View Full Version : downshift_sideways

04-08-2008, 10:59 AM
YUp I called him about his so called R32 diff and asked him some question before I was going to drive down. Downshift_sideways said " oh yeah the diff is great ohh and the axles their fine and ohh you called me quickly" (sketch). SO i proceeded to check his reviews which were good. Yeah but when i got their he was like check out my shit every thing in the diff is cool but you need to get a new bleeder valve I was that's koo, but naw after driving for an hour back to my crib what I do notice the drive shaft is broke. YOu know it figures this dude was a prick so I pm, him and he is like yeah I'll refund you but I can only meet in the wee hours of the night. ANyway's people say he's koo I think he is just a prick "what It do" I say :barf:

Now the diff is in dumpster heaven....Screw the money he ain't no real 240sx owner ain't got thing you call honor ahaha, Just cuz you got an SR don't mean shit ahah See you side wayz hommie :2f2f:

04-08-2008, 11:21 AM
punctuation and spelling man, its your friend

04-08-2008, 11:42 AM
this is why i don't do deals with people on zilvia. i jus read.

04-08-2008, 11:51 AM
what Is this english:fawk2:

04-08-2008, 12:40 PM
dsYUp I called him about his so called R32 diff and asked him some question before I was going to drive down. Downshift_sideways said " oh yeah the diff is great ohh and the axles their fine and ohh you called me quickly" (sketch). SO i proceeded to check his reviews which were good. Yeah but when i got their he was like check out my shit every thing in the diff is cool but you need to get a new bleeder valve I was that's koo, but naw after driving for an hour back to my crib what I do notice the drive shaft is broke. YOu know it figures this dude was a prick so I pm, him and he is like yeah I'll refund you but I can only meet in the wee hours of the night. ANyway's people say he's koo I think he is just a prick "what It do" I say :barf:

Now the diff is in dumpster heaven....Screw the money he ain't no real 240sx owner ain't got thing you call honor ahaha, Just cuz you got an SR don't mean shit ahah See you side wayz hommie :2f2f:

I understand I am not suppose to write in my reviews thread. But this is bull shit.

#1 First off. Why the fuck would I rip off a Local? Yet alone, let you pick something up from my house?

#2 It was an R33 Diff that I sold you.

#3 The Driveshaft in a differential? WTF are you talking about?

#4 All that needed to be done, was the little metal circle retainer on the output shaft needed to be clamped. It was not clamped when I showed it to you, and I mentioned it.( I guess this is where you thought it was broken??)

I told you I could only meet up after 9pm, because I have a life and shit to do for those few days.

#6 It is your fault for not setting up a date for me to refund you your money. I'm no scammer the lease. Your the one that lost contact with me.
You have a lot of ways to reach me. You have my cell, and I answered everyone one of your PM's.

#7 YOUR the prick for making a thread about it, and hiding behind your computer when I agreed to make everything right.

#8 Your also an idiot for throwing the diff away. It's in good working order.
Since you did throw it away, you just lost the chance to get a refund.

This is all I have to say about that on this thread.
You can talk to me in PM if you like.

04-08-2008, 12:57 PM
can u tell me which dumpster your threw it in? I can use a mint condition diff for free money is a little tight this month

((sr)) kelly
04-08-2008, 12:58 PM
positive rep for downshift_sideways

04-08-2008, 01:06 PM
got burned and no diff now...
Double Whammy!

04-08-2008, 01:07 PM
like OMG this guy is serious! hes fucking legit!

04-08-2008, 01:20 PM

Anthony came clean, and you air'd out your dirty laundry on the interweb. Are you happy now?

Look, one person's review is not going to destroy anybody especially an honest and active member here on zilvia. He's gone way out of his way for many of us locals to get us back on the road. So you're post(s) will not affect the way I view him. Besides maybe you being a douche.

Please just give it up while you're still ahead. I believe he will still honor your refund even after all this bullshit because he is a good guy. I suggest you retract your statement and move on with your life.

04-08-2008, 01:26 PM
Now the diff is in dumpster heaven....Screw the money he ain't no real 240sx owner ain't got thing you call honor ahaha, Just cuz you got an SR don't mean shit ahah See you side wayz hommie :2f2f:

WTF does this have to do with anything? He ain't no real 240sx owner *while waving my pointer finger around like a retarded chick* Honor? :aw: WTF?

Just cuz you got an SR don't mean shit? WTF does this have anything to do with character?

You need to get an education before trying to justify yourself. In life and on the interweb

04-08-2008, 01:31 PM
you know what I say "what it do"

04-08-2008, 01:36 PM


04-08-2008, 03:39 PM
yo i will vouch for my boy anthony. he is a cool guy and always handles business the right way. +1 for you bro. Send me a pm and help me out with some parts dude.

04-08-2008, 04:27 PM
downshift_sideways is always been legit with his stuff. he is not just only a koo ass kat, but also a man of his word. just because you did not call him to get your refund doesnt mean that your not getting it back. so there for don accuse of nothing
+ + + 1 for anthony

04-08-2008, 04:49 PM
To the OP:
-You mention his original review thread. Why didn't you post there?
-Why didn't you post in the private sellers section at least?

To everyone else:
This is a Review forum. If you don't have a review don't post.