View Full Version : need help(with dog)

07-07-2008, 04:21 PM
hey guys i'm very sad becuase my mom and brother are thinking of putting to sleep our dog of 11 yrs. Niether them both want to pay for him to get him checked out at the vet. I can't eitehr at the time( i have no money to do) but i don't want him to be put down i rather wait and see if he gets better and die normaly. I hope someone can help me who or someone whos knows about this can help me out. He has some nasty like wart or something coming out of his ass. Alot of flies around. I think maybe worms or something. I hope u can help becuase the day my dog is put asleep. I will be hella depressed.:sadwavey: :cry: :( This dog helped me through alot and changed my life. I belive he can live through another 5 years easily. Still energetic and peppy.

07-07-2008, 04:28 PM
Sorry to hear this, I own a dog but do not know the charges regarding the check up. How much is it to have a check up?

07-07-2008, 04:30 PM
borrow some money from your homies to at least get him checked up at the vet.
then decide to put him to sleep. if hes in pain and you cant fix it, itll be better that you make the decision soon.

hope all goes well man.

07-07-2008, 04:51 PM
shouldnt put ur dog to sleep yet. still freaking young. my dog lived til she was 17, went thru a lot too--had a tumor removed, broke both legs, and she was great. u need to find a way to get ur dog to a vet if you really love him

07-07-2008, 04:56 PM
shouldnt put ur dog to sleep yet. still freaking young. my dog lived til she was 17, went thru a lot too--had a tumor removed, broke both legs, and she was great. u need to find a way to get ur dog to a vet if you really love him
well it depends on the dog type, if ur dog is ill and u cant afford the medical treatment, putting it down isnt to bad of an idea...my dog lived for nearly 18 years, when she got to her 18th year she had more meds than food, we chose to put her down because she wouldnt suffer anymore.

good luck with ur doggy...:o

07-07-2008, 04:58 PM

too soon? :goyou:

karl wasabi
07-07-2008, 05:02 PM
Really sorry to hear about this. It's crazy how an animal can be such a big part of your life. I put my dog of 13 years to sleep about 2 months ago because of arthritis. It sucks man. Best wishes to you. =(

07-07-2008, 05:06 PM
it cost 75 for check up. I can pay that part its the medicine that kills me and not knowing the cost. I guess i'm gonna have to find somehow to make some extra cash. I can't believe my big bro said to put him down if my mom wants to. She never liked the dog anyways. Sucks becuase he just got his shots like 3 months ago.... and liscense renewed. Hes gone to broken ankles and stuff. I told my mom if shes gonna do it i don't want to call ask how much it cost to put him to sleep. I don't want to be part of it. Hes not suffering it just something like worm or some shit.

07-07-2008, 05:08 PM
go to home depot and get those Fly Bags, that you hang outside...that will help keep the flies off him....also if he has any cuts from the flies biting him on his ears or anywhere else, go to the pet store, they sell sprays and creams...its literally called "Flies-Off"

it will help keep them off him to let the wounds close (if he has that at all)

C. Senor
07-07-2008, 05:19 PM
sucks to hear about your dog. my dog has lupus, so he has meds every day and it tends to get expensive. but after you check it out, and you're dog can be helped with meds. you can check out sites like petrx.com. they sell the drugs that the vets prescribed but much cheaper. that sites saves me half of what i would pay at the vet. hope all goes well with your dog.

07-07-2008, 05:28 PM
thanks i'll try that fly stuff and i'm going to see if some of the counter shelf worm treatment can help if not then i have to take him.

07-07-2008, 05:48 PM
I'm really sorry to hear about this, my dogs are getting older now too (12) and I keep telling myself they've got a long way to go. I hope you can help your dog recover, but if it's in pain I would let it go.

07-07-2008, 08:13 PM
i lost my lil dog 2 weeks ago, he was murdered by some ninjas *he got into neighbors yard/pit bulls got him*
We only had him for a few months probably 6 months but i got soo attached to him, he was my little buddy.

but a few weeks before that he was sick, caughing and really down. We crushed up aspirin and let it desolve in his water. Dunno if that helped but he felt better a few days later.

A couple years ago we had this really fat pug. she was really fat.. well she was old too, i dont know how old but well over 10 years. And I came home one day and my folks took her to sleep... My folks figured it was probably the best thing to do for her since she wasnt in the best condition and gettin up in age. I wasnt as attached to her, but yah dont be too upset if you come home and someone took your dog.

07-07-2008, 08:18 PM
that sucks to hear man. I've been doing research and steering to maybe worms..ring worms to be exact. I'm gonna watch him to see what happens and pick up some medicine toomarow morning for it. Doesnt hurt trying.

Mi Beardo es Loco
07-07-2008, 08:42 PM
we have a vet down here named dr. Butchkos. His visits are very cheap. ask a vet in your area for a very cheap vet or just ask his opinion. Most vets love animals and want to help you out as long as they're not doing any major surgery.

But it sounds A LOT like what my rott had. She always use to scratch her ass against a chain link fence and got cut and got an infection. The flies swarmed her and deposited their maggots. The "wart" like things ended up being maggot hatchings. Put two fingers around the warts and see if maggots come out. It just took some cream man, the stuff went away.
But either way, get some patrolium jelly or a product named flys-off and put it on her rear. It'll detract the flies.

07-07-2008, 08:43 PM
i dont know if its any different for a dog.. but it was $200 to put my fuckin cat down. stupid cat ate a poisoned mouse.

07-07-2008, 09:05 PM
well i live in the one by sac but yeah he doesnt scratch his ass nor have i seen him do it. he just bites it and licks it which i heard they do when they have worms and eggs on their end. 200$! man if thats how much it cost than theres no way my mom will fork it over but she does really hate him so i bet she will try. First medicine then vet. I also think maybe it was fleas and bit his his end so hard it might have turned into a cut?

07-07-2008, 09:16 PM
there is a free clinick at the petsmart off of zinfindale in sacramento . its every tues and thurs between 2:00 and 6:00 i think . you will have to call and find out . i just took my cat in to get his shots . hope this helps .

07-07-2008, 09:19 PM
sweet thanks man! i'll call toomarow and tell my bro so we can get him up there to get him checked out.

07-07-2008, 09:22 PM
Don't put a dog down if you don't even know whats up. I can't think of the name... but go to a pet store that has stuff for horses, get some kinda thick goopy stuff to keep flies away. Call up a vet and tell them the situation, if they realize you can't really afford a lot at least they'll be able to give an opinion.

07-08-2008, 10:20 AM
i dont know if its any different for a dog.. but it was $200 to put my fuckin cat down. stupid cat ate a poisoned mouse.

WTF 200 bucks to kill a cat? Give me 20 bucks and your cat problems are over. But yeah.... Try to see what your dog has, You can order medicine through the internet or those things on tv thats suppose to be pretty cheap.