View Full Version : 1996 s14 clutch question help

06-09-2008, 01:39 PM
The car is coming along pretty good, although I'm trying to figure out the clutch, I can't shift the car into gear while it's running, I have the car on jack stands and I can start it in gear and the tires will spin but I can't shift into and gears. I've tried bleeding the clutch, but that didn't work. Can you give me any advice?

06-09-2008, 01:53 PM
If you're using the factory bleeder block, you should ditch it, or bleed it for a long time. I hear it makes bleeding the lines very difficult.
Does it grind when you try to put it into gear while it's running? Maybe the linkage at the clutch pedal is somehow screwy.
Are the master/slave cylinders new or used? They could be leaking.. I'm pretty sure the master cylinder can be internally leaking and you wouldn't visually see anything.
Is the fork that physically engages the clutch properly hooked up? I actually was so excited to get my car together I forgot to hook it up all the way..

Just some things to check off your checklist, good luck!