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View Full Version : Injector #1 not getting any power

03-28-2008, 12:08 PM
Car: 92 S13 Hatch
Motor: SR20DET

So yeah, this is pretty much a carry over from a previous thread I started "WRX under the hood". I diagnosed the problem by pulling the plug of all the injectors, one by one. When I pulled the #1 plug the car remained the same (sounding like a WRX); when the others were pulled it got worst. I've changed spark plugs, checked coil packs and checked for boost leaks and all is good. Oh, I also replaced the injector just to make sure and nothing.

I know there's a few people that've had this problem before and I would appreciate positive input regarding this matter. I really need to nail this down this week at all cost. My car needs paint and it won't happen until I get this fixed. There's also a Nissan event coming up here in my area that I would like to be a part of, but the car needs to be painted and running good.

Again, if you have good insight, please post. And trust me, I've searched but no definite answer was found. If you think there's something out there that can help, please post the link. Thanks in advance!


Big Bronze Rim
03-28-2008, 04:08 PM
HAve you checked to see if you have 12V at the injector plug? All of the injectors recieve power from the same source so it would have to be a break in the harness in the #1 injector circuit. It is possible an injector driver in the ECU is bad, but that is a stretch. How did you rule out the coil pack? Did you try moving the #1 coil to another cylinder to see if the problem moves with the coilpack?

03-28-2008, 04:12 PM
What he ^^^ said!

03-28-2008, 09:52 PM
check for injector pulse. each injector plug has 2 wires. red is the constant positive. the other wire is the pulsed negative.


http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/7881/s13nm9.th.jpg (http://img249.imageshack.us/my.php?image=s13nm9.jpg)

injector plug pulsed negatives

pin 101 injector no.1 drive output - white black
pin 110 injector no.2 drive output - yellow black
pin 103 injector no.3 drive output - green black
pin 112 injector no.4 drive output - blue black

run a test light to a positive source either to the injectors positive or battery + and then to the each injector pulsed negative and if its working properly it should blink the bulb (very dim) be careful not to short anything.

check all the grounds for the injectors located on the 4th runner of the intake manifold i believe. also check the ground for the coil pack on the back of the head as well as all grounds. ka and sr runs like hell without a good ground.

if you get no pulse, check for connectivity for each injector pulse wire. on the ecu pin plug (big blue) find the wire color for the injector - pulse. get a voltmeter or those connectivity test lights and see if you get a good connection from end to end. ecu plug to the injector plug. if you dont then you might have a short in the engine harness. check the ecu plug for any loose pins. swap over the ecu and see if it makes a difference in the connectivity and pulse tests.

03-29-2008, 08:17 PM
Thanks for the input guys. I don't know why it didn't pass through my head to just swap out coil packs to identify the problem. The problem is the COIL PACK. Thank God I finally found the stupid problem. LOL

Big Bronze Rim
03-29-2008, 09:58 PM
Glad you found it. I have had two coil packs die during my 6 years messing with SRs. I have seen countless others die. I am always suspect of them in situations like this.

03-30-2008, 08:59 PM
wasted spark setup, grand national coil pack + msd 8.5 mm wires FTW


Dave =]