View Full Version : Brown Muddy coolant?

06-15-2008, 01:55 PM
Alright, I think my radiator is rusty but I just want to make sure with you guys because I really don't need a blown headgasket right now...

When I bought the car there was a bunch of brown gunky stuff in the reservoir and as I drive it more and more I see why, the coolant right now is a brownish color with, after driving for a while, some muddy particulate substance on top. If it was oil, there wouldn't be chunks so to the best of my knowledge it is rust correct?

In addition, after the car sits for a while, the gunky rusty stuff on top of the coolant eventually sinks and when I stick my finger in the reservoir again I don't get "mud-like" substance instead just slightly browned coolant but it still looks like coolant.

So am I right in my assumption that this is rust? Rust would sink in coolant, right?

P.S. - This is with an SR + Koyo rad... Could the brown stuff be left over from an old radiator and just be getting in the coolant? After the crap sinks the coolant looks nothing more than tainted and isn't sludgey at all, it feels normal, just slightly brown.

06-15-2008, 02:36 PM
do a flush and see if it comes back if it comes back then you got a problem. i wouldnt want that crap in my coolant system anyways.

06-15-2008, 02:57 PM
Do you always have to add oil into crankcase but see no oil leaks anywhere? If so, pretty sure HG needs replacement

David Steele
06-15-2008, 03:48 PM
If you have brown chunky coffee looking coolant, if your exhaust smells sweet and you get white puffy smoke out of they exhaust. These are all the symptoms of a blown head gasket.

06-15-2008, 04:17 PM
No smoke, no smell - the chunks fall to the bottom when water is added - oil is fine to the best of my knowledge, I'll check again right now.

*edit* Oil is where it was at 500 miles ago.

06-16-2008, 05:20 PM
I think a good idea would be to drain and refill the coolant like driftem said. If it is still brown and lumpy then you may need to snag a new radiator...

06-18-2008, 11:27 AM
its fine its just old crusty shit

07-09-2008, 03:46 PM
i think you have a bhg

07-09-2008, 05:25 PM
Eh, my coolant looks all nasty too. But my oil level doesn't drop so I'm assuming the water passages were just all dirty. If you don't have the other symptoms of a blown head gasket, you probably don't have one.

07-09-2008, 05:32 PM
I flushed it and all it was, was really old crappy coolant that had dried to a hard crust and when the hot coolant ran over it, it got muddy and really dirty... It would then float to the top and look like mud.

New coolant res. and a flush took care of it.