View Full Version : jackarse cop.

02-06-2008, 10:20 PM
last night i was on my way to my friends house to drop my friend off. I turn off of the main road into his neighborhood area...i see a cop comming toward me, which i dont stress about, because i drive speed limit...for fun ^_^. but my exhaust was leaking and i am very...low...
when i pass him, he looks like hes gonna turn into a street, and all of a sudden, he takes a u-turn and follows me...
he follows me all the way to my friends house tailgating me the entire way for 5 mins... like im gonna make his day enjoyable...
wasnt stressed by him, but made me nervous as hell lol
anybody have any similiar experiences?

02-06-2008, 10:27 PM
So he didn't stress you out, just made you a bit nervous,
and for that he's a jackass?

:down: :cj: :squintd: :rolleyes: :duh: :smash: :blah: :hammer:
:ghey: :cry: :-/ :loco: :tweak: :confused: :ugh: :( :goyou: :ughd: :bite:

One night, a cop pulled me over for a California roll through a stop sign.
He gave me a ticket for that, and was just doing his job. What a bitch!
I hate cops!

02-06-2008, 10:29 PM
probably just wanted to run your plates for warrants, theft, etc.

02-06-2008, 10:31 PM
So he didn't stress you out, just made you a bit nervous,
and for that he's a jackass?

:down: :cj: :squintd: :rolleyes: :duh: :smash: :blah: :hammer:
:ghey: :cry: :-/ :loco: :tweak: :confused: :ugh: :( :goyou: :ughd: :bite:

One night, a cop pulled me over for a California roll through a stop sign.
He gave me a ticket for that, and was just doing his job. What a bitch!
I hate cops!
yep tailgating me for 5 minutes...all the way to my friends house! hehe
damn that really sucks mang...i keep gettting caught by those red light camerasT_T

02-06-2008, 10:32 PM

02-06-2008, 10:32 PM
probably just wanted to run your plates for warrants, theft, etc.
odly, it was a nice neighborhood...and he saw me turn into the area...i think he was bored...lol

02-06-2008, 10:33 PM
i had that happen to me, i passed a cop in my old s13 going the opposite direction, i didnt think much of it, but i looked in my mirror to see if i saw brake lights, all of the sudden this cop tries to take a u turn at probably 40mph on a narrow 2 lane road, he almost hits the ditch, but recovers. gets RIGHT on my ass, follows me almost all the way home, then just turns off in a different direction at a stop sign....

02-06-2008, 10:36 PM
i had that happen to me, i passed a cop in my old s13 going the opposite direction, i didnt think much of it, but i looked in my mirror to see if i saw brake lights, all of the sudden this cop tries to take a u turn at probably 40mph on a narrow 2 lane road, he almost hits the ditch, but recovers. gets RIGHT on my ass, follows me almost all the way home, then just turns off in a different direction at a stop sign....
damn that cop musta been really bored or something LOL
musta saw you thinking you could of made his day

02-06-2008, 10:59 PM
im so glad i drive a 1993 Honda Accord as of right now:hsdance:

02-06-2008, 11:01 PM
im so glad i drive a 1993 Honda Accord as of right now:hsdance:
y are you still driving that...
get rid of it and get that damn s-chasis already so u can be followed by cops like the rest of us...

02-06-2008, 11:07 PM
odly, it was a nice neighborhood...and he saw me turn into the area...i think he was bored...lol

that link of posted of Drifting to Jail...thats in Bellevue, WA., 10 miles from me, and one of the most expensive places to live in washington state... who knows, maybe he wanted to see if youd run!:naughty:

02-06-2008, 11:14 PM
i keep gettting caught by those red light camerasT_T

Then stop running red lights.

For the sake of everyone...

02-06-2008, 11:22 PM
I had a state trooper pull me over for tint on New Year's Eve! What a fucking dick move!

I saw the trooper coming towards me on a 5 lane road (2 north, 2 south, 1 turn lane). I wasn't even going the speed limit so I just kept driving like nothing was wrong. I come to a pretty busy intersection with a red light that I'm about to make a right turn on so I slow down and come to a stop. I check my mirrors to see that same trooper in the left lane a few cars back which caught me off guard since I had just passed him. Lights turn green so I make my turn and go on my way. The next thing I know that trooper is tossing my salad. I'm like "WTF, mate?" He raped me a mile later at a nursing home for "vision obstruction" which cost me $100. I had some old grandma peeking around a door giving me the stink eye the whole time. To top it off, the dumb fuck wrote down "02 Mazda 2-door" as my vehicle description.

02-06-2008, 11:28 PM
who didnt get pulled over on new years?
"sir do you realize why I pulled you over?"
"you were going 38 in a 35, Have you consumed any alchohol tonight"
"could you please repeat that, Im a little drunk"
"step out of the vehicle please"
"Im sorry, I was just kidding"
"sir step outta the vehicle"

But it was really more like
"Im sorry, I didnt realize I was going that fast, and no I have not consumed any alcholol tonight"
"ok slow down"

And I would like to thank you all for wasting 30 seconds of your life with my post

02-07-2008, 12:21 AM
anybody have any similiar experiences?

Yea, but it was on the I15 freeway and i was carrying a shit load of tools and car ramps in open view with my hatch partially open.

Other than that, I have have been left alone for about a year and a half and I drive a slammed car with eye catching wheels, 3" exhaust w/ a leak and a shit load of stickers on my windshield.

I probably just jinxed myself, but whatever. I havent had trouble commuting back and forth between track events through LA/Irvine and I usually avoid the lower half of San Diego.

02-07-2008, 12:23 AM
Maybe he did you a courtesy by making sure you got to your friends house safely?!?! Asshole cop just did you a favor...

02-07-2008, 12:55 AM
Hey atleast u dont have those gay ass charger cops roaming around ur city! I got pulled over 2 nights ago just cause i had a honda emblem hanging from my tow hitch... Then it turned into pop ur hood, Ima check for a catalytic converter, Good thinfg he didn't do any of that. He did give me a ticket for, Exhaust,No front plate,No proof of insurance... Be glad that cop only followed u... Those chargers are all cocky cause they drive a charger.

C. Senor
02-07-2008, 01:10 AM
you guys complain and complain about cops doing their job....yes that is their job check some of their training. but i bet no of you would complain if some one held you at gun point trying to rob some place and they come in and do some thing about it. what if they didnt do their job as miniscule and annoying as it may seem. i live down the street from a cop station and i tell you what. i would much rather know that they will follow me and know they are patrolling my neighborhood keeping it safe then have them not be around. and yes i have been followed and yes i have been pulled over for plates none the less....but everyone has to keep their jobs some how.

02-07-2008, 01:17 AM
one new years eve I was walking home from a party that just got broken up, I was calling a friend for a ride but apparently I wasnt moving fast enough for a cop who was there...So he got out of the car walked up to me and grabbed my by my throat and slammed me down onto the sidewalk and threatened to "knock my teeth out" with his giant mag light in my face....but yeah ur right, that cop was a total dick for following you....theres like a million things a cop can pull our cars over for, If you drive a modified car, then everytime u drive past a cop and he doesnt pull you over assume he's doing you a favor is some respect...and stop running red lights like a tard before you kill someone

02-07-2008, 07:50 AM
last night i was on my way to my friends house to drop my friend off. I turn off of the main road into his neighborhood area...i see a cop comming toward me, which i dont stress about, because i drive speed limit...for fun ^_^. but my exhaust was leaking and i am very...low...
when i pass him, he looks like hes gonna turn into a street, and all of a sudden, he takes a u-turn and follows me...
he follows me all the way to my friends house tailgating me the entire way for 5 mins... like im gonna make his day enjoyable...
wasnt stressed by him, but made me nervous as hell lol
anybody have any similiar experiences?

So let me get this straight. He followed you for a bit and didn't pull you over? Wow, what a [email protected]$$ /sarcasm> You should be thankful he didn't pull you over just to mess with you. He was doing his job and nothing more. Since they aren't "allowed" to profile people they profile cars.

Dirty Habit
02-07-2008, 08:28 AM
The other day I was driving down the street and cop drove by me and looked at me.

What the fuck.

One time I was driving down the street and I saw this cop sitting on the side of the road and he pointed his radar gun at me.

What the fuck?!

This other time I was stopped on the side of the road and this cop pulled up and asked me if I needed any assistance.


Then when I driving home from work in a really bad snowstorm, this cop pulled up next to me and asked if I wanted escorted to where I was going?!

Seriously. WHAT THE FUCK?!!?!?!??!?!?

Fucking cops.

02-07-2008, 08:53 AM
This happens to people every day, what's the big deal?

You didn't get beaten to a bloody pulp, you didn't get a ticket, you didn't even get pulled over.

Why did you make a thread for this again?

02-07-2008, 10:16 AM
Way too many "omg cops sux" threads in this forum.

Here in Virginia Beach though, I do think the cops are bored. A lot of times you'll see someone pulled over on the side of the road, presumably for speeding or running a light or something, and like 4 cop cars behind them. Sometimes you'll see 2 behind them and then others drive by, U-turn, pull up and put their lights on. I can imagine the conversations.

"Hey guys, what's goin' on?......Yeah, nothin' much here either....Speedin', huh? How fast was he goin'?....60 in a 45, huh? Wow.....yeah.....ok, see you guys later!!"

02-07-2008, 10:33 AM
yep tailgating me for 5 minutes...all the way to my friends house! hehe
damn that really sucks mang...i keep gettting caught by those red light camerasT_T

obviously u missed the sarcasm in his post :loco:

02-07-2008, 10:34 AM
cops can be cool and they can be dicks. ive had a cop give me a warning for doing 70 in a 40. but ive also been followed at night by cops who have thier lights turned off(seems damn dangerous to me).

02-07-2008, 10:35 AM
Ok, we're done here. We've had a million of theses threads and there's really no point.