View Full Version : April 5 JMU car show

03-26-2008, 10:08 AM
For the first semester in two years, the Madison Motorshow returns to the JMU Campus!

The show will be held on Saturday, April 5th, 2008 tentatively from 11am - 4pm, in the C4 lot of the JMU campus. The entrance to the lot is off of Cantrell Avenue.

There will be the following classes: Import, Domestic, Euro, Classic, Motorcycle.

There will also be other vendors, shops and patnerships there.

Featuring the '09 STi, Subaru show cars and perhaps the '09 Dodge Challenger!!!

So please mark your calendars and come out to support MM, show off your car or bike, hang out with car guys and motorsports enthusiasts and have an all around good time! Feel free to post up this flier and relevant information on other forums and spread the word!

Here is a link from their forums
MMSports.org :: View topic - Madison Motorshow Spring 2008 - Sat. April 5th JMU Campus (http://www.mmsports.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7210)
http://www.iwsti.com/forums/images/statusicon4/user_online.gif http://www.iwsti.com/forums/images/buttons/report.gif (http://www.iwsti.com/forums/report.php?p=1779627) http://www.iwsti.com/forums/images/misc/progress.gif http://www.iwsti.com/forums/images/buttons/edit.gif (http://www.iwsti.com/forums/editpost.php?do=editpost&p=1779627)

03-31-2008, 07:16 PM
bump. looks like we are going to have a good turn out, post up if you are coming.

The Chad
03-31-2008, 07:39 PM
so weird I have quite a few friends of mine that go to JMU and i never knew about a car show on campus. Where on campus do they do do it?

03-31-2008, 07:56 PM
My girlfriend goes there. Wish I could make it.

03-31-2008, 08:14 PM
good luck to MM's show.

03-31-2008, 08:32 PM
sweet, i think my cousin goes there

03-31-2008, 08:43 PM
not too far from me, i'll prolly ride down

The Chad
04-01-2008, 08:37 AM
Hey it's supposed to rain this weekend. Any ideas of what will happen if it gets rained out?

04-03-2008, 04:50 PM
It will still happen if it rains, just probably not as big of a turn out. It has rained before and they always just continue on. It is in the C4 lot, which if you kinda know the campus is by the tennis courts accross from the village and behind Mister Chips.