View Full Version : This may sound cheesy but..

10-02-2002, 11:39 PM
Haha, I dunno how to phrase it, I mean like the S13 hatchbacks opens up??  Yeah, S14s are coupes and it would be weird, but I hate losing that space in my trunk because of those huge ass metal swings.  When my cousin was looking for a car, luckily she picked a nice VW Jetta 1.8T, I saw how the trunk opens with those hydralic things...  You think it could work? or not worth the effort??  Thanks

- Phil -

10-02-2002, 11:49 PM
hehe, that was my plan on my 98. I cut the trunk tension bars cause I thought my sub box wouldn't clear my trunk (I was gonna put it on top of the gas tank hump, but ended up taking the whole trunkspace). I don't know how to do it. I mean, where would the ends go? might have to weld an extra piece on the lid, and the low profile of the lid creates little space in the trunk jams for the other end. basically it would look out of place. but anything could be done. I keep my trunk up with one of the tension bars, like keeping the hood up. I'm still going for the shocks.

10-03-2002, 12:00 AM
personally, i hate the s14 trunks!! they are fucken so damn small cant fit shit in there. and how if u pop the trunk and lift it up and u dont notice that its all the way up..and u bend in to put something in the trunk that shit falls on ur back, FUCK IT HURTS!

10-03-2002, 12:49 AM
LOL That happens to you too? I thought it was just me... I'm always getting stuff out of my trunk on the driveway, and if I feel a slight draft i cover my head, b/c that heavy SOB is coming down, and HARD, and I don't want my neighbors to see me suffer massive head trauma from a Nissan.  One of the reasons I'm thinking of doing this.

I was thinking maybe weld a long tube along the end of the tray area and attach one side there, then the other side to the trunk??  I'm still thinking up ideas in the meantime...

10-03-2002, 09:04 AM
I wanted to do a custom job on mine so that it opens to one of the side. (ie both hinges on left or right side of trunk.  not only would it look cool but more importantly I would actually gain space because I wouldn't have 2 deal with those dam bars hiiting [email protected]# when I close it.

10-05-2002, 03:07 AM
anybody else ever done something like this?