View Full Version : Dumbass kid runs from cops and hides at Ace Trucking (our business) = Dumb Move PICS

05-19-2008, 02:09 PM

I'm sitting at the desk writing an inspection, and my Dad is behind me. We hear this loud exhaust/ricer rocket flying on the main road. We start laughing because we want to see what it is when he comes flying around the corner.

We then hear sirens. I said something like 'haha, high speed chase" and my Dad said something like 'just an ambulance'

The noise gets close, and being cunnermans, we all poke our heads out to see the marvelous hot rod. Well the car comes FLYING (when i say this, probably 30/40 miles and hour, tires houling) into the lot, shoots to the back and parks behind the two front shops (meanwhile we're in theback shop watchin git all)

He parks and looks around, and instinctivly, I run out to see WTF is going on. Then we see a bike cop fly by. I said 'sit the fuck there' or some shit, and ran out to the raod to see if I could get the cops attention. My Dad quickly backs a state dump truck up to park the kid in (dumbass kid).

The kid comes running to me saying he's sorry, blha blah. I'm mad and rail in to him (I thikn Ihave a right, he damn near could have eaisly hit anyone of the workers or customers walkking out behind the other shop). He then says 'man I'm going to Iraq blah blah blah'....

...needless to say I began really pulling the shame card out. Having been deployed myself to Iraq, and currently in the reserves, he was quite shocked to say the least when his military pitty card didn't work on me. Kid starts tearing up and I said 'man, if you're scared of a local cop, you're really gonna be fucked when the first 155 rounds come sailing in to wake you up in the morning'

My uncle had called 911 and the kid was like stuttering and stuff. My grandpa was yelling at him (he's a REAL dick when needs to be) and the cop then came in and gave him a hard time.

They gave him a tickey for expired tags and no exhaust, and arrested him for running/allueding (spelling) His buddies in the car drove the car away.

Fuckin stupid kids. I laugh, as I know we've all done dumb shit, but to fly into a busy garage at 330 in the afternoon in broad daylight is pretty fucking dumb.

Cliffs: Don't run from the cops in a beat slow, loud, red car. They will find you.

pr0ject TRUENO
05-19-2008, 02:13 PM
toyota celica ftl

05-19-2008, 02:21 PM
owned. you did the right thing.

05-19-2008, 02:25 PM
"give me all our cash, and i wont call the cops"
"sucker, im still calling the cops"

05-19-2008, 02:25 PM
this thread is win.

celica's are, however, fail.

300hp owen
05-19-2008, 02:26 PM
so I guess I was just as dumb when I ran from a cop to avoid a 5mph over ticket, and ended up ripping down a dead end street and then screeched to a stop right in someones flower bed, um, at midnight? yeah I'm glad that was 16 yrs ago.

kids do stupid shit for sure.
glad nobody got hurt!

05-19-2008, 02:27 PM
haha my friend tried the same thing one night he also got caught going into a parking lot behind a business with one exit.. wasnt the smartest thing he did but he learned his lesson...lets just say his bus pass is his best friend now

05-19-2008, 02:29 PM
what sort of punishment would one get for fleeing like this kid did?
Im guessing a Class A or B Misdemeanor?

05-19-2008, 02:32 PM
If i could posi rep you i would.

good job, a little vigilante justice was in order

05-19-2008, 02:34 PM
Cliffs: Don't run from the cops in a beat slow, loud, red car. They will find you.

They didnt find him. You guys found him and told the cops where he was. He probably would've gotten away with it if you didnt say anything.

05-19-2008, 02:40 PM
SNITCH!!! J/P Even though you did the right thing, had I been that kid I'd be cursing your name lol. No bullshit though, I would of done the same thing, except I would of beat him down and sat on him till the cops got there hahaha.

05-19-2008, 02:43 PM
They gave him a tickey for expired tags and no exhaust, and arrested him for running/allueding (spelling) His buddies in the car drove the car away.He ran and left his friends in the car? What a friend!

05-19-2008, 03:02 PM
They didnt find him. You guys found him and told the cops where he was. He probably would've gotten away with it if you didnt say anything.

The cops were on the same block, looking int he parking lots for him. 2 cruisers showed up, in addition to the bike cop.

He woulda been caught...to small of a town to hide lol.

SNITCH!!! J/P Even though you did the right thing, had I been that kid I'd be cursing your name lol. No bullshit though, I would of done the same thing, except I would of beat him down and sat on him till the cops got there hahaha.

Haha, i was waiting for him to come back. He didn't have much choice with 5-6 guys at the shop and customers looking at him.

What a perfect way to end a shitty cold day.

05-19-2008, 03:18 PM
Uhhhhh why was he running anyways.

Not a stolen car.

Just prolly ticket for exhaust and shit.

What's the deal with the Iraq line.

Was there a draft set into place on the one weekend I'm not on zilvia?

05-19-2008, 03:28 PM
Uhhhhh why was he running anyways.

Not a stolen car.

Just prolly ticket for exhaust and shit.

What's the deal with the Iraq line.

Was there a draft set into place on the one weekend I'm not on zilvia?

maybe he was on leave right before bein deployed.

05-19-2008, 03:31 PM
good stuff...kids driving like idiots should always get caught

05-19-2008, 03:41 PM
i ran and got caught once when i was young and dumb... flying around the right of stopped cars at red lights, finally hit a red light with no where to go, pulled over, cop pulls behind me, comes running up with his gun drawn telling me to throw my keys out the window.. i played dumb like i didnt see him and told him someone ran the other red light so i swerved to avoid him.. the cop actually believed me and wrote me up for like 60 in a 45. LOL.

never run from the cops unless youve got at least 1:4 power/weight (bikes do the trick :) )

05-19-2008, 05:23 PM
Uhhhhh why was he running anyways.

Not a stolen car.

Just prolly ticket for exhaust and shit.

What's the deal with the Iraq line.

Was there a draft set into place on the one weekend I'm not on zilvia?

The kid supposedly was running up the shoulder to avoid a line of traffic, taking a known/ shortcut to avoid an intersection (What the cop said). Then the kid decided to floor it when the sirens came on. Cop said the road was to bumpy/gravelly to go down fast safely, so the kid got some distance on him (it is a shitty road).

IMO Kid tried pulling the card out as an excuse to cover his ass for his actions. Sorry, one of the first things you get drilled into your brain are the Army Values (I know, how corney)...and IMO running from the police and flying onto property to hide isn't a very honorable thing to do. He then said he 'may' get deployed. Now that could mean he's leaving tomorrow, 9 months from now, his units going and he isn't...etc etc etc.

If he wasn't such a shady bitch, I would been more then willing to help out a fellow servicemember. His actions (again IMO) didn't deserve any hooking up. Pull sympathy cards on someone else, not someone who's (cliche warning) 'been there, done that'.

Ninja Edit: I'm still a the shop, and just realized I've been wearing old BDU pants at work haha. Ironic.

05-20-2008, 01:12 AM
You straight son'd that dude.


05-20-2008, 01:52 AM
Yup, epic. Dude's a dumbass, and sounds like he would have gotten caught anyways... and shit, you go bringing the heat into my place of business, I believe an ass-whoopin would be in order.

That being said, whenever I've been on the bike and gotten lit up, I've always weighed the loss/gain ratios of running - if you don't have somewhere to go and gas to get there @ WOT, you have no business running.

And shit, in a car, I'd never run. Not even the pop's 560whp Z06. You're just not maneuverable enough to get around roadblocks.

05-20-2008, 02:11 AM
You may be faster than their cars, but you're not faster than their radios. If they really want to catch you and you're really going that fast, they will catch you. Hell Torreto thought he could avoid the cops by parking his car in a parking structure, you saw how well that worked out in the first F&F movie :D If it didn't work in a Fast and the Furious movie, it sure as hell won't work in RL.

On the bright side, it doesn't look like the kid is going to iraq any time soon. I think with that, he may actually be looking at jail time (at least he would if he was in CA).

05-20-2008, 02:14 AM
i think what you did is ethically correct.
but won't you worry about the kid will come back to revenge? i mean nowadays kids are pretty dumb and crazy, you never know what they would do?

05-20-2008, 02:50 AM
this thread is win.

celica's are, however, fail.

Unless said celica is GT4 or All trac as we know it in the states mmmmm i want one now

05-20-2008, 08:03 AM
lol who would try to outrun a cop with a celica, based on the noise in the description, it was not all trac.

05-20-2008, 08:21 AM
I ran from the cops once. I was like 1/4th mile from my house and on the road before my house there is a gas station. Well it must've been like 10pm and there was a cop parked there taking radar on passing cars... I blew past the gas station seeing the cop all too late... He puts his lights on and I hear the sirens, but I have enough momentum to get a good distance before he pulls onto the road... I immediately make a quick left, quick right, another quick right, pull into my driveway, drive to the back casually get out and enter my house, no problems :)

05-20-2008, 08:22 AM
whoops double post

05-20-2008, 08:44 AM


05-20-2008, 09:10 AM
Unless said celica is GT4 or All trac as we know it in the states mmmmm i want one now

um no, those fail too.

after working at toyota for 2 years, i realized how much all celicas just plain out suck.

ever work on an all trac? FAIL. i hate celicas with a passion.

but i digress.

05-20-2008, 11:12 AM
i think what you did is ethically correct.
but won't you worry about the kid will come back to revenge? i mean nowadays kids are pretty dumb and crazy, you never know what they would do?

LOl, true. Luckily for us, we work on the local police cars (so they are in and out picking up cars), are off a busy street, and are well protected at the shop. With the constant movement coming in/going out all day/night long, it's pretty hard to be a sneaky guy around our area (not say it can't be done).

I'm pretty confident the kid realized what he did was wrong, and won't come back, this side of apologizing. If he did, it would just make him look even more cowardly.

Upon talking to some other people, it turns out I may know friends of the kid. I'm sure I'll run into him again eventually and get a chance to talk to him when I wasn't so heated/he wasn't so scared. He may be a decent kid, but I hope more than anything he learned his lesson.

FWIW: Today is so much more boring at the shop!

05-20-2008, 11:42 AM
That kid will be on the internet later talking about the "hater" who got him arrested and yelled at him when all he was trying to do was get out of a ticket.

05-20-2008, 11:43 AM
hmmm, would he be lying? lol

05-20-2008, 12:11 PM
hmmm, would he be lying? lol

Yes, he would be dead wrong, because he would, like most of those like him, would tell the story as if he had done nothing wrong... You know, like street drifters and 120MPH highway speeders.

05-20-2008, 12:41 PM
chu said it man.

05-20-2008, 02:42 PM
So what's going on with those A/C brackets Cody?

05-20-2008, 02:48 PM
Wow you really went out of your way to ruin some idiot's summer.

05-20-2008, 03:07 PM
Imagine his dad, jumping up in the dump to block the kid in.


05-20-2008, 03:10 PM
thats hilarious, i have never done anything that stupid or will ever do anything like that in my life lol.

how old was he? needless to say when u say dumbass kid he is probably my age lmao

my dad would probably beat me with chopsticks if i ever did something like that

steve shadows
05-20-2008, 03:10 PM
...needless to say I began really pulling the shame card out. Having been deployed myself to Iraq, and currently in the reserves, he was quite shocked to say the least when his military pitty card didn't work on me. Kid starts tearing up and I said 'man, if you're scared of a local cop, you're really gonna be fucked when the first 155 rounds come sailing in to wake you up in the morning'

My uncle had called 911 and the kid was like stuttering and stuff. My grandpa was yelling at him (he's a REAL dick when needs to be) and the cop then came in and gave him a hard time.


I luv ya man

05-20-2008, 03:29 PM
So what's going on with those A/C brackets Cody?

My universal brackets failed badly. Didn't fit for crap....I can say I tried tho lol! Old designs are on their way :D

Yes, he would be dead wrong, because he would, like most of those like him, would tell the story as if he had done nothing wrong... You know, like street drifters and 120MPH highway speeders.

Exactly. I'm just hoping his military 'better mind/values' are overweighing his punkish ways. In his mind.

Imagine his dad, jumping up in the dump to block the kid in.


Well the whole thing happend so fast, that we all sorted worked as a team. I really think he pulled in the lot looking for a back way out (which there is none).

I know it sounds awful, but I almost wish I woulda parked the Maxima there after lunch and had him hit it. I need some new paint on the front from road chips and stuff lol.

thats hilarious, i have never done anything that stupid or will ever do anything like that in my life lol.

how old was he? needless to say when u say dumbass kid he is probably my age lmao

my dad would probably beat me with chopsticks if i ever did something like that

He was between 18-20 I'd say. Not to say I'm not thta much older tho haha.


I luv ya man


05-20-2008, 05:51 PM
Cliffs: Don't run from the cops in a beat slow, loud, red car. They will find you. had you not said anything its likely he wouldnt have been found. But yea, Dumbass for endangering other people in your lot i still think you did the right thing.

05-20-2008, 06:16 PM
well played sir...one idiot less that could potentially hit me or a loved one of mine

Omarius Maximus
05-20-2008, 06:25 PM
Meh...after threatening the shit out of him, I would have cut him a break..
Different strokes for different folks I guess..

I figure the cop is a soulless apathetic robot..so no sympathy there..
The judge is some jaded ex prosecuter/hack...so no sympathy there..

Somebody has got to give the guy a chance, even after a boneheaded move. Considering he's young and in the military. (obviously it would be different if he was some crazy drug dealer etc)

05-20-2008, 06:37 PM
i feel sorry for this kid
only because he is a fucking idiot
what other horrible decisions does this kid make in his day to day life?

maybe that ticket will teach him how to not be as much of a retard

05-20-2008, 11:57 PM
Meh...after threatening the shit out of him, I would have cut him a break..
Different strokes for different folks I guess..

I figure the cop is a soulless apathetic robot..so no sympathy there..
The judge is some jaded ex prosecuter/hack...so no sympathy there..

Somebody has got to give the guy a chance, even after a boneheaded move. Considering he's young and in the military. (obviously it would be different if he was some crazy drug dealer etc)

No offense, but IMO, Stupidity is what is ruining this country. I have no tolerance for what this kid did.

The kid had his chance to pull over, and make good on the situation, and instead neglected the police officers sirens and decided to make a run for it.

We've gone to long as a society giving second chances, that third and forth chances are now the norm.

Cop was cool as could be, especially for being eluded by a kid. Not violent nor loud, acting perfectly as an officer of the law.

As for the judges, who knows. Most of ours are old and or respected members of the community (not to say that doesn't make them crooked).

05-23-2008, 05:51 AM
cut him a break... SNITCH... that's outta pocket