View Full Version : rj's field's law (one amazing kid)

02-20-2008, 08:18 PM
^^^just edited the thread title due to poor punctuation

This kid is amazing, I was watching the news tonight and this story came on CBS, and I was inspired to say the least. Not to mention the idea's he has come up with are definitely good ones(IMO).


just wanted to share. :)

your thoughts and opinions?

02-20-2008, 09:01 PM
Smart kid. Glad to see that he amounted to something unlike his mother. That law really is a good idea. When you think about it, alot of the welfare recipients are using that money to fund their addictions whether it is drugs, alcohol, or something different. Granted there are people who do use it for its purpose, and hopefully get back on their feet again. When addicts are using there welfare for drugs, it is your money that they are spending. They are living off society and making no effort to recover financially, physically, or mentally. That is money ment to help someone who genuinly needs it. This would be a good way to help those who need to recover, and want to recover aswell as ensure that the money is going towards what it was ment for.

02-20-2008, 09:06 PM
I totally agree with this. This is sad story, that should not happen again. He has done well for himself!

02-20-2008, 09:09 PM
Sucks, I hear people purposely don't get married have a bunch of kids although happily together just to get on government assistance for the "extra money" and "food stamps/assistance".


02-20-2008, 09:25 PM
I'm sure that this kid is smarter than i am. I think that if this law passes there will be a lot of people off welfare. Will it raise crime though???

02-20-2008, 09:25 PM



damn that kids got a good head on his shoulders!

02-20-2008, 09:43 PM
My fiance works for a hospital here in Houston,Tx and says it is actually and sadly pretty common for things like this to happen. Many mothers give birth, find out to their suprise the babies are born with drugs in system, and then never get to hold their children because of what they have done. She has no sympathy when she says that the mother will not be able to take the child into her arms, CPS will instead. Also, pregnant 10 yr olds is surprisingly common as well..

02-20-2008, 11:56 PM
Pregnant 10 year old???

02-21-2008, 12:16 AM
wow thats really sad....good to see hes overcome so much

not trying to cut the kids idea down at all but this exact topic came up in one of my poli sci classes. I think its a pretty contraversial issue and a pretty difficult policy to implement. By requiring people one welfare to get drug testing you are basically saying that people who are on welfare do drugs more than those in the middle class, which may or may not be true....although there are all kinds of stats that point to a coralation between poverty and crime and drug use etc but i dont know actual numbers. Also you cant force treatment on someone....If someone is offered treatment and they accept and then go back to using drugs after do you then take their welfare away and leave them on the street? If yes then crime and drug abuse would most likely go up because they would have no way of legally getting money, so it would be a cycle...If you just send them to treatment again then it is also a cycle, also what kind of treatment are we talking about...if ur talking about cali and the midwest where tons of ppl use meth then good luck detoxing them....and you arent allowed to physically strap someone down and detox them so if someone is allowed to walk out on their own free will...I am sure there are plenty of junkies who would risk losing everything to get out of rehad to just get high one more time...idk just my thoughts

I also loled at the fact that the kid was a republican....idk why