View Full Version : hatch and coupe carpeting

10-08-2002, 02:46 PM
hi, i just bought a 240sx hatch but the interior is really dirty.. im thinking about changing the carpet and went to www.accmats.com  .. they have pretty decent custom mats for about $200 new but they only have the outline for 89-93 coupes.. i was wondering if anyone knew if the coupe and hatchback outline would be similar or the same? or if the coupes carpet floor was a little bit bigger than the hatchbacks so all i'll need to do is trim the excess carpet..

anyone else know where to get new carpeting for our 240 hatchbacks?

10-09-2002, 11:44 AM
here's the place I'm thinking of going to..

Here (http://www.autostyles.com/nisscarp.htm)