View Full Version : A project's not a project unless you suffer

Fred Allen Burge
03-24-2008, 08:54 PM
ever feel that way? Is it just me or does anyone else feel like they haven't taken their project far enough until the AC's gone, the sound deadening's out along with the carpet and who really needs wipers anyway (rain x rocks, right?)?

I'm just not at peace with it unless I wonder if I'll really make it to work today in one piece, it's like I need the adventure...am I crazy? Does anyone know what I'm getting at?

Just rambling, and planning out the coupe project's next steps...


03-24-2008, 09:34 PM
Its not you suffering, its your personal preference. Some of us actually like to keep the creature comforts in our car. Some people dont care and decide that they'd rather daily a track car. To each their own...

03-24-2008, 09:59 PM
Well.. I always thought a "project" would be a secondary car..
Thus I have a dd.
And I'm slowly building up the "project" car I currently have..

I dunno, "project" and "dd" doesn't go hand in hand.
I tried that shit, failed miserably.

03-24-2008, 11:59 PM
heh, I thought you meant suffering as in, bleeding all over the place from getting stabbed by a random sharp object in/or around your car... or finding yourself in an awkward position trying to bolt something in and every muscle in your body is giving out on you cause you've been working on your car for 8 hours straight...

how ever did I misinterpret? :P

s13 drifta
03-25-2008, 01:16 AM
I dont have sound deadening or carpet and Im still here. Driving without wipers is just plain stupid and so is this thread.


03-25-2008, 01:59 AM
This thread is for whiny baby attention whores.

Don't be a whiny baby.

03-25-2008, 05:16 AM
ever feel that way? Is it just me or does anyone else feel like they haven't taken their project far enough until the AC's gone, the sound deadening's out along with the carpet and who really needs wipers anyway (rain x rocks, right?)?

I'm just not at peace with it unless I wonder if I'll really make it to work today in one piece, it's like I need the adventure...am I crazy? Does anyone know what I'm getting at?

Just rambling, and planning out the coupe project's next steps...


That's gotta be the stupidest post I've read all year.

Wanting your car to be a piece of shit is completely retarded. Furthermore, expecting it to break down or fail is unconscionably reckless. That sort of planning puts yours and others' lives at risk, and is completely unacceptable.

While I recognize the fun and adventure in having a car in a state of semi-completion, I MUST admonish you for wanting your car to be in an unsafe condition.

Aesthetics and creature comforts are one thing, but removing safety devices is just plain stupid.

For me, seeing people ditch AC for the minimal weight savings is dumb, anymore. Admittedly, I wanted to do it once - I'm just to the point (read: too old) to where I want to be comfortable. Weight can be overcome by more power.

I like the idea of ditching OEM sound deadening material, but only in the course of adding better material that keeps noise down. I'm all about creature comforts anymore.

Removing windshield wipers is stupid, same with removing signals or mirrors or anything else that helps you drive or other drives know what you're doing.

Safety equipment is there for a reason. If it's a racecar, and other people don't have to worry about behind your shitty car on their way to their boring jobs, fine - rip out everything that'll keep you and them alive. Chances are, if they're stupid enough to attend a track event with a tech inspection lax enough to let you pass, they deserve whatever's coming to them.