break. I thought of selling my car, because I haven't had the money to do any mods, and little things keep wearing out (like the still-existent worn subframe bushings). Then I kept looking for cars for a month and realized that I couldn't find anything that I liked as much as my 240SX (and I still have yet to find one as clean and not-riced out as mine).

This week, I realized that I have learned so much about my car, and what makes a 240SX "tick" and that I realized that my misfortunes with excessive maintenance on my car (which is really rare for the 240SX) can really help other people with their car problems. Plus, I missed the community in this forum, even when we got over-loaded w/ FnF fanatics :rolleyes:

01-10-2003, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by WeST
I created Zilvia back when I was on the 240SX Amorok List, I never even know FA Existed back then. Although, Its amazing how many 240 sites have poped up recently :(

So, Zilvia was only around for 1 month when I joined? I had my 240SX for at least 6 months before I ever went to Fresh Alloy (the cheesy name really deterred me for a long time). The only reason I kept going back was for the Skyline forum. Then, it got so stupid, I just quit visiting (haven't been there for over 6 months now). The Amarok list got too much for me to handle. Too many repeat questions (cause it is a pain to search) and the messages aren't organized into topic, like a forum like this is. So, this is the only real 240SX forum I visit and have stayed on since June 2001. And, this is the only one I will stay a regular to, and it's been worth every minute, and hour, I've spent on it.

01-10-2003, 11:05 PM
96sechick posting? :confused: thats crazy ...soon krunko will start posting again :D :cool:

*hint to krunko ;)

01-11-2003, 12:41 AM
I was looking for his name in the new Medal of Honor (Spearhead) but didn't see it. (He did some animation in Allied Assualt) What's he been up to lately.

01-11-2003, 08:51 AM
Originally posted by whateverjames
I was looking for his name in the new Medal of Honor (Spearhead) but didn't see it. (He did some animation in Allied Assualt) What's he been up to lately. yay right now he is doing animation porn :cool:

01-11-2003, 01:41 PM
I haven't heard from him (or seen him on the forum) since he moved to California in September. When Chris and I got our house, we wound up moving like 2 blocks away from him. I wonder what he's up to.

01-11-2003, 01:59 PM
Here are a few sites where I found articles about Krunko. They're actually pretty interesting.



Mark & Irena
01-11-2003, 07:44 PM
Krunko's been posting, a little at a time.

I'm real glad to see you back, Lauren.


01-12-2003, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by Mark & Irena
Krunko's been posting, a little at a time.

I'm real glad to see you back, Lauren.

o ho...whats going on http://forums.off-topic.net/images/smilies/lickmahpussy.gif ;)

man am i so gunna be moderated :D

01-12-2003, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by wherezmytofu

That has got to be one of the funniest smilies I've every seen!!

01-12-2003, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by 96SEChick
That has got to be one of the funniest smilies I've every seen!! hay now they will have to edit all our posts :D ;)

01-12-2003, 07:01 PM
so what's the deal with the Mark & Irena SN......was this always been around?

01-12-2003, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by GT specR
so what's the deal with the Mark & Irena SN......was this always been around?

They explained it earlier in the thread ;)

01-12-2003, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by 96SEChick
They explained it earlier in the thread ;)

oh ok I get it.

01-12-2003, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by GT specR
oh ok I get it. YOU SEE! i told u they werent lieing to u about the whole "reading is fundemental" crap

01-13-2003, 12:27 AM
LAUREN! Long time no see. Welcome back to the forums!

. .
. . .

I've got nothing more to add. . . :-)

01-13-2003, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by misnomer
LAUREN! Long time no see. Welcome back to the forums!

. .
. . .

I've got nothing more to add. . . :-)

Thanks!! Thank you all for the warm welcome-backs!! :D :cool:

01-15-2003, 01:12 AM
Originally posted by wherezmytofu
o ho...whats going on http://forums.off-topic.net/images/smilies/lickmahpussy.gif ;)

man am i so gunna be moderated :D

"I came here to study the GREAT Amelican art of MUFFdiving!"
- Taj Mahal Badalanbabad

01-15-2003, 01:19 AM
Hey, guys..thanks for making me feel special inside and wondering whats happened to me. I'm in California now..and yes Is till have the 240. The reason I have posted is because I really probably wont' be doing any mods until I do an SR swap...but that's still debatable.

As far as Spearhead goes...yeah we worked on that for the forst 3 months and did atleast half the work for it...well more like 90% if you count all the previous allied assault code and assets that were used. I'm working on another wonderful PC game, which might be announced this month. I'll post the media stuff if the announce it. It will be better then MoH.

Yeah...so its way different here. EVERYONE and their mom has a BMW or Mercedes. There's actually a lot less riced out cars here. Yeah, both of those links about me are pretty lame. If you goto www.imdb.com and search for "Chance Glasco" I come up too..yipee...that's my favorite spot I appear on the net because I have credits with Stephen Spielburg on there and it makes me feel special.

So yeah..my car plans...

Most Likely to Happen:

SR20 swap with phase2motortrend

Mazda Rx-8

The swap is very most likely to happen because I would have a REALLY hard time getting rid of my car....but it would be a hefty price to pay all at once. And..I REALLY like the 350z's....so yeah..we'll see.

I went to the LA car show last weekend and saw some pretty cool things like the new 2005 Mustang. The red converable was ugly but the silver coupe is swwwweeeet. But..EVERYONE will have them so I'll stop liking them shortly after they come out. Alright..


p.s. I'm also going to work on getting my infamous "Honda Song" recorded, and i'll give you all a link when its up on mp3.com.

01-15-2003, 08:03 PM
Good to hear from ya man!! I'm the only 240SX in the neighborhood (well, haven't seen another one yet) since you left. Glad things are going well for ya!