View Full Version : Camber arms or toe arms

04-07-2008, 11:42 AM
alright just want to know what you guys recommend.

here's the situation:
my buddy's s13 is dumped on cusco coils and has all stock arms. he's running 17x9.5 +9 with a 225/45-17 all around and about 3.5 degrees of camber in the rear.

the problem is that he ripped right through a set of rear tires in a month of daily driving. he's on a budget right now and has enough for a good set(pbm, battle version) of camber arms or toe arms. he's not gonna go cheap ass and put a cheap set of both. i know that toe kills tires and i know that these wheel fitment guys run ridiculous amounts of camber with 0 toe.

would you guys recommend getting toe arms or camber arms to save tires?


04-07-2008, 11:51 AM
When the amount of rear camber is reduced via the adjustable arms, The amount of toe will also be reduced. You may even find that the factory cam bolts provide enough adjustment to get the toe close. That being said, Toe arms should be replaced asap in order to take advantage of a more rigid set-up even if the toe ends up within spec.

04-07-2008, 11:55 AM
Camber first.

So you can adjust your car to a sane amount.

Then later on, toe.

04-07-2008, 11:57 AM
ya thas quite a bit of camber hes running, get it back to -2.5~3* w/ camber arms if he wants to run that much camber.

Otherwise i think its toe thats killing his tires, how much toe is he running?

04-07-2008, 12:04 PM
really? my s14 is slammed with and i had camber arms. when i dialed out the camber, the toe worsened. the toe was pointing waaayyy out. it was like a duck. then i got toe arms and fixed it.

04-07-2008, 12:16 PM
i'd say camber arms first

thats my first concern on slamming

04-07-2008, 12:20 PM
i personally opted for the toe arms, as the stock ruca has quite a bit of adjustment

04-07-2008, 02:10 PM
Toe first. You're tires will last longer with correct toe.

Yes, you'll get unever wear due to the camber... but just flip the tires.

Then when your tired of flipping the tires, get RUCAs.

04-07-2008, 08:59 PM

04-07-2008, 10:21 PM
Toe kills tires, not camber, unless it's seriously excessive. I drove around for years, as do many people, with a lot of negative camber, -2.6 degrees, tires wore fine and evenly across. Even the OE settings has it at about -1.2 degrees. Any amount of toe though will start to wear immediately.

04-07-2008, 10:25 PM
As stated above toe is a tire's worst enemy! Your buddy didn't waste his tires in a month because of camber. I can GUARANTEE you that!!!

04-07-2008, 10:31 PM
werd on getting toe arms first, i need them bad.

04-07-2008, 10:33 PM
Toe Kills tires.

but its easy to adjust the toe with the camber links.

get the camber links to kill two birds with one stone.

if you just set them to where the toe is right you'll have around 2.5 degrees of camber or something, which is a little bit better camber and the toe can be whatever.

04-07-2008, 10:34 PM
can you really adjust toe with RUCA's? how does that work exactly.

04-07-2008, 10:36 PM
Because as the camber is adjusted the whole upright moves, which changes the toe.

04-07-2008, 10:58 PM
as you decrease the camber, you lengthen the camber arm. this causes the upright to stand up and rotate out, giving you crazy toe out. this happens because the length of the toe arm remains the same. i dumped my car and got -4.5 deg camber. dialed out the camber and the toe was waaaayyyy out.

BTW......my camber arms are at such an angle that they are hitting the chassis. anyone know of any camber arms that are not straight? maybe some that angle...or do i just get the JDM tool and hammer the shit out of it?

04-07-2008, 11:14 PM

04-07-2008, 11:15 PM
Camber arms hitting the chasis? How god damn low are you? Please post pics of said ridiculous lowness!

nismo racer
04-07-2008, 11:24 PM
^^^ what he said! i wana see.

04-07-2008, 11:27 PM
Mine are about there.

You should have crunched your toe link long before then though.

The Parts Shop Max Camber Links give you alot more room.

You'll start wrecking CV joints too probably, thats more of an S14 problem though.

04-07-2008, 11:28 PM
its not as low as ive seen the thing is i have big wheels so the center of the hub is relatively high. it needs to be in order to tuck them and look low.

im scared the camber arms are gonna break.

BTW...the camber/toe arm question was to find out for my friend who has an s13. i have an s14 and i'll show you guys soon with pics. part shop max will work?

04-08-2008, 05:26 PM
as posted toe first, camber second... to OP if your buddy wants to run closer to stock camber and stock toe, then get camber arms push them to around -2 degrees and the toe should be able to adjust with stock eccentric bolts.... *depending on how slammed it is

An interesting concept i thought of, it may have been covered before, what if you used S14 camber arms on S13? would that help with clearance/adjustment issues?

04-08-2008, 05:40 PM
as other people stated, whichever links he gets, (RUCA's or Toe) he still won't be able to properly adjust the camber and toe. If he gets only RUCA's and gets the camber back to like -0.5 to -1.0 degrees, his toe will be way out (assuming his car is lowered like 1.5 - 2 inches) and he won't be able to adjust it with the stock toe arms.
If he gets just the toe links, he'll be able to adjust the toe properly, but the camber will still be -2.5 to -3.0 degrees.

In reality, you need both to be able to adjust it the way you want and bring it back to spec.

04-08-2008, 09:00 PM
so most of you guys are saying toe arms. ill let my buddy know. thanks a lot for the help.

btw i posted pics of MY problem of my camber arms hitting the chassis. here

04-09-2008, 03:17 PM
how is your buddy going to run less camber with wheels that are as aggressively sized as his... unless he has overfenders or a crazy pull he's going to need that -3.5 degrees to clear the fender.

04-09-2008, 05:37 PM
i have a fender roller and a heat gun and we've been workin at his fenders for a while. but if toe will save the tires that much, then we'll probably just keep necessary camber so that the wheels fit really nice. and then we'll just have the tires flipped as many times as necessary to make them last.