View Full Version : Proper junk yard etiquette?

05-08-2008, 05:27 PM
Today i was in a little predicament and was wondering what the proper junk-yard etiquette is for such a situation.

Found the best car i have EVER seen in a junkyard. RHD silvia, COMPLETE minus motor. EVERYTHING there. My friend called me to let me know and i raced down there as quickly as possible. When i got there there were two guys who had already been working on the car for 4 hours. They had the whole interior out, side skirts, wheels, etc.

They said they were going to cut the whole front of the car off and take EVERYTHING except the rear half.

The question is... Is it ok to say, FUCK YOU, i'm taking the trunk lid and rear valences since you guys dont have them off yet and you're working on another part of the car, or is it proper to let them have first dibs at everything since they got to the car a whole 4 hours before me and were actively working on it?

I'm not looking for badass, thug, mr. tough guy answers. I'm looking for the PROPER thing to do. You know, where you can still sleep good at night.


05-08-2008, 05:29 PM
well, i feel that whoever is the first one there working on the car has first rights to whatever he wants unless he says that it's ok for you to take what you want as long as its nothing he wants. had the same situation a while back. got pissed. i feel that the second person should ask for permission since you can't in reality work on 5 different parts of the car at the same time.

Dirty Habit
05-08-2008, 05:30 PM
Two quick blows to the head and you got the parts they just spent four hours working on. Easy as pie.

Ive been playing GTA too much.

They were there first, they got dibs. You can try pulling shit off and see what they say, if they back down, attack, if they tell you to fuck off then its proper to just leave it.

05-08-2008, 05:30 PM
How I see it its a Junk yard!
Almost like a free for all.If I was you I would have done it.
Out of curiousity where is this junkyard?

B Love
05-08-2008, 05:31 PM
Do your thang mang take the trunk if that dude isnt workin on taking it off his loss

05-08-2008, 05:34 PM
How I see it its a Junk yard!
Almost like a free for all.If I was you I would have done it.
Out of curiousity where is this junkyard?

yeah what junkyard was it?

One time I saw two guys pulling out an sr20det and they had taken the coilovers and exhaust as well. I was to late but i really felt like just snapping the blitz bov out of the motorset and run.

05-08-2008, 05:37 PM
holy shit, you guys have that kinda shit in junkyards?

i was fuckin pumped when i found a set of nice infinity speakers:eek3:

05-08-2008, 05:39 PM
holy shit, you guys have that kinda shit in junkyards?

i was fuckin pumped when i found a set of nice infinity speakers:eek3:

I dont know how many people in Socal have seen that stuff but it was my first time ever seeing an sr20det at the junkyard. It really depends though cause some of the cars there been seized by chp and stuff.

05-08-2008, 05:46 PM
i think it's first come first serve. but that doesn't mean you couldn't start to take what you wanted and if they complained then said cool, my bad i didn't know you wanted it. cuz if they don;t say anything then you got yourself some new parts!

05-08-2008, 05:50 PM
i say whoever got there first has the right to claim anything. proper thing to do would be to go ask the dude if he's takiing whatever it is that you want.

05-08-2008, 05:52 PM
walk up and be like, "dude, someone's out front fuckin with your car." when they take off, you better start grabbin shit FAST.

because, rules is rules and if they abandon the car, shits yours.

05-08-2008, 05:55 PM
everything that isnt being picked apart is up for grabs. make sure after you are done doing your thing, poop on the pass seat. god i hate seeing that shit(no pun intended.

drift freaq
05-08-2008, 05:56 PM
Today i was in a little predicament and was wondering what the proper junk-yard etiquette is for such a situation.

Found the best car i have EVER seen in a junkyard. RHD silvia, COMPLETE minus motor. EVERYTHING there. My friend called me to let me know and i raced down there as quickly as possible. When i got there there were two guys who had already been working on the car for 4 hours. They had the whole interior out, side skirts, wheels, etc.

They said they were going to cut the whole front of the car off and take EVERYTHING except the rear half.

The question is... Is it ok to say, FUCK YOU, i'm taking the trunk lid and rear valences since you guys dont have them off yet and you're working on another part of the car, or is it proper to let them have first dibs at everything since they got to the car a whole 4 hours before me and were actively working on it?

I'm not looking for badass, thug, mr. tough guy answers. I'm looking for the PROPER thing to do. You know, where you can still sleep good at night.


Its a free for all. If there is something on the car you want and they are not taking it they cannot call dibs on it. I would say since they are focusing on the front of the car just say hey I am going to take these rear valences and trunk, not fuck you just good mannered english. If they get all territorial on you and say no man were taking that stuff too, then walk away.
Chances are usually the people do not want everything on the damn car.

05-08-2008, 05:56 PM
it does not hurt to try. at least you asked for permission and that is nice part of you.

or you can just knock them them out after they are done with everything and thank them for taking out those parts for you lol. (this is a joke, not seriously advice, do not do it)

05-08-2008, 05:57 PM
grow some balls and ask em which parts they wont be taking. be courteous.

05-08-2008, 05:58 PM
Its a free for all. If there is something on the car you want and they are not taking it they cannot call dibs on it. I would say since they are focusing on the front of the car just say hey I am going to take these rear valences and trunk. If they get all territorial on you and say no man were taking this then walk away.
Chances are usually the people do not want everything on the damn car.

Thank you Dave! Thats what im talking about.

05-08-2008, 05:59 PM
if they're not touching or pulling the part off, then its free game

05-08-2008, 06:05 PM
if they're not currently working on it, and you think you could take them, then it's your part
also, anything you can fit in your pockets, jacket, or tape to your legs is free.

05-08-2008, 06:07 PM
anything you can fit in your pockets, jacket, or tape to your legs is free.

truth. wear like early 90's jnco's and you can smuggle bumpers.

bumper smuggler.

05-08-2008, 06:12 PM
anything you can fit in your pockets, jacket, or tape to your legs is free.

i got a T3 super 60 that way.

05-08-2008, 06:13 PM
man one time i had to walk out with an s13 ashtray tucked where my crotch was...and the F'in wind was blowin against me like a mofo. :ugh:

05-08-2008, 06:15 PM
man one time i had to walk out with an s13 shtray tucked where my crotch was...and the F'in wind was blowin against me like a mofo. :ugh:

i can't believe that i've done the exact same fucking thing. although i kept the ash tray in a ziploc.

05-08-2008, 06:18 PM
h a h a

05-08-2008, 06:19 PM
Lick it, then say, "still want it?"

05-08-2008, 06:23 PM
So what did you do? Just let them work on it or did you jump in and get some parts?

05-08-2008, 07:08 PM
Location of said junkyard?:)

This has happened to me a lot both while taking parts off and wanting too. Usually I'll ask if they are taking the parts I want and if they say yes I'll let them. I've also had people just walk up to a car I'm taking parts from and just start taking shit like right next to me:squint:. But most of the time the person will ask me what I'm taking.

It's funny though when people hover around while your taking parts waiting for you to leave( I do it myself:D).

05-08-2008, 07:18 PM
Sorry i wasn't clear. Yes, i did ask them. They were very polite, yet also serious when they told me what they were taking....EVERYTHING.

I'm not afraid of confrontation nor am i a bitch...i do however believe in karma and etiquette. Just wasn't sure if i was being too nice by letting them "call" whatever they were taking, although they had already been there for four hours. I guess i did the right thing though.

And no, this isn't what we have at our socal junkyards normally. As a matter of fact, this is the second s14 i've EVER seen there, and they were both stripped in a day.

05-08-2008, 07:25 PM
holy shit, you guys have that kinda shit in junkyards?

i was fuckin pumped when i found a set of nice infinity speakers:eek3:

My friend found a gun in a trunk once. I think it was even loaded. :bigok:

05-08-2008, 08:32 PM
Today i was in a little predicament and was wondering what the proper junk-yard etiquette is for such a situation.

Found the best car i have EVER seen in a junkyard. RHD silvia, COMPLETE minus motor. EVERYTHING there. My friend called me to let me know and i raced down there as quickly as possible. When i got there there were two guys who had already been working on the car for 4 hours. They had the whole interior out, side skirts, wheels, etc.

They said they were going to cut the whole front of the car off and take EVERYTHING except the rear half.

The question is... Is it ok to say, FUCK YOU, i'm taking the trunk lid and rear valences since you guys dont have them off yet and you're working on another part of the car, or is it proper to let them have first dibs at everything since they got to the car a whole 4 hours before me and were actively working on it?

I'm not looking for badass, thug, mr. tough guy answers. I'm looking for the PROPER thing to do. You know, where you can still sleep good at night.


Just casually drive up there with a tow truck (provided there is access) hook it up and drag that bitch off, preferably while they are working it on

touge monster
05-08-2008, 10:11 PM
My friend found a gun in a trunk once. I think it was even loaded. :bigok:

haha. I found a hunting knife between the seats of a honda passport

05-08-2008, 10:31 PM
yeah what junkyard was it?

One time I saw two guys pulling out an sr20det and they had taken the coilovers and exhaust as well. I was to late but i really felt like just snapping the blitz bov out of the motorset and run.

Haha i can vouch! i was with him! we were seriously contemplating beating the dudes asses and taking the coilovers and sr20.... but fuck it! lol

And oh my friend found a flare once... that shit was great to light!

05-08-2008, 10:36 PM
+1 on free for all.. if there were two guys, one should be spending time taking shit off the rear and getting it out of the way first anywho. esp if they are going to take the front end

05-09-2008, 12:57 AM
i wish there were junkyards here in Hawaii... I think it was good that you asked them. You did the right thing.

05-09-2008, 01:01 AM
Notice how the OP wouldn't disclose the junkyard. I ain't mad at'cha haha

05-09-2008, 01:09 AM
Ok so you see a 240 at the junkyard that has some nice parts, and you want them. but there are a few other guys already there working on it.. You simply say "excuse me guys but do any of you have that 240sx parked outside? yah i saw some guy sitting in it messin with the wires on the steering column and i asked him if he needed help but he said he got it"

05-09-2008, 01:12 AM
^ i actually like the brute force solution.. that always solves everything

05-09-2008, 01:13 AM
im tired of the junkyard.. you always have that "what if.." feeling and end up going like every weekend lol.. thats why i stopped lol

05-09-2008, 09:35 AM
i always ask first before i take anything (if someone is already working on a car). first come, first serve.

05-11-2008, 08:43 AM
what time do you guys normally go...

05-11-2008, 08:44 AM
i say "early bird catches the worm"

05-11-2008, 09:03 AM
I was at a yard a few days ago and a guy came up and asked what I was going after, so I told him. He was interested in some other stuff, so I told him to have at it. Really nice guy!

I might've been a jerk to some other guys though. They were working on a car, and I went up to it and took the power mirror switch without asking them.

05-11-2008, 09:04 AM
lol its bad for me cause the only junkyard that has about 4 240's, is on my road 1500 ft away hahaha, friends of the family which sucks cause im always there when i shouldnt be

05-11-2008, 11:21 AM
btw, it's really bad form to take parts off a car if someone is trying to buy the whole thing out of the junkyard.

It's even worse to take parts off vintage Plymouth Dusters that are in the parking lot. :madfawk:

Jonnie Fraz
05-11-2008, 12:38 PM
Ok it is going to depend on the yard. Here at Pick N Pull if you are not working on that part of the car then it is fair game. My buddy used to work there he said it happens all the time. If the other guys get all shitty about it you just go to the manager. The manager can boot them then you score on them pulling all the parts for you...lol
I think you did right by asking them, and you said they were cool. Now if they were shitty just go after what you want.

05-11-2008, 01:47 PM
I'm pretty content having 5 junkyards within 10 miles from my home with usually about 3-8 240's every visit! :-)



05-11-2008, 02:48 PM
first come first serve. ask them if its ok

karl wasabi
05-11-2008, 03:03 PM
Notice how the OP wouldn't disclose the junkyard. I ain't mad at'cha haha

I know right?? Which junkyard is it??

This recently happened to me, except I was the person who found the car first. It was a perfect Z32. lol. They walked around the car like twice, looked at me as if they wanted something, but didn't, and walked away. I was rather surprised. lol.

05-11-2008, 03:06 PM
you should've asked them how long they were gonna take that way it'll give you an estimate of how long you have to pull stuff from their car parked outside! ..and be curteous, let them know which parts you took from their car! :fawkd:

05-11-2008, 05:33 PM
the way i see it is....its the junkyard yes...but be civil about it...if ur working on certain part , then everything else is free for all, but if its soemthing like say calipers and u want both or all for, its ur right to say something , and if there dicks there dicks, if its something like u want the dash and they want the steering column, have em help u take off the dash, and try to help them take the steering column win win...

but there just a few cocks out there that will be assholes....like i remember wen i wanted ot take a dash for my dads accord, this guy was taking hte front glass... and i ask him if i could take the clean dash...he decided to take a wrench to it and slash it, and he stated '''u still wanted'' with a cocky smile...so i waiting for him to get off the car on the opposite end, and i took a rim to his much desired, nearly removed from windshield hed been workin on, and i stated the same to him....walked away... ;)