View Full Version : Dealey Plaza...Where JFK was assassinated...

05-08-2008, 01:10 AM
So this week I'm in Dallas, Tx for work. When I told my coworker I was gonna be here, he told me I had to stop by Dealey Plaza, where JFK was assassinated.
If you ask anyone in the generation above (most of) us, I think 99.99% of them can tell you where they were when this happened...it's one of those things EVERY member of their generation had in common...
Being this happened sooo long ago (anything before what I can remember is a long time ago...), I've never really paid much attention into the whole JFK assassination and it's numerous conspiracy theories. After visiting that historic spot today, I've been reading about/googling it for a few hours...Here are a few pics...Shit gave me the chills, just being there...sorry for the crappy cell phone pics...

First Pic: Texas School Book Depository. Where the alleged shooter (Lee Harvey Oswald) was posted when he shot the President. You can see the window from which he shot; 6th floor, right corner. Window is still half-cracked open.
Second Pic: On the bottom left of the pic, you can see the "X" on the street where JFK was when he was hit by the first bullet (Just above the lane divider marking). In the background is the Depository building.
Third Pic: "X" mark where JFK took the second (fatal) bullet.

touge monster
05-08-2008, 01:23 AM
Interesting! Thanks for sharing.

05-08-2008, 01:52 AM
I remember visiting it in dallas.

My tasteless friend wanted to lay on the x, thinking it was a small street or something, but it was like a downtown merger on to the 35 or some big highway there, loaded with traffic most of the time.

05-08-2008, 05:22 AM
I should roll down there and see that.. I'm only a few hrs away.

05-08-2008, 11:13 AM
i've been there. it was the late 90's and these ultra detailed hologram pictures were all the rage at the time. we went into a mall there and there was a hologram store, right... one of them was a hologram of oswald hunched over his gun, aiming at kennedy. and you could look through the scope and it had a hologram crosshair on the back of hologram kennedy's head. it was pretty sweet/disturbing.

05-08-2008, 11:32 AM
I never knew they had an X there.

Its a little creepy.

05-08-2008, 11:40 AM
that is kinda morbid and distateful.. but its probably more of a tourist trap now than anything..

05-08-2008, 11:55 AM
I never knew they had an X there.

Its a little creepy.


it is a lil creepy, and also that the window is 1/2 cracked still

05-08-2008, 12:12 PM

it is a lil creepy, and also that the window is 1/2 cracked still

the actual window oswald fired from was auctioned, not sure when, but it's not there anymore. when i went, though, they had SOME window there, whether it was the original or a new one i don't know, but they let you perch yourself and look at the x's

05-08-2008, 07:03 PM
the actual window oswald fired from was auctioned, not sure when, but it's not there anymore. when i went, though, they had SOME window there, whether it was the original or a new one i don't know, but they let you perch yourself and look at the x's

Yea, not sure if the window is THE window...but it's the place where the shot was allegedley fired from. Didnt go thru the museum, so didnt get up there at all.

05-08-2008, 07:43 PM
he was a darn good president
edit: too good

05-09-2008, 12:01 AM
Thanks for sharing Scott :) I didn't know there was an X there either.

05-09-2008, 02:21 AM
Thanks for sharing Scott :) I didn't know there was an X there either.

like i said, i had ZERO interest really in going there, only went cause my coworker suggested it and i had some extra time on my hands...but since then, ive googled it, youtubed it, wikipedia'd it...shit. so much other WORK i shouldve been doing instead.

and just to clarify, there are TWO X's, one at each location he was hit by a bullet.