View Full Version : 1992 240sx: inside edge of tires wearing out after acciden

04-30-2008, 10:25 PM

A semi truck wacked my front passenger tire as it merged into my lane.
After that, both my front tires started wearing out like crazy on inside edge. The ball joint on tire that got hit looks all crumpled. not sure what is my problem.

the camber is actually around 2.5 on both my front tires(spec is around 1.5)
tthe front tires are toe-out by 20mm . should be toe-in by a small amount.

04-30-2008, 10:29 PM
most likely your toe is off. time for an allignment

04-30-2008, 10:51 PM
you answered your own question; tire wear is caused by alignment being out of spec.

alignment out of spec can be either; bent/broken suspension, or from your accident.

get it on an alignment rack and have the alignment done. any seasoned auto tech, or someone with a good suspension knowledge should be able to find what may be bent/broken very easily.