View Full Version : Silvia Kill CGV vid

02-01-2008, 06:04 AM
*This video was made with a brand new software called computer interface graphing vidieo(CGV)*

Here is the story, *Civic Boy* has a HatchBack with an H22 and B18 trans. (or as i like to call it, "the san fansico treat")
He talked shit ever since he saw the silvia and how he has never lost a race. Well today was the day(this was the second of 2 races that the silvia beat him) The silvia spiked 14 lbs of boost and dropped to 10psi(gotta figue that out)*stupid profec II
The silvia gave him a head start(out to the front of the bumper, then he took off. When will the Honda boys learn?...

PS I never heard so many excuses in my life for get their ass beat.

Well that is the story behind this totally fictionally happening.

Copy and paste because im not computer savy enough to figure it out(unless that works haha)


02-01-2008, 06:09 AM
oh my

well, on a good note, what's the first song in the video?....in it's mumbledness it sounds like i'd end up liking it

02-01-2008, 06:09 AM

but isnt there a video thread?

ps. the first song is Six by All That Remains

02-01-2008, 06:12 AM
you dont drive a silvia

02-01-2008, 06:39 AM
That was so gay..

PS I love hondas

02-01-2008, 06:43 AM
you can find all of those songs on the fall of ideals by all that remains. the vid was hacked up on a 150 dollar ebay digi camera. my friend did it for me last night. Is there a vid thread? sorry i didnt know

*by the way, i know its not a silvia, dont F*cking hate.* thats what i call it so eat a clown shoe. we all know what it is, are you that insecure to state the most obvious of obivous? just sit back enjoy it, if not then if you have nothing constructive or nice to say keep your mouth shut, damn i hate internet people. Just my 2 pennys

02-01-2008, 07:52 AM
Vid doesnt work.

02-01-2008, 07:57 AM
1. What's so cool about this new software? I don't see anything??? Is that really how it's spelled?

2. The vid id boring.

3. Street racing is pretty gay.

4. We have a random video thread. This vid doesn't deserve it's own thread.