View Full Version : Cutter

drift freaq
08-03-2008, 01:34 PM
Ok I do not normally make a badreview of sellers because I usually have good experiences here. Unfortunately this time its different.
Cutter an relative noob here posted a set of Cusco camber plates for sale for $80. He did not say the top nuts were missing nor did he communicate that to me.
I got the plates and discovered that the Top nuts were missing making them useless without the top nuts. I p.m.d him last week about it and got no response. I filed a claim with paypal today for that very reason. He did respond to the paypal claim with a comment about Cusco not selling them separately and being worth $250 hmm he new the retail price but claimed they could not be purchased separately. Well they can. Though that is a dodge on his part. Fact is people sell these camber plates all the time used for $80-$100 with the top plates. Now he says If I want to keep them I can buy the top nuts from Cusco for $20 which basically again means he knowingly mislead me.
If he had contacted me and let me know these nuts were missing I would not be writing this negative review he did not. He did not even respond to messages here. I had to file with paypal. Now he will not send my money back till I send him the camber plates and he wants me to pay shipping back to him i.e. I lose money for him misleading me. Now seeing as he has already been dishonest with me to begin with I will not ship him the camber plates back till I sell full refund with shipping back charges as well.

He mislead from the beginning
He knowingly avoided contact till it was forced on him
He wants to penalize me for his dishonesty
He is a noob and does not trust a reputable member of Zilvia when he is being the dishonest one here and admitting it.

I.E. do not buy from this guy.

08-03-2008, 01:40 PM
Link to user's profile please.

drift freaq
08-03-2008, 01:45 PM
Link to user's profile please.

here you go http://zilvia.net/f/members/cutter.html

Oh and and addendum. It seems in a previous for sale post for these camber plates he admitted the spacer was missing but said nothing about the top nuts. He also mentioned they retail for $240 which goes against his statement to me in the paypal dispute saying that Cusco does not sell them separately.

Oh his name is Chris Van Meter I might add. He has now admitted in messages in paypal dispute center that he knowingly sold the Camber plates without the top nuts. Though he did not say anything in his post or in private messages about this, when he posted them beyond posting that they were missing the center spacers in a previous attempt to sell them.

drift freaq
08-05-2008, 07:21 PM
Ok so we have resolution here. He has at least agreed to refunding $20 to cover the cost of top nuts for the camber plates. Though the review still stands.