View Full Version : You know what really grinds my gears?

05-21-2008, 12:09 PM
Alright, I want to hear what really ticks you guys off. And not just the obvious stuff, like people who drive really slow and crap like that.
for instance:

I can't stand people who smack their lips when they eat. i dont need to hear you chew your food, keep it to yourself! i have a few friends who do this and sometimes i want to uppercut them in the mouth to shut them up. Its like they go out of their way and chew like that so you know they are eating.

Also, I can't stand to be hit on the top of my head. For some reason this really irks me. I was working on my brakes one time, came up and hit my head on the fender wall. Got up and punched the car and made a huge dent in the quarter panel in my incredible hulk mood haha.

So what minute things in life make you guys go above average nuts?
:bash: :madfawk: :doh: :bigok:

05-21-2008, 12:20 PM
When I call people to help them out and they answer their phone and say, "I'm in a very important meeting. I can NOT talk."

Well then WTF did you answer your phone if you're in a meeting?

05-21-2008, 12:22 PM
The words "conversate" and "irregardless" REALLY make me want to punch someone's granmdmother

05-21-2008, 12:29 PM
internet meme's that are not "nuts in da ass, dick in da pussy"

05-21-2008, 12:33 PM
stupid people

05-21-2008, 12:39 PM
slow drivers in the way when your late for work or gotta piss... Grinds my Gears haha i saw that family guy episode last night!!

05-21-2008, 12:42 PM
People that have illegitimate children. Unplanned bastard kids. Heat of the moment oops.

Lol. neg rep me for something that pisses me off? Nice. YOUR dad should have used a condom, fuckface.

It makes me mad because a lot of people that have accidents cant take care of them and they end up becoming a burden to society.

05-21-2008, 12:43 PM
internet meme's that are not "nuts in da ass, dick in da pussy"


...msglength *nut dip*

05-21-2008, 12:44 PM
i REALLY hate it when people use "mines" in replace of "mine"

example: "you should see mines"

mine = shows ownership
mines = explosives

05-21-2008, 12:45 PM
People that have illegitimate children. Unplanned bastard kids. Heat of the moment oops.

That pisses me off too

Illegal immigrants piss me off as well.

05-21-2008, 12:45 PM
i REALLY hate it when people use "mines" in replace of "mine"

example: "you should see mines"

mine = shows ownership
mines = explosives

I hate when people say Alls. Like "Alls you gotta do is...".

touge monster
05-21-2008, 12:46 PM
honda civics haha.

People who doesn't know the appropriate time to be immature. Always making themselves/others look bad at the wrong time.

and I can't stand guys who hit girls (not playing around) and/or treat them like shit.. and they let them.

05-21-2008, 12:46 PM
irrelevance ......

05-21-2008, 12:48 PM
Ugly dudes with hot ass girlfriends

05-21-2008, 12:58 PM
Ugly dudes with hot ass girlfriends

Lol...it's called Money...Lots of it.

Lazy coworkers really grind my gears.

05-21-2008, 01:02 PM
I HATE FAKE ppls...bulshitters...liers

(im doin this, im doin that, im friends with this, mennnn STF)

i dont understand y you gotta lie to fuckin kick...

05-21-2008, 01:04 PM
People that have illegitimate children. Unplanned bastard kids. Heat of the moment oops.

Lol. neg rep me for something that pisses me off? Nice. YOUR dad should have used a condom, fuckface.

It makes me mad because a lot of people that have accidents cant take care of them and they end up becoming a burden to society.

and your assumption that most people that have "Accidents" (unplanned children) dont take care of them...my daughter was unplanned, but be sure that i take care of her and everything else....YOUR comment was stupid

thanks for paying zilvia $10 just to see who left you the neg rep :keke:

05-21-2008, 01:04 PM
Just a few of many things that get to me. Not listed in order of importance...

1) People who contradict themselves through their opinions or actions. Practice what you preach.

2) Left lane cruisers need to get the fuck out of my way.

3) People who just don't pay attention while driving (cell phone, makeup, etc.) (Especially those who take forever to leave on a green). Driver's test should be harder to weed out the suck ass drivers. Even wireless headsets and voice activated features are distractions.

4) Obnoxious people (loud in library, etc.) need to SHUT THE FUCK UP

5) Know-it-alls. I don't even waste my time with them nowadays, I just say whatever.

6) Double standards. (Derogatory words, etc.)

7) When I always close the doors behind me but cockroaches and mosquitoes still manage to get inside the house. DAMN THOSE BASTARDS.

8) When I forget things.

9) People who act like they're better or above you.

10) Car thieves.

11) People who make a big deal out of nothing.

12) People who instigate shit and people who believe instigators before hearing the other side of the story.

13) When birds shit on my car the day after washing it (or when it rains, etc.)

14) Bossy, demanding control freaks.

15) People who try to put me on the spot and embarrass me.

16) Excessive nutswinging.

17) Annoying little kids and their stupid ass parents who can't control them.

18) Faggots who rev constantly and peel out at meets like they're impressing everyone. I hate singling one group out but 99% of the time it's the Honda/Acura crowd.

19) People who are never on time. I like punctuality.

20) Speed bumps ARE FUCKING GAY.

21) People who can't type for shit.

22) Faggots like Jack Thompson who make a big deal out of videogames when other forms of media shell out similar material as well.

23) People who complain when they shouldn't. (SUV drivers about gas, etc.)

24) Hybrid owners who think they're doing the world a favor.

25) Car designers doing ugly ass redesigns of cars that already look good.

26) New cars keep getting heavier and heavier, adding more useless shit to them, so much safety and computerized technology gadgetry bullshit, everything is environment this gas mileage that, nothing really caters to the youth market anymore except FWD econoboxes, etc.

27) All the wrong people are rich.

28) Car dealerships, car insurance, U.S. safety and highway whatever the hell they're called and their bullshit. The whole lot of them.

29) Fat ass people who order diet food/drinks in large quantities.

30) People who use the race card.


05-21-2008, 01:06 PM
and your assumption that most people that have "Accidents" (unplanned children) dont take care of them...my daughter was unplanned, but be sure that i take care of her and everything else....

Most. So you don't fall into that category. Good for you. Want a fucking cookie?

I don't care if you thought my comment was stupid. We're all entitled to our own opinions and I stated mine. Get over it.

05-21-2008, 01:13 PM
Users who are butt-hurt over getting -rep, then pay to become premium members just to try to find out who did it so they can retaliate to every person.

05-21-2008, 01:15 PM
Most. So you don't fall into that category. Good for you. Want a fucking cookie?

I don't care if you thought my comment was stupid. We're all entitled to our own opinions and I stated mine. Get over it.

yes please....chocolate chip

ive been over it, you're the one sending me PMs crying about your rep buddy...

t3h intr4w3bz....SERIOUS business :jerkit:

05-21-2008, 01:20 PM
Thats actually a pretty shitty and offensive comment to be honest.

a) It's not true

b) It's very judgmental and stereotypical.

Maybe people who are irresponsible, have unplanned kids, and don't take care of them would have been a better way to phrase it.

This may be the internet, you can say what you want, but so can we.....

and just for the record, I don't have a kid, so I have nothing to be defensive about on this one.

05-21-2008, 01:21 PM
what grinds my gears is people who brag and put others down.. people that usually pop out of no where and pretty much say "mine is better" etc..

young girls who idolize alcohol that shit aint cute and they usually are light weights when drinking....

California traffic/auto smog laws

trend followers/bandwagoneers or people who are easily influenced

edit- lets not get this thread closed because it may contain offensive comments by people.. how can you ask people what ticks em off and expect everyone to aggree????

05-21-2008, 01:24 PM
people with bad grammar online...

ex - when they say "your gay" (i do NOT OWN a gay), the correct one is YOU'RE gay.

your = possession, you're = you are.

05-21-2008, 01:26 PM
Just about everything everyone has posted grinds my gears.

The biggest thing for me is ignorance, stupidity and the unwillingness to learn that so many people seem to have.

Materialism and the people who thrive on it really grind my gears.

People who are pathalogical liars and people who never know when to shut up also really grind my gears.

Finally, people who correct grammar online REALLY grind my gears.. stop trying to look smart by correcting grammar that people dont care about. This isnt English class Son! :D

05-21-2008, 01:32 PM
in no order:

1) "PM for prices"

2) The fact that in the past 20 or so years we've only managed to design engines with about 5 to 10 mpg more fuel efficiency

3) Why gas prices are jumping up at least 10 cents every 1.5 - 2 weeks.

4) People that litter / smoke

5) People that talk just to hear themselves talk...the ones that say the same thing 50 times in a row. "I'M PRESSIN CHARGES"

6) People that are not tolerant of other people's religion / race. This coming from a white guy who is not a church-go'er. But don't get me wrong, I DO believe stereotypes exist for a reason and some people just don't deserve respect.


(oooh, i agree with the "your" "you're" thing too)

05-21-2008, 01:37 PM
-People that hate on my smoking in a perfectly acceptable environment.

Fuck you

05-21-2008, 01:39 PM
hey...no smoking in this thread...

05-21-2008, 01:39 PM
-People that hate on my smoking in a perfectly acceptable environment.

Fuck you

Fo sho.

I don't know what I hate the most.

Just little things.

Actually a lot of things.

I'll come up with a list and post it soon.

A Spec Products
05-21-2008, 01:41 PM

I laughed before I even opened the thread

05-21-2008, 01:41 PM
1. "PM for pricing". just post it, you never getting back to me with a price makes me SOOOO much more inclined to buy from you
2. going to three interviews and then not getting the fucking job
3. family guy quotes

A Spec Products
05-21-2008, 01:43 PM
1. "PM for pricing". just post it, you never getting back to me with a price makes me SOOOO much more inclined to buy from you
2. going to three interviews and then not getting the fucking job
3. family guy quotes

The reason advertisers put "pm for pricing" is to save you money

Manufacturers have set MSRP and MAP pricing, which is how much MSRP is and how much they allow you to advertise at

Obviously businesses sell them lower than MAP, which in turn SAVES THE CUSTOMER MONEY

If they put the actual price they are selling for in the thread (and it was lower than MAP), they would get in trouble with the manufacturer, and not be able to sell that brand anymore

So I think its in your best interests to just send the PM, it takes only a few seconds

05-21-2008, 01:45 PM
hey...no smoking in this thread...

Smoke my pole DMAN!!!

05-21-2008, 01:47 PM
The reason advertisers put "pm for pricing" is to save you money

Manufacturers have set MSRP and MAP pricing, which is how much MSRP is and how much they allow you to advertise at

Obviously businesses sell them lower than MAP, which in turn SAVES THE CUSTOMER MONEY

If they put the actual price they are selling for in the thread (and it was lower than MAP), they would get in trouble with the manufacturer, and not be able to sell that brand anymore

So I think its in your best interests to just send the PM, it takes only a few seconds

i've never retailed anything in my life. SO I THINK I KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT, RETAILER


jk, i'm sure there's a reason but shit gets old

05-21-2008, 01:51 PM
when i forget to step on clutch? haha i kid.
i accidently deleted my post, buttttt here's one:


05-21-2008, 01:51 PM
young girls who idolize alcohol that shit aint cute and they usually are light weights when drinking....

read my mind. cant stand when i'm at a party where theres some 15 year old girls talking about how hardcore they are and how they get trashed every weekend.

A Spec Products
05-21-2008, 01:52 PM
i've never retailed anything in my life. SO I THINK I KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT, RETAILER


jk, i'm sure there's a reason but shit gets old

LOL yeah I know what you mean though

I wish there could be an easier way, but seriously forums have made it pretty darn easy for the customer to have quick and easy access to product info and pricing



I hate people in this scene who buy turn key cars and then blatantly lie that they built the car themselves

You want to put them on blast but you can't cause it will make you look like the jerk

05-21-2008, 01:52 PM
Smoke my pole DMAN!!!

guarantee thats a non filter mini...as opposed to some 100s :keke:

05-21-2008, 01:52 PM
people who go bootleg instead of the real thing!!

It's called saving...

Work smarter not harder..

05-21-2008, 01:54 PM
hey now

lets not get rude.

it's not the size but the taste

WTF am I saying.

05-21-2008, 01:56 PM
people who go bootleg instead of the real thing!!

It's called saving...

Work smarter not harder..

reminds me of some wheel threads on here that people be arguing about. LMAO.

05-21-2008, 01:56 PM
I like underage girls who are hardcore drunks.. does that make me a bad person? LOL

05-21-2008, 02:07 PM
I like underage girls who are hardcore drunks.. does that make me a bad person? LOL

nope not a bad person, but hope you like prison

05-21-2008, 02:16 PM
I hate the one uppers. no matter what you say, they themselves, or someone else they know have dont the same thing only bigger or better. but in the end you know its bullshit! i have some friends that are like that and they make stupid claims.

oh and people that pretend to know cars. i had a pic of the R35 GTR on my background and some guy from my class saw it and asked if it was a supra. I told him its a GTR and hes said "oh well, a supras faster anyways." what a douche, he doesnt even know what kind of car it is and already jumps to conculsions.

I hate people who are always trying to start a fist fight for the dumbest reasons. "hey you looked at me, what the fuck is your problem?" ya well you arent invisible, and i cant look through you.

05-21-2008, 02:17 PM
people who would say something like, my car is a good drift car i drift in it and it handles good. the whole time im thinking 240 then they pop up with its a honda accord i just pull the e-brake and it drifts lmfao ...........stupid shit

05-21-2008, 02:21 PM
people who half ass stuff. I would rather spend a while doing shit right than breaking out the hacksaw and cut my springs.

05-21-2008, 02:26 PM
Fape,Fike's, Folex, Freightling, Rota , and all the other fake shit people rock that they swear it's official.."Ricer says: you think i can get away with advan stickers on my rota boosts? I say: Sure then put a Seibon sticker on your flat black hood!!

05-21-2008, 02:27 PM
I hate reality tv. Its the downfall of this countries society.

I want to destroy MTV and Hollywood

05-21-2008, 02:35 PM
I am a smoker but I really can't stand when someone is smoking in a resturant. Is your life that dependant that you can't put a cigarette down and grab a fork for 1 or 2 hours?

05-21-2008, 02:52 PM
I hate:

1) Ignorant people, especially people who say racist or other prejudice shit....even more than that I HATE with a passion people who say something and then check afterwards to make sure no one is of that group...Like say something about jewish ppl and then look around and say "none of you guys are jewish right?"....I hate it cause ppl will say something racist about black ppl and im like "yeah well Im half black" and then they go "oh nah...I not like you man...Im talkin about them....yah know?...heh" fuckin bitches

2) or when someone says something racist and no one in the room steps up to say "wtf did you just say?" everyone just lets it slide

3) ppl who drop racial slurs mid conversation like its no big deal

...as you can see I hate all types or racism lol....

but anyway:

4) ppl who spout off at the mouth about car shit that they have no clue about..."yeah my friend had a car...it had an s19 in it or somethin, shit was fast tho....put down like 500hp"

if you dont know in your head what your talking about, more than likely it will sound twice as stupid when it comes out of your mouth...especially if you are talking to someone who actually knows their shit.

5) ppl with massive egos....had a kid in my class last semester who talked about himself non stop, never seen anything like it before...also, some dude at a bar tried to pick up a girl that im friends with...when she rejected him he told her that she was "watching her life pass before her eyes"....are you fucking kidding me??

6) also hate douchebags who pose for pictures, dudes with blowouts, lifting their shirts for pics

7) this notion that if you say something sucks your a "hater"..."you hear that new song?"...yeah its gay "oh your just hating"

8) the saying "no bitch assness" wtf is that?

9) the fact that it becomes "cool" to say certain phrases like "no bitchassness, no homo, whats good" etc...talk like that because you talk like that...dont talk differently then start using those things in conversation because its "cool" or you heard it in a song

10) ppl who give a fuck about anything celebrities do...they are just regular ass people with good jobs

11) and as unsexist as i can possibly make this...women on cell phones driving...now no offense to any ladys here or any women who drive and talk safely, but there have been multiple times that I was almost hit by some chick who was just not paying attention at all

12) girls who talk about fighting...unless they are huge

13) ppl who bring kids to nice restaraunts or the movies...if you can afford to eat their you can afford to hire a baby sitter...otherwise take them to the 99 or some other family restaraunt

14) fake people

05-21-2008, 02:57 PM
the saying "no bitch assness" wtf is that?

i hate that ghetto shit too

05-21-2008, 03:04 PM
I hate it when people go "ewwww" when they see something that they haven't tried but assume its gross.

05-21-2008, 03:10 PM
Ignorance. I cant stand it when people talk out of their ass.

05-21-2008, 03:14 PM
Fake ass people
Non-Functional items on cars such as:
-TV's in the rear headrest. Seriously WTF! I don't want to watch whatever the hell you have.
-Non functional scoops/vents
-"Carbon Fiber look" anything
-Lambo doors on anything but a Lambo

05-21-2008, 03:20 PM
-Lambo doors on anything but a Lambo


05-21-2008, 03:25 PM
^^ hahahaha........

05-21-2008, 03:27 PM
LOL at the lambo pic.

05-21-2008, 04:18 PM
I hate.....

name droppers (a loser who needs to pretend he's cool because he knows someone.)

paris hilton wannabes

05-21-2008, 05:48 PM
when fools dont pay my hoes for their lovin

05-21-2008, 06:59 PM
when I can't find a damn lighter... what is it with me and losing cigarette lighters? :rant:

05-21-2008, 07:20 PM
-corporate lingo (sounds pretentious, confusing & primitive)
-rising gas and food prices
-crackhead panhandlers outside my office
-bars closing way before 2am
-restaurants serving soup at lukewarm temperature.

05-21-2008, 07:25 PM
I hate it when people go "ewwww" when they see something that they haven't tried but assume its gross.

even more questionable when it comes from a guy. actually that's a pretty annoying thing to say regardless.

05-21-2008, 07:33 PM
Bad water pressure coming from the shower head. I hate slow water pressure whilst taking a shower.

Nismo ZJ
05-21-2008, 07:47 PM
-Steep increases in gas prices without an increase in wages.
-People that stink without having any reason to stink. I can understand if someone was just working, but coming to work stinking already?
-People that think they know how to fix something, but make it worse.

05-21-2008, 08:09 PM
- Working with a bunch of guys that think that b/c their pay isn't what they think it should be that they should slack off at work.

Here's a hint....maybe if you didn't slack off and did your best boss man would notice and give you a raise. :mad: :rant2:

Mi Beardo es Loco
05-21-2008, 08:17 PM
people who use the work "regardless" or the sentence "...what's his face?"

05-21-2008, 08:40 PM
95% of arkansas people. and out of state tuition costs. fuck. I can get a transfer scholarship to arkansas uni's for free but can't go out of state unless I pay $$$

shitty music sucks too, it's shitty.

05-21-2008, 09:17 PM
Ooh, a new hate thread. I have lots of hate....

I hate people that spend ridiculous amounts of money on clothes. I don't mean buying a lot of clothes, but that will spend 200 bucks on a pair of jeans. SO FUCKING WHAT if your entire outfit costs more than the total value of your car??? You're paying for a style that's gonna be out in 2 months. Clothes are not an investment. Once you wear it, it's done. If you don't really believe that, then go shop at Goodwill.

You know what else grinds my gears?

Nick Cannon.

There, I said it.

05-21-2008, 10:04 PM
- people who cut you off in traffic and zip off the exit which is...right there next to me. and doing it without turn signals.

Its funny cause, these people consider themselves "Good drivers" cause they pull stupid stunts like that daily. One of these days, you'll hit a patch of ice and I'll keep driving safely.

- not using turn signals. I'd hate to say it but, Americans, ARE WE THAT FUCKING LAZY?

- 24/7 lushes. winos. drunks. and those whose lives depend on alcohol.

- Car Theives, crooks, criminals

- Driving fast in parking lots. Its not a race track. Chill

- Suburban/Country gangstas, thugstas, locstas, wankstas, whatever kids are calling themselves these days.

- Minivans. is it me or are they on a constant speed kick? They'll race ANYBODY. its like they have something to prove. like ricers. but, they're moms.

- PT Cruisers. something about them I really hate.

- Mallrats. kids, the mall is not a teen center. go play somewhere else.

- Panhandlers. A good way to get rid of them is ask for money/cigarettes/shit before they ask you. It works.

05-21-2008, 10:09 PM
when people say "like" every 5 words in a story.

Mi Beardo es Loco
05-21-2008, 10:10 PM
when people use the word "spexactly"

05-21-2008, 11:34 PM
old people that drive in the left lane with their blinker on and sit one inch from the steering wheel grinning their teeth like they got a grenade up their ass.

05-21-2008, 11:51 PM
Ooh, a new hate thread. I have lots of hate....

I hate people that spend ridiculous amounts of money on clothes. I don't mean buying a lot of clothes, but that will spend 200 bucks on a pair of jeans. SO FUCKING WHAT if your entire outfit costs more than the total value of your car??? You're paying for a style that's gonna be out in 2 months. Clothes are not an investment. Once you wear it, it's done. If you don't really believe that, then go shop at Goodwill.

You know what else grinds my gears?

Nick Cannon.

There, I said it.

my friend's little brother is like that, and it's the only god damn jeans he would wear. this kid doesn't even work! i would like to see what he's going to do when his jeans start to fade. speaking of jeans, i hate it when i see people rocking fake evisu jeans. even though it's played out; it ain't right!

karl wasabi
05-22-2008, 12:16 AM
Traffic #1 Thing I hate!!! aaahhhhh..

And this one is more of a pet peeve, but really loud chewing. Chewing with mouth open. uhh.

Andrew Bohan
05-22-2008, 12:21 AM
this is what grinds my gears

the cover art to one of my college textbooks

how the fuck does that work?

05-22-2008, 02:12 AM
California gun laws...they suck ass

05-22-2008, 09:13 AM
"all the gory details" wow that kind of cliche language really bugs me, add to that "think outside the box" god damn!

people who think swearing is ignorant.

people who bug out over smoking trees, while they binge drink.

05-22-2008, 10:32 AM
people who bug out over smoking trees, while they binge drink.


If anything binge drinking is harder on you.

05-22-2008, 10:59 AM
When people say "it's gonna open up a can of worms."

05-22-2008, 11:17 AM
People who sit on the dance floor ...

People who ask for money at events (like did u not know u had to pay)

Girls who are on the jock after poking them.. like a fly around shit

05-22-2008, 11:28 AM
Neighbors who bother you for everything, or want to talk to you about their personal lives.

05-22-2008, 11:52 AM
- when ask someone make sure you have your phone by you so i can call you when i'm here and when you arrive they don't pick up :duh:

- indecisive people

- ignorant ass cops

- speeding tickets

- california laws

- fake people

- people that try too hard

- people that put too much thought into drinking alcahol

- paisa ass foo's that hate cause i have my arm around my gf :wtf:

- ignorant people

- boredom

- butterface ass girls that think they're hot

that is all for now

05-22-2008, 12:00 PM
- when ask someone make sure you have your phone by you so i can call you when i'm here and when you arrive they don't pick up :duh:

mother fucker!...YOU do that shit! :hammer:

05-22-2008, 12:01 PM

i always get back to you though :love:

05-22-2008, 12:03 PM

i always get back to you though :love:

really? :hahano:

05-22-2008, 12:03 PM
ahh all so true..

05-22-2008, 12:04 PM
- butterface ass girls that think they're hot

hahahaha yyuuuuup

Andrew Bohan
05-22-2008, 12:17 PM
300lb girls who wear sexy clothes (spaghetti strap dresses with a slit up the side, or daisy dukes, or anything that doesn't cover the stomach)

sexy clothes don't make you sexy if you're that big!

why do they even make sexy clothes for huge chicks?

i mean, i'm not hating on huge chicks, but come on, at least admit you can't wear sexy clothes without making everyone else yack.

05-22-2008, 12:24 PM
sexy clothes don't make you sexy if you're that big!

why do they even make sexy clothes for huge chicks?

haha rofl .. mofucker .. u are funy


05-22-2008, 12:28 PM
- girls that wear sweats outside of home

- drawn in eyebrows

- cardboard asses

- bad breath

- people that don't say thanks or please

- scammers

- guys that wear girl pants

- scenesters

- flops and lip rings

- tacky ass tattoos

- people that say "ohhhhhhh i remember that" when they weren't there in the first place

05-22-2008, 12:58 PM
fucking ravers that wear rediculous colorful pony beeds .. looks soo gay.. :: runs and hides ::

but they get the chicks :keke:

05-22-2008, 01:28 PM
when you go to a shop expecting to get something fixed on your car for cheap just to find out you have a way bigger problem and have to pay tons of money instead of a few bucks

05-22-2008, 01:46 PM
You know what really grinds my gears? People in the 19th century. Why don't they get with the freakin' program? It's called an automobile, folks. It's much faster than a horse!

05-22-2008, 03:27 PM
How about when you're on driving on the road and there are 2 cars in front of you and neither one is going faster than the other..? it's like they're side by side just regulating the speed limit only going slower...AAAARRRRGGGHHHHH MOOOOVE..

05-22-2008, 03:32 PM
- not using turn signals. I'd hate to say it but, Americans, ARE WE THAT FUCKING LAZY?

not using turn signals looks cooler, it's just like smoking

something i forgot i hate:
working on my 240sx. this is bullshit

Andrew Bohan
05-22-2008, 03:34 PM
i don't use turn signals cuz i don't want to give away my next move!
this is war!

05-22-2008, 03:34 PM
lol messagelength

05-23-2008, 02:52 AM
how about when people see me coming with 3 buckets of ice and dont move away from the drink machine...they just pack in closer pushing that god-damned ice lever stumped as to why no ice is coming out...."here let me jump-shot a 5-gallon bucket of ice 10 feet through the air for you!" fuuuuck you drink machine crowder.


women from new jersey who throw away their car keys which leads to me having to dumpster dive through resturaunt garbage.

the fact that my tat equipment got stolen...but soon...very soon....

people who jump lanes in rush hour traffic like they're going to get somewhere.

ghetto bitches yakkin on their cell phones while driving backwards through the gas station parking lot....that one made me reach for my tire iron...

people who just assume you'll let them have the right of way at intersections. ITS NOT YOUR TURN DICK. DO YOU THINK I THINK YOUR SPECIAL? THAT I LIKE YOU? I DONT. SO NO, IM NOT GIVING YOU "CUTSIES"

people who walk up to me and tell me smoking is bad for my health.
know whats even worse for your health? giving life advice to complete strangers. you never know, they could kill you.

t-shirts with movie slogans on them

project car magazine

people who think im joking when i tell them i DONT smoke blunts.

when people are just too fucking hyper sensitive about racism, and manage to take something you say and twist it into something that makes them mad. just so they can be mad about something.

people who take a stand on EVERYTHING. like this:
you: i have a dog!
them: omigawd! i totally have anxiety attacks around dogs because one barked at me when i was 10!

you: thats so gay!
them: omigawd! half my myspace friends are at LEAST trisexual! cant you be more tolerant of others?!

nopi events. we get it. 40 stippers in dental floss bikinis. civics and drifting exhibitions from dodge "chargers" or whatever the fuck it is you circle jerkers do

the fact that i work so that i can pay for gas to go to work. i have to pay for my pay. pyramid scam much? GODDAMMIT WHERES MY MACHINES!

people who act like celebritys are the hot shit to know/know about.

jailbait alcoholics

fine bitches who think you should just shower them with dro every time you have it because they know they look good. I DIDNT BUY THIS FOR YOU BITCH.

xtc freaks/bean heads/whatever
i know a guy who literally will break down in tears if he doesnt have his daily dose

burnouts. yes, pot is nice. but you're making it look bad. please go somewhere and buy some normal clothes dammit. i dont think better of you because everything you own is made out of hemp and feels like burlap.

5 lug swap questions

straight edge kids. "im so hardcore with my gwar tattoos, but im totally vegan and only breathe from this oxygen mask"

people who cut themselves to "relieve the pain" then feel the need to tell me about it. have you ever tried firing guns at tin cans or something?

reality tv

we can grow a human ear on the back of a rat, but we cant cure cancer

designated camping @ state parks. i want to camp in the woods. not in some tent suburb. commune with nature, not hear the guy in the tent 5 feet from mine snoring

ill come up with more later

05-23-2008, 03:03 AM
When i take a leak, jiggle it good, put the badboy back only to find out i didn't jiggle good enough, FUCK!

05-23-2008, 04:35 AM
most everything in hollywood.....

people in hollywood

traffic in L.A.

Women on their cell phones are usually the slowest and stupidest in traffic. (no offense to all you good girl drivers)
getting behind a gigantor truck with tons of equipment in it that is just inches from falling out onto the road, but they're like, "nothing fell out" then all over the road for others to deal with. getting stuck behind them fuck-o's

CEL that does not go off, I finally just ottok mine out.

people who take credit for others work

retail jobs

control freaks

stupid mindless biotches who are disrespectful to all that surrounds them and completely, and utterly enveloped in their world and themselves

selfish people

05-23-2008, 06:59 AM
You know what really GRINDS MY GEARS:

EVO and STI owners, There i said it

05-23-2008, 07:32 AM
You know what really GRINDS MY GEARS:

EVO and STI owners:madfawk:, I hate it when im just driving home from work and they pull up next to me wanting to race. I hate how then didnt do s**t to the car but yet they think there all bad ass, its like come on you bought your lil R/C car like that im acutally buying parts and working on mine to make it faster, you just walked in and spent 35k only pussy do that lol.:rant:

S**T im gonna design a shirt that has a pic of a STI and a EVO on the front and on the back its gonna say "only little boys play with there R/C toys" and have a pic of a lil kid playing with a R/C car :keke:
You're retarted, seriously. Also, you have the grammer of a 7 1/2 year old.

05-23-2008, 07:37 AM
You know what really GRINDS MY GEARS:

EVO and STI owners:madfawk:, I hate it when im just driving home from work and they pull up next to me wanting to race. I hate how then didnt do s**t to the car but yet they think there all bad ass, its like come on you bought your lil R/C car like that im acutally buying parts and working on mine to make it faster, you just walked in and spent 35k only pussy do that lol.:rant:

S**T im gonna design a shirt that has a pic of a STI and a EVO on the front and on the back its gonna say "only little boys play with there R/C toys" and have a pic of a lil kid playing with a R/C car :keke:

Damn thats kind of fucked up i have an STi and co-owned a shop that only built and tuned evo's..i didn't spend 35k and i sure as hell aint no pussy!!

But i will assume your not talking about all of us and not take offense to it..

But shit like that really grinds my gears:keke::keke::keke:

05-23-2008, 07:51 AM
LOL!! this one kid thats obsessed with family guy told me that phrase and i laughed when i clicked on this thread.

but yeah what ticks me off is stupid people, speed bumps, dips, crappy roads, stealers, my supervisor, haters, girls with fked up teeth, posers, and school.

05-23-2008, 08:03 AM
You're retarted, seriously. Also, you have the grammer of a 7 1/2 year old.

OH Ryan shut up at less i got my diploma where the fuck is yours lol

Damn thats kind of fucked up i have an STi and co-owned a shop that only built and tuned evo's..i didn't spend 35k and i sure as hell aint no pussy!!

But i will assume your not talking about all of us and not take offense to it..

But shit like that really grinds my gears:keke::keke::keke:

NO im not talking about everyone just the younger in-mature ones that had there mommy or daddy buy it for them.

05-23-2008, 08:08 AM
OH Ryan shut up at less i got my diploma where the fuck is yours lol
You should use the part that involves English

NO im not talking about everyone just the younger in-mature ones that had there mommy or daddy buy it for them.
Last time i checked, didn't your GF's mom buy you your 240sx? That is still stock / That you never worked on? :p

Dont play these games, you can't win. P.S you're grinding my gears.

05-23-2008, 08:16 AM
Last time i checked, didn't your GF's mom buy you your 240sx? That is still stock / That you never worked on? :p

Dont play these games, you can't win. P.S you're grinding my gears.

Damn:rl: put on blast:rofl::rofl:

05-23-2008, 08:22 AM
You should use the part that involves English

You understand what im saying so why does it matter

Last time i checked, didn't your GF's mom buy you your 240sx? That is still stock / That you never worked on? :p

Dont play these games, you can't win.

YEAH she paid for it but that was like 5 month ago and i paided her off a month later. Im sorry that im not a fucking mechanic and know how to work on my car but latley i have been working on it ALONE..

05-23-2008, 09:25 AM
I absolutely hate working in the service industry. I use to work in a decent upscale thai restaurant and people were such tards in there.

- I would be running food, carrying 3-4 entrees to a large circular table, seriously gtfo of the way instead of just watching me

- I try to clear off plates off of the lazy susan and mother fu****s turn the lazy susan to get food

- customers ask for a glass of water, I come back, someone else wants water, I grab it again, then everyone wants water, christ ask me together you numb nuts

- I absolutely hate when people order something with out asking what is in it or reading the description in the menu, what? the hot and sour soup is hot? no way? why the fu** would you order something with out reading about it first

- People need to keep their kids on a leash, seriously almost dropped a couple plates on a kid once cause he was running around

- When people say they are ready to order, and you end up standing there for an hour while they do a quick survey of every dish on the menu

05-23-2008, 10:39 AM
lol, in the service industry you truely gain an understanding of how absolutely un-reasonable and retarded people are.

05-23-2008, 10:47 AM
When bitches are like you wanna see this or omg guess what happened... Then oh wait no I can't tell you or show you.

I swear to god if I didn't love vagina's, boobies, ass, and pretty faces I'd totally be gay :bowrofl:

05-23-2008, 10:57 AM
People who start to tell you something and never finish the sentance..

Well, all you've got to do is.. ... ... ...


05-23-2008, 11:06 AM
hand prints on my bedroom ceiling

05-23-2008, 11:09 AM
hand prints on my bedroom ceiling
I know I already posted, but I had to write something else this reminded me of...

When people wipe their greasy hands on the window, or on the front windshield on the inside...WTF or even worse sticking your feet on the dashboard or on the windshield. That crap drives me crazy.

05-23-2008, 11:45 AM
You know what really GRINDS MY GEARS:

EVO and STI owners:madfawk:, There i said it

S**T im gonna design a shirt that has a pic of a STI and a EVO on the front and on the back its gonna say "only little boys play with there R/C toys" and have a pic of a lil kid playing with a R/C car :keke:

You don't have any legit reason there. Yes they are fast cars stock, without the need for parts. It was done right straight from the factory. I don't see how that can be worse or somehow more deserving of contempt than a car that needs after-market parts to perform well. It's not like STi/EVOs are the only fast stock cars out there either.

As for ppl trying to race you at a stoplight, come on you should know better to over-generalize, esp if you claim you have a college degree. You really ought to revise your post further there.

05-23-2008, 12:15 PM
I know I already posted, but I had to write something else this reminded me of...

When people wipe their greasy hands on the window, or on the front windshield on the inside...WTF or even worse sticking your feet on the dashboard or on the windshield. That crap drives me crazy.

also when people draw their names or stupid shit on ur windows when they are fogged up

05-23-2008, 01:04 PM
I hate when girls leave their shit in my room.. then when another girl comes over.,. she's like.. OH REALLY! haha

then i gotta think of something

Andrew Bohan
05-23-2008, 01:08 PM
just say

yeah bitch! and another one's comin after YOU leave!! :naughty:

05-23-2008, 01:33 PM
i hate.....

-German made cars.

-Emo kids.

-50yr olds who dress like my 15yr old sister.

-girls who go tanning. seriously, just go the fuck outside you lazy douche.

-tribal tattoos.

-popped collars

-Srt4 owners.

-HemiCharger on this forum

-STi owners who bitch about getting their warranty modded when they show up with 5k in mods to the dealership

-WRX/STi owners who use blowoff valves and dont listen to me when i tell them that they make their shit run worse.

-anything OTHER than an EVO or Starion made by SHITsubishi



-Reality TV other than LAink (Kat Von D pwns.)

-people who bitched about the camera in cloverfield. HELLO! DUMBASSES! THEY WERE RUNNING FROM A FUCKING MONSTER! yeah sorry in the midst of running through new york, they failed to take into effect the possibility of a shaky camera shot.

-people who bitch about flat black 240s

-people who have aero, but no power mods. all show no go=fail

-people who tell me to drift my S30

-my S30

-my S13

-people who swear that whatever motor they have is the shit. NEWSFLASH! all motors blow up. they all suck. buy what you want, just leave me the fuck out of it.

-my work

man i could go on for hours.....

05-23-2008, 01:33 PM
- customers ask for a glass of water, I come back, someone else wants water, I grab it again, then everyone wants water, christ ask me together you numb nuts

Yes. "Can I get some horseradish?" Bring the horseradish, "can I get some extra cheese?" Bring the cheese, "can I get another beer?" Bring the beer, "can I get an extra napkin?" Have an aneurysm.

- People need to keep their kids on a leash, seriously almost dropped a couple plates on a kid once cause he was running around


- When people say they are ready to order, and you end up standing there for an hour while they do a quick survey of every dish on the menu



I'm carrying a tray on my shoulder completely loaded with water glasses and empty dishes and some kid falls down on the floor in front of me, his mom's like "oh haha, you're so silly Mikey" and continues talking with her stupid friend. BITCH I ALMOST RAN YOUR KID OVER AND DROPPED 50 POUNDS OF FLATWARE.

Carrying said tray and some stupid bitch stops me dead in my tracks, "Excuse me. Do you know who's playing at the Norva tonight?" No, but I do know that if you stop me again while I'm carrying this shit I'm going to drop every bit of it right down the front of your Wal-mart blouse.

People who KNOW they're the last table in the restaurant, they KNOW we closed 1 1/2 hours ago, yet they sit there talking and bullshitting with no intention of getting up. We turn the lights up and the music off, usually they get the hint.

People who think that since their gift card covered 90% of the bill, they only have to tip on the remaining 10.

People who think that being overly grateful and saying "thank you" 1000 times is an acceptable substitute for a decent tip.

People who let their 3-year old tear up every slip of paper or napkin they can get their grubby little hands on and leave it on every square inch of the table. Or, even worse...the adults who do it themselves.

Non-service related?

People who say "conversate" or "irregardless." There are many more, but these two are absolutely unforgivable.

People who talk on their phone while taking a shit in a public restroom. "Oh, hi Ted, how's it going? *PLOP PLOP PLOP* Really? Oh I bet she was mad...*PLOP!* Well at least it's just temporary. *plop plop plop* " Is nothing sacred?

People who make the kind of grammar and spelling mistakes that completely change the meaning of their posts. YOU'RE SUCH AN IDIOT THAT I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TRYING TO SAY. Stay in school, kids.

Unless you're talking about a certain rapper with an affinity for telling people to "move, bitch, get out tha way," it's LUDICROUS.

Scarface t-shirts. Yeah, you're a hardcore gangster, just like the 10 million pimply-faced college kids with that same shit on their dorm room wall.

People who try to talk to me while they're completely consumed with something else. "Do you know.............................................. .............................................where I can............................................... .....find......................................... ..............hold on..................................where I can find........................................the... .................." Usually I can manage to figure out what they're trying to ask and spit out an answer before they finish their stupid half-assed sentence.

Dudes wearing supertight jeans. I don't know, maybe I'd wear them too if I didn't have any balls.

These pyramid scam guys who come up to me at, I swear, every gas station I ever stop at. And in the grocery store, and in Target, and like 5 other places I can't remember. And the stupid stuff they bring up in order to start a conversation and eventually try to con me into signing up for peddling whatever crap they're peddling themselves. "Hey man, what year is that Grand Prix? Is it new?" "It's a rental." "Oh cool! So probably an '08." "...yeah, probably." "What kind of work do you do? Ever think about making money on the side?"


05-23-2008, 03:33 PM
just say

yeah bitch! and another one's comin after YOU leave!! :naughty:

ill still get laid..

but wont give me all 3 holes:boink: .. just 2 :duh:

:rofl: :rofl:

05-23-2008, 03:36 PM
You know what rinds my gears homies that lag on getting the diff on!

05-23-2008, 03:55 PM
You know what rinds my gears homies that lag on getting the diff on!
hahaa yoo .. im getting dat ish on today!!:bigok:

then sunday >.<

and maaybe monday :fruit:
