View Full Version : Racism?

02-10-2008, 02:00 AM
This is a recent blog post from someone I occasionally talk to on myspace. Does this sound racist to you guys? What do you think of her statement in general?


From the talk page of the "Harlem Renaissance" article:

However, what emerges as a chief criticism of the Harlem Renaissance is that while African-American culture became absorbed into the mainstream American culture, a strange separation emerged of the Black community from American culture. As African-Americans with roots in this country dating to beginning of the North American slave trade in the early 17th Century, their worldview is distinctly native. Blacks, unlike other immigrants, had no immediate past, history and culture to celebrate as they were separated by generations from their roots in Africa. Some would argue that the positive implications of American nativity have never been fully appreciated by most African-Americans, especially given that the African-American's history and culture is, arguably, more completely American than most other ethnic groups within the United States.

this whole paragraph is deeply offensive,

Well that's just the problem with discussing the behavior and abilities of blacks-in-general, isn't it? INDIVIDUALS can be (and frequently are) arbitrarily intelligent and capable. But AS A GROUP, compared to other groups, the truth is offensive. So it's suppressed. But because the offensive things remain true, everyone has to adapt by, for instance, giving blacks free points on SAT tests and special easy classes in college. Soon the pendulum swings the other way because the bizarre adaptations and manifest lies themselves become offensive.

It's really very humorous to disinterested observers who have taken to calling your attitude "liberal creationism", because it is the same deliberate blindness and denial of the obvious which is famous for being practiced by creationists.

Whites and Asians evolved from blacks. Everybody agrees with that. Nobody disagrees with it. As measured by two dozen MRI studies by different, unrelated, unquestionably legitimate research labs, blacks' brains are, on the average, 5 percent smaller than whites' and 6 percent smaller than Asians'.

That explains the IQ difference and the blacks' primitive behavior.

Now get over it.

02-10-2008, 02:08 AM
racism is all in the eye of the beholder

and i seriously doubt that percentage means anything

we hardly use most of our brains anyways

half our fucking society no matter what race their IQ's are just above retarded

enough to function and be a tool of soceity it will always be like this

people need to get over themselves

02-10-2008, 02:10 AM
If it's a fact..... I guess its not racist. But I wouldnt know either way. If it is true it's still an arrogant thing to say. Is the poster white or black or asian or what?

02-10-2008, 02:13 AM
First off, this isnt fact.

Secondly, this guy is a fucking moron.

I'm gonna leave it at that because i could go on forever as to why.

02-10-2008, 02:13 AM
i think whats best about this is more of the fucking writer sitting on a pedastal

thinking hey i'm smart because i heard bullshit a from source b and now i can sit around all day and make myself feel special and supreme

that person is pretty pitiful and its a great way to show their inferiority

a swift kick to the face is in dire need

02-10-2008, 02:22 AM
It was posted by an autistic woman. She doesn't understand much less care about the impact of what she says to others. She does come off as arogant but really she is just VERY matter of fact. To her the truth is the truth, it shouldn't hurt if it is real. I try to give her the benefit of the doubt about this type of stuff because she really doesn't understand the impact it has on those who read it, but I'm not sure how to handle this.

02-10-2008, 02:23 AM
i think whats best about this is more of the fucking writer sitting on a pedastal

thinking hey i'm smart because i heard bullshit a from source b and now i can sit around all day and make myself feel special and supreme

that person is pretty pitiful and its a great way to show their inferiority

a swift kick to the face is in dire need


Her wording is so vague and full of typical "holier than thou" bull shit. HE is the one thats laughable. Its so obvious that he doesnt know anything. It actually gets more hilarious the more times i read it.

It was posted by an autistic woman. She doesn't understand much less care about the impact of what she says to others. She does come off as arogant but really she is just VERY matter of fact. To her the truth is the truth, it shouldn't hurt if it is real. I try to give her the benefit of the doubt about this type of stuff because she really doesn't understand the impact it has on those who read it, but I'm not sure how to handle this.

the problem is that she's not matter of FACT. She's matter of total rotting, rancid, fecal matter. What she says IS NOT the truth and the more she goes on galavanting on like it is, the more she looks like a fucking dim wit and the more i laugh. autistic or not....i dont care. she's still a fucking idiot. :rofl:

02-10-2008, 02:24 AM
it's a fine line. i could go into detail as to why. but overall, from the tone, i'm picking up that you're dealing with somebody who doesn't like black people. so yeah, that's racism.
every race has its shitty people. it's best not to dwell on it.

02-10-2008, 02:25 AM
well that explains what i said above

theres not much you can really do about that then

i'd basically say to them you shouldn't go around saying things that would come off offensive to other people just like they wouldn't saying something about their autism

so keep it to yourself

i probally wouldnt say anything about the autism though but do something along those lines

02-10-2008, 02:27 AM
Here is something else she posted;


Here, read this. Wolter sent it to me.

The schools would "integrate the histories, cultures, experiences and contributions of people of African descent and other racialized groups" into the curriculum.

"A report by senior board staff, released earlier this month, recommends creating a black-focused school in the city's northwest end, and that it be open to all students."

Hahah! "Open to all students!" Yeah, I'm sure the nerdy white kids will be banging on the doors trying to get in!

"Another recommendation calls for the implementation of African-centred curriculums at three existing schools, as early as this fall."

I think they meant "curricula", but never mind.

So what is black-focused math? "If you buy an ounce of crack for $500, cut it 3-to-1 with drano, and sell grams for $25, how many $300 gold rings can you buy?

And what is "African-centered" science class? "We negroes evolved from monkeys and humans evolved from us"?

And I'd cringe at "African-centered" English class!

I suspect this will be a dumping ground for nee-groids who will get passing grades for doing a retard's work and playing a lot of basketball. Then they will have a diploma just like real people.

It is actually a stroke of genius on the part of the school system. It solves the problem of black kids disrupting classes and their inability to learn anything above the third-grade level. It is too difficult procedurally to just pass them in real schools when they are taking the same tests as white and asian kids, so the solution is to put then in their own make-believe school where they will waste time, then hand out make-believe diplomas.

They already have this in Washington, DC. They are called "charter schools" and exist outside the school system. One, for instance, teaches all subjects in terms of "dance". I don't know how this is implemented for different subjects, but in every class, all the kids do is dance.

I'm not kidding; you can look it up.

..and they ask me why I hide from the world!

Along with some one else's reply;

Your apparent racism is definitely ironic.

You don't just hold a position, you go out of your way to put things in insulting terms and draw unsupported conclusions. You are willing to contradict yourself when it serves to put things in a bad light and you give the benefit of the doubt to anything which supports your stated position.

What I can't tell is whether you are doing this on purpose to laugh at everyone or if you are consciously unaware of these inconsistencies.

And lastly her reply to him;

> What I can't tell is whether you are doing this on purpose to laugh at everyone or if you are consciously unaware of these inconsistencies.

Presumably that was not a joke. What inconsistencies?

That is my problem. She doesn't get it. I try to just leave it alone but I don't know any more.

02-10-2008, 02:31 AM
well that explains what i said above

theres not much you can really do about that then

i'd basically say to them you shouldn't go around saying things that would come off offensive to other people just like they wouldn't saying something about their autism

so keep it to yourself

i probally wouldnt say anything about the autism though but do something along those lines
That is exactly the problem. She doesn't know what is offensive or appropriate, just what is(to her). I can't understand how a person as intelligent as she is can be racist.

02-10-2008, 02:31 AM
^ the truth is truth to her. But it doesn't mean its the same to someone else. To me I seriously can not see how the hell she went from the cultural movement which was the "harlem renaissance" to that. The first thing I think of is what type of enviroment she grew up in. Personally coming from the south, I hear racist shit. An upbringing can affect the idea of race. You might be pissed, and I would to. but i wouldn't let u affect u

02-10-2008, 02:33 AM
Intelligent.....my ass. seriously dude, she's a very stupid person. Unless she's family or something along those lines, cease talking to her immediately. Dont waste your time on dumb ass people. Its much healthier. THAT, my friend, IS a FACT.

02-10-2008, 02:38 AM
Intelligent.....my ass. seriously dude, she's a very stupid person. Unless she's family or something along those lines, cease talking to her immediately. Dont waste your time on dumb ass people. Its much healthier. THAT, my friend, IS a FACT.

IDK if that was directed towards me... if so thank u. But I think the word racist is in its self vague. In certain parts it means different things. to me there's not a set definition.

02-10-2008, 02:41 AM
Fuckin people these days... excuse my language.. sike

02-10-2008, 02:44 AM
ugh :drama:

02-10-2008, 02:45 AM
And also can u direct me to this person? I like a good debate. lol

02-10-2008, 02:46 AM
IDK if that was directed towards me... if so thank u. But I think the word racist is in its self vague. In certain parts it means different things. to me there's not a set definition.

oh nah it was directed at the original poster when he said something about her being intelligent or whatever. i just forgot to quote it. Sorry about that. :bow:

I hear what you're saying about the word "racist". In actuality, the term racist is actually incorrect considering there is only one race and that is human. One who is said to be "racist" is really ethnically/culturally biased, but of course that takes too long to say. lol

Prejudice would be better term, but even that word can take on different meanings depending on its context.

02-10-2008, 02:50 AM
oh nah it was directed at the original poster when he said something about her being intelligent or whatever. i just forgot to quote it. Sorry about that. :bow:

I hear what you're saying about the word "racist". In actuality, the term racist is actually incorrect considering there is only one race and that is human. One who is said to be "racist" is really ethnically/culturally biased, but of course that takes too long to say. lol

Prejudice would be better term, but even that word can take on different meanings depending on its context.

Nah its cool. I got beer on my side haha. But yea I can see what u mean. To me Prejudice is a better social word but still doesn't do anything to help the problem

02-10-2008, 02:52 AM
Nah its cool. I got beer on my side haha. But yea I can see what u mean. To me Prejudice is a better social word but still doesn't do anything to help the problem


This world is a pretty jacked up place, thats for sure.

02-10-2008, 02:58 AM
And also can u direct me to this person? I like a good debate. lol

I think I will keep this from getting personal for now. If she had directed any prejudice remarks towards me it would be different. I'll let you know if that happens, then you can rip into her:bigok: .

This world is a pretty jacked up place, thats for sure.

Tell me about it. I got bullied by students and teachers for not being black enough. They failed to notice that I was as dark or darker than 1/3 of them. Then I move to Cali(from Georgia) and the school wouldn't give me an I.Q. test for advanced placement because the government considers me African-American and apparently I couldn't comprehend the questions on the test.

02-10-2008, 03:02 AM

This world is a pretty jacked up place, thats for sure.

Maybe. You can think that. Or u can just except people think different. Just cause someone else thinks something different then you do and will fight about their beliefs doesn't mean the world is fucked up. Its just what they personally know and believe. There's nothing u can do about it. You wanna win the argument, "be the bigger man" as gay as it sounds.

02-10-2008, 03:11 AM
ummm disliking an ENTIRE ethnicity of people simply because they dont look like you is not ok. PERIOD. I'm literally not arguing with those kinds of people because as you said, people are gonna be the way they are..and quite frankly, my time is much too important to be wasting it on idiotic people. However, that does not make them right. If everybody had the mentality that "well its ok, they're just different", this world would be an ENTIRELY different place, and not in a good way. Not in a good way by a long shot.....

02-10-2008, 03:14 AM
Racism, maybe. Stupidity, absolutely.

02-10-2008, 03:19 AM
ummm disliking an ENTIRE ethnicity of people simply because they dont look like you is not ok. PERIOD. I'm literally not arguing with those kinds of people because as you said, people are gonna be the way they are..and quite frankly, my time is much too important to be wasting it on idiotic people. However, that does not make them right. If everybody had the mentality that "well its ok, they're just different", this world would be an ENTIRELY different place, and not in a good way. Not in a good way by a long shot.....

No, no I understand what u mean. I'm not saying its OK. Its unacceptable. I agree completely. And really ur agree with what I'm saying. You can't change what they think. So why try so hard? You can say what u believe and know, but to them it aint gonna mean anything. So as I said " be the bigger man " and just go whatever. U know?

02-10-2008, 03:27 AM
ah i gotcha. :bow:

02-10-2008, 03:31 AM
ah i gotcha. :bow:

Thank you... and just to let u know I'm 18... hahahaha what can I say I grew up to fast.

02-10-2008, 03:33 AM
guys, in all honesty, this pretty much sums it all up.

click for enlightenment

02-10-2008, 09:09 AM
yes both of those posts by her are incredibly racist. That second part you posted just lets us know what she was thinking in the first one. This lady is clearly a dumb ass bitch who needs a swift cunt punt. I dont care if she knows what shes saying is offensive or not. You cant just run off a whole line of absolute offensive bullshit like that just because you believe it to be true. And idk how anyone could read the second post that she made and believe for one second that she didnt know she was being offensive....how can you talk about "black math", selling drugs and other shit like that and believe you are being totally PC...more over I would say to anyone who believes that you should "just let people think what they wanna think" that apathy is probably one of the biggest reasons that things like racism still exist in our society...and to contradict what was said before, no this woman is not smart...at all. You can make anything you have to say sound borderline intelligent or make it seem like you have some evidence if you make an allusion to some other source or use big enough words, so I mean in the aspect that she knows words I guess shes smart....but other than that shes a total dumbass who should not be allowed to breed

02-10-2008, 11:12 AM
im not racist. i hate all people.


02-12-2008, 04:20 PM
I have always wondered myself how all the different cultures came about. Why black people have such dark skin...why are we white? One thing I will say is that I believe that color goes way past the skin. It's obvious that black athletes are very fast and can jump very high.. they are made different, they could outperform white atheletes and I believe their thought patterns are different, brains are different. This doesn't just go for blacks, i'm kind of talking about every race. Stereotypes exist for a reason. Sorry if that offended anyone, I tried to be as neutral as possible. :coolugh:

02-12-2008, 04:41 PM
^^ idk thats pretty controversial, the splits in races themselves came from the migrations and developments of people and the mating of people and passing on of traits. All people migrated out of africa when the continents were connected...all people would have been dark skinned at one time but those who migrated to europe eventually had the pigment bred out of them, due to the fact that the body produces skin pigment and melanin as a defense agianst the sun, in europe where the sun is not as strong the dark skin pigment was not necessary and so they would have got lighter...then continue to breed with one another and pass on those light skin traits.....If you read up on darwin and his work you will see how this happens. Black people stayed in africa for many centuries where the sun is strong so their skin continued to be dark, obviously these traits only stay true as long as people breed within their own race...for example my father is black and my mother is white so i have features of both races, light skin but never get sun burned along with facial features etc etc.

Now as to the physical or athletic abilities that is questionable just because youre black does not mean you will be good at sports and just because youre white doesnt mean you cant jump....I think that people mistake physical appearance for performance....So If Im black and genetically I come from a family of all tall people and I grow to be 6' 9" then if I learn to play basketball Ill be able to make a layup without having to jump as high as a white person who may only be 6' 1"....but take it to a football field and put two guys of opposite races and relatively the same size on the field and one guy wont be better simply because hes black....its genetics, If I can have the same skills as you but genetically will grow larger then in a physical sport I will be better.

As for brains being different....total bullshit, and pretty much total ignorance, I dont know what possible argument anyone could try to make to show that black and white people's thought patterns are different. We are all part of the same race, the human race....but different ethnicities. Based on the Human Genome project they have shown that all people are more alike than different...so NO brains and thought patterns are not different

and if you turn on the TV and see all black athletes it has more to do with recruiting, training...and the fact that if you can find a bunch of guys that are huge to play for you then smaller guys arent gonna cut it...and once again genetically black males are usually taller than white males

seriously you should read some charles darwin and take an annatomy class if you are really interested in this stuff

02-12-2008, 06:50 PM
What I ended up telling her is that she needs to own up to her own apparent racism. She denied that she was racist still so I said fuck it, I don't really care.

When discussing thought patterns I think the most important thing is the first few years of life and to a lesser extent(but still very important) the values of those around you. If your family values physical skill over "book smarts" and you agree you will likely be better at sports than your studies. By no means does that indicate that your potential for knowledge is less.

That is what aggravated me about her comments. The fact that my father is black automatically means I must be dumb and good at basketball. The fact is I'm neither but that isn't because my mom is white.

Her comments about out savagery was just ridiculous. I didn't even know how to argue against it at first. I mean come on, because my skin is darker than hers I will punch her in the face and rape her at the drop of a hat. That is just stupid. Per capita what segment of the population has a higher percentage of people in jail for violent or sexual crimes? It shore ain't black people.

I think I am done with this before I get mad and say something stupid.

02-12-2008, 08:16 PM
people like to act like we are all so different, when we really arent....when it comes down to it we are all the same...lol all of you are just my extended family, so ur welcome to come by for dinner any time :rawk:

02-12-2008, 08:41 PM
What I ended up telling her is that she needs to own up to her own apparent racism.

Racism is for people who don't get out enough. If they did, they would know that a lot of the stereotypes are so untrue that it almost makes me wonder how people came up with them in the first place. I mean, we're all different, IMO, but like eastcoast was saying, it has more to do with being a product of your environment rather than predetermined genetics.

I work with a bunch of black guys and I know them well enough to confidently say that not one of them falls into the stereotypes that dumbass was talking about. Go figure.

Don't sweat it, though. Let people be ignorant, they'll learn the hard way soon enough.

Man, between the lady in this thread and the Fred Phelps thread, there's been a lot of discussion lately about some pretty substantial assholes. :p

02-12-2008, 08:44 PM
You should tell her that women have smaller brains then men.

So her argument is now useless.

02-12-2008, 08:45 PM
also link her to this article


02-12-2008, 09:23 PM
You should tell her that women have smaller brains then men.

So her argument is now useless.
Ha! That would be perfect. I'll tell her she was obviously mistaken, but it's OK it was her smaller brain that caused her smaller intellect to come up with such preposterous ideas. lol

Not that I really believe any of that.:coolugh:

02-12-2008, 10:06 PM
Look at this shit!
This is me:
I think all peoples harbor savagery. If you can prove that those of asian, middle eastern, or european decent are any less or more savage in nature then maybe you have an argument.

And this is what this guy said back:
I wouldn't argue with you there. The only difference between European/American/Asian massacres and African massacres are the methods employed. Africans seem to be enamored with the machete whereas everyone else prefers being some distance from the blood.

I just want to use that "kick in teeth button" from that go mow some lawns thread. AARGH!!!!!

02-12-2008, 11:43 PM
Idk why people get so upset about people hating people. I mean it does suck when you're the receiver but you can't change how most people think. Much like the election going on now. I'm more than sure that most people did not vote for Obama because he's black. Deep down inside everybody is racist. It just that some people show it more than others.

Just turn the cheek. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. They'll get what's coming to them.

02-12-2008, 11:47 PM
I have always wondered myself how all the different cultures came about. Why black people have such dark skin...why are we white? One thing I will say is that I believe that color goes way past the skin. It's obvious that black athletes are very fast and can jump very high.. they are made different, they could outperform white atheletes and I believe their thought patterns are different, brains are different. This doesn't just go for blacks, i'm kind of talking about every race. Stereotypes exist for a reason. Sorry if that offended anyone, I tried to be as neutral as possible. :coolugh:

To comment on that athletic stuff there. That's like an genetic adaption from the work their ancestors did. They worked all day and stuff so as generations go by they were able to build muscle mass quickly. That's my theory at least.

02-13-2008, 12:11 AM
Really the athletics is due to most black people having more fast twitch muscles than the average white or asian person. That makes them run faster and have quicker reactions. In contrast most of european decent have more slow twitch muscles than the average asian or black person. This makes them stronger and more enduring. Most asians are more neutral in muscle type.

Of coarse that is just a generalization. And when I say black I mostly mean people of mixed African and European decent(those from the slave trade where ever they live now).


Asians are average lol j/k j/k

02-13-2008, 12:43 AM
lol NBA/NFL vs. world strongest man competition vs. whatever it is asians do

02-13-2008, 12:59 AM
vs. whatever it is asians do
Eat lol

Well she has more or less come out of the racism closet. Some one asked why I was so upset about her comments(I guess I don't look very half-black) and she said "Because he's part NEE-gro".

For reference here is my myspace pic

02-13-2008, 01:43 AM
lol, wanna talk about being racist? durkheim "father of sociology" was a racist!

B Love
02-13-2008, 12:25 PM
Im just racist against ignorant people no matter what their color.

02-13-2008, 01:01 PM
everyone is racist.