View Full Version : Hanging clutch pedals? (auto to manual swap)

12-30-2002, 10:48 PM
Hey. I'm going to swap my car from automatic to standard soon, and figured that since my engine is out of my car, I should at least hang pedals. The 2 auto -> manual swap posts in FAQ are missing, so I need to ask here.
Is there a distance apart they need to be hung? Are there dimpled marks in the firewall to guide me? Someone help... I need this info by tomorrow sometime.

12-30-2002, 10:57 PM
I'm not sure since mine was a 5spd to start with, but I'd guess that there would be hole/dimples/marks of some kind and they just pop out the ones they use when they assemble the car.

drift freaq
12-31-2002, 11:44 AM
damn , I was one of the main threads in there seems I am going to have go and repost the info on the auto to 5 speed swap. anyways Jeff, there is indeed dimpled marks on your firewall under the dash for your clutch pedal studs that hold your clutch master as well as the general outline of the clutch master cylinder hole. Its a very straight forward deal . I also recommend that you cut your auto brake pedal down rather than going through the hassle of dropping your steering column to put in the manual brake pedal.