View Full Version : You should read this - v.GRUMPY ADMIN
12-03-2007, 07:45 AM
In case it's not abundantly clear by the stack of locked threads (and the others that I moved to their appropriate sections), I'm tired of "Chat" being mistaken for "Crap".
If you know me at all, you know I'm lazy. :eek3d:
Generally that means that I tend to let stuff slide, and maintain a laissez faire sort of attitude.
Something about seeing a thread about a Regional even in Chat and 6 'pic request' threads for stupid stupid things (FN01R-Cs? Really? You haven't ever seen those on a 240? Really?) just ground my gears, and it made me want to bite my keyboard and punch my monitor.
Luckily, I chilled out and just went on a locking/relocating spree. Seriously, placing threads in the appropriate sections isn't hard. Read the forum description if you're not sure, or ask a mod.
Anyway, the gist of my post here is this (and I'm going to put it in bold so that skimmers will pick up on it)
Do NOT post any worthless threads.
If your thread isn't a positive contribution to the forum, or if it's a question that's probably been answered a few times over, or perhaps something like "PIC REQUEST: Stock 240sx's", then don't post it.
We all have a wide variety of tools at our disposal: The search feature here (, the Google (, and our imaginations.
That's right, with a little (sometimes alot of) effort or perhaps some "thought", you can have most of your questions answered, all without hitting that 'Submit New Thread' button.
I realize I'm coming off as being condescending.
For those of you who don't deserve it, don't take it to heart.
For those of you that DO, however - learn from your mistakes and change your ways.
Rememeber that this is just the internet, and if you get moderated for some reason, it's most likely not personal. Also keep in mind that Zilvia is here for your benefit, as well as everyone else's.
Don't be selfish. Nobody likes having to spoonfeed other people, no matter how much they enjoy helping out.
When you can, give back to the community. Do a writeup with pics on a part you installed (stickers don't count). Make a Zilvia/240sx/Z32 related desktop to share with the class.
All I'm getting at is that I'd like the stupidity and ignorance levels around here to decrease, and the information and knowledge levels increase. Posting about an amazing chamois that's been on the market for years is ludicrously pointless.
Thanks for your time, and happy posting.
Remember, if you need help deciding whether or not a topic is a good idea, you can PM a moderator with your questions.
I've told them to behave and not bite (hard, anyway), so you should be good.
Don't be stupid.
Don't post stupid stuff.
Post in the right section.
Search and think.
Give back to the forum.
Ask a mod.
12-03-2007, 07:49 AM
Something about seeing 6 'pic request' threads for stupid stupid things (FN01R-Cs? Really? You haven't ever seen those on a 240? Really?) just ground my gears, and it made me want to bite my keyboard and punch my monitor.
Luckily, I chilled out and just went on a locking/relocating spree.
That bolded statement remeinds me of family guy, when peter became a news ancor man, in his What grinds my gears segment haha but yea guys, stop being lazy and stupid with your posts, search and you will recieve results
12-03-2007, 07:54 AM
^haha wasnt that in the family guy movie/special? YOU GROUND MY GEARS!
12-03-2007, 07:56 AM
The point is, there is a lot of things going on lately and Admin/Mods are getting tired of it. Keep things productive, contribute, enjoy.
12-03-2007, 08:01 AM
Dirty Habit
12-03-2007, 08:03 AM
I love this place!
12-03-2007, 08:04 AM
Really all that needed to be said. :D
Agree completely.
12-03-2007, 08:08 AM
I was wondering wtf was up with chat when I first logged on 4 hrs ago. The whole freaking 1st page was full of locked threads!!!
12-03-2007, 08:12 AM
how about a thread on "how to search".... really i'm serious.
Dirty Habit
12-03-2007, 08:13 AM
how about a thread on "how to search".... really i'm serious.
It would probably be too hard. Too in depth for the average noob. We may have to break it down into a 3 part mini series.
Who wants to narrate?
low and slow
12-03-2007, 08:23 AM
It would probably be too hard. Too in depth for the average noob. We may have to break it down into a 3 part mini series.
Who wants to narrate?
Morgan Freeman.
Best. Narrator. Ever.
12-03-2007, 08:24 AM
how about a thread on "how to search".... really i'm serious.
Search before you post. :rofl:
12-03-2007, 08:25 AM
how about a thread on "how to search".... really i'm serious.
It would probably be too hard. Too in depth for the average noob. We may have to break it down into a 3 part mini series.
Who wants to narrate?
:Owned: LOL....I know it doesn't apply to you guys, I just thought it was funny.
12-03-2007, 08:26 AM
Search before you post. :rofl: beat me to it. I was too busy editing a post!
I'm tired of "Chat" being mistaken for "Crap".
Something about seeing a thread about a Regional even in Chat and 6 'pic request' threads for stupid stupid things (FN01R-Cs? Really? You haven't ever seen those on a 240?
Anyway, the gist of my post here is this (and I'm going to put it in bold so that skimmers will pick up on it)
Do NOT post any worthless threads.
If your thread isn't a positive contribution to the forum, or if it's a question that's probably been answered a few times over, or perhaps something like "PIC REQUEST: Stock 240sx's", then don't post it.
We all have a wide variety of tools at our disposal: The search feature here (, the Google (, and our imaginations.
That's right, with a little (sometimes alot of) effort or perhaps some "thought", you can have most of your questions answered, all without hitting that 'Submit New Thread' button.
Rememeber that this is just the internet, and if you get moderated for some reason, it's most likely not personal. Also keep in mind that Zilvia is here for your benefit, as well as everyone else's.
Don't be selfish. Nobody likes having to spoonfeed other people, no matter how much they enjoy helping out.
All I'm getting at is that I'd like the stupidity and ignorance levels around here to decrease, and the information and knowledge levels increase. Posting about an amazing chamois that's been on the market for years is ludicrously pointless.
Thanks for your time, and happy posting.
Don't be stupid.
Don't post stupid stuff.
Post in the right section.
Search and think.
Give back to the forum.
Ask a mod.
^^^This was the point I was trying to make in my form of a rant in the "pic request Z wheels on an S13" thread. Somehow, it seems more powerful coming from you. I don't know how that could be possible, so I intend to write a detailed complaint, about your "apparent" authority over me to my nearest Admin. :)
12-03-2007, 08:35 AM
I was wondering what was going on (until I read this thread). I don't get the "PINEAPPLE" that from a show? inside joke?
12-03-2007, 08:42 AM
how about a thread on "how to search".... really i'm serious.
DONE! It was quite simple. I tried to make it even dumby proof. Boolean search infor will help the write up thats already on here. it will help people get less frustrated by narrowing down the results the get.
12-03-2007, 08:56 AM
what is dis pinaple thing about
12-03-2007, 08:58 AM
what is dis pinaple thing about
obviously you havent searched...
12-03-2007, 09:06 AM
i REALLY doubt any of this will prevent the steady flow of noobtastic questions from being asked.
lol even with the morgan freeman narrated mini series. then even if we did have the mini series, we'd get questions like:
"DOeZ morgan freemean prefer eMfalpy t00n or EMS and where can i buyz a spacer to decrease my offset"
noobish questions are just to be expected, and i still get a kick out of seeing them get flamed, and would be kind of upset. who is everyone gonna flame on if there aren't noobs asking silly questions lol
12-03-2007, 09:20 AM
who is everyone gonna flame on if there aren't noobs asking silly questions lol
You see, I don't come here to flame people. I will usually try to help, with the limited knowledge I possess. I come here to learn, and to read some of the great threads in premie land, and sometimes in off-topic.
12-03-2007, 09:24 AM
its about fucking time someone made a thread like this.
12-03-2007, 09:37 AM
I am never going on vacation again, something like this seems to happen everytime I am away for any noticeable period of time, I will stay and up the level of killing in the face, for you guys!!!
12-03-2007, 09:42 AM
More moderators maybe?
i KNEW you were the intersect
12-03-2007, 10:35 AM
12-03-2007, 10:56 AM
In response to this statement I have one thing to say...
Banana>pineapple. :keke:
The Chad
12-03-2007, 11:01 AM
Ah yes ZIlvia, I believe it is the last Z/SX forum that moderators actually work toward cleaning up the clutter of the 20 yr old posts and posts that a 5 year old could have posted and shown more educational basis. Thanks again Zilvia Mods! You make this site worth searching :)
Silkroad FC
12-03-2007, 11:04 AM
Would you make a sticky for people requesting pics?
12-03-2007, 11:07 AM
Maybe we should do the three strikes rule, 1st retarded thread is one week off, second is a month third is perma with IP ban :D
12-03-2007, 11:14 AM
okay kevin.
you got it.
now if we could only get kevin to stop posting equips for sale with weak offsets......
Would you make a sticky for people requesting pics?
DrtyRat tried to get the ball rolling on that:
A Mod needs to sticky that...
12-03-2007, 11:19 AM
I was wondering what was going on (until I read this thread). I don't get the "PINEAPPLE" that from a show? inside joke?
Hmm. I have a feeling it's a reference to last week's Chuck episode.
i KNEW you were the intersect
Oh i guess it is. hahahahahahaha
Good stuff. Gonna watch Chuck tonight. :naughty:
On topic, thank you sir. Those threads were getting out of hand.
Silkroad FC
12-03-2007, 11:50 AM
DrtyRat tried to get the ball rolling on that:
A Mod needs to sticky that...
Yeah, I am guilty of posting a pic request in the chat section, got chewed out too, lol. Learned from that, if someone would sitcky that, that would be amazing.
12-03-2007, 11:04 PM
haha, mr. meph.
I got on Sunday morning and clicked on the Chat forum and there were 9 locked threads. :bowrofl: I laughed. Especially after I saw the pic request for FN's
There was this suggestion:
12-03-2007, 11:09 PM
This should be stickied!
12-03-2007, 11:22 PM
I got an idea...can we have a "N00bie" section where all the noobies can ask all the n00bie question they have with no repercussions? At the same time, the people who cant stand answering and seeing questions like that can simply stay the fuck out of it?
12-03-2007, 11:23 PM
This should be stickied!
I'd thought the same thing myself, then I had to leave and go to work, I guess I will do that now.
12-03-2007, 11:26 PM
so the "....what color/body kit/wheels would make my car look good?" thread should go where now>
hahahahhaahaha j/k
congrats on cleaning up this board! that will make the bwst s chassis board even better with much needed up keep!
12-04-2007, 07:18 AM
I got an idea...can we have a "N00bie" section where all the noobies can ask all the n00bie question they have with no repercussions? At the same time, the people who cant stand answering and seeing questions like that can simply stay the fuck out of it?
i would not be able to contain myself.
i would have to go in there and annihilate that section daily
12-04-2007, 07:35 AM
I got an idea...can we have a "N00bie" section where all the noobies can ask all the n00bie question they have with no repercussions? At the same time, the people who cant stand answering and seeing questions like that can simply stay the fuck out of it?
Flamefest will happen there daily.
It'd be too easy.
12-04-2007, 10:10 AM
Well...a flame free n00b section. You go in there and flame somebody, YOU get pinked or banned from that section...only reason I think this would be a good idea is that itll keep the dumbasses in one area and wont have to spread the stupidity to the whole forum.
12-04-2007, 02:13 PM
I got an idea...can we have a "N00bie" section where all the noobies can ask all the n00bie question they have with no repercussions? At the same time, the people who cant stand answering and seeing questions like that can simply stay the fuck out of it?
They are doing this on 240SXforums...and induces post whoring (due to the post count requirements) and it still invites flaming (though its not allowed). FA has a simliar setup, but not as restrictive as 240SXforums. Its rather decent as you WILL get flamed for posting in the "advanced" section and newbie questions don't get flamed on too much in the "beginners" section. I should know as I post a few of my newbie questions there. :keke:
EDIT: I just read your post...and well I still can't see it flying to well in this forum IMO.
BTW....I found out the whole pineapple reference...and I never heard of that show before (rarely watch TV).
12-04-2007, 02:34 PM
okay kevin.
you got it.
now if we could only get kevin to stop posting equips for sale with weak offsets......
oh snap! lolz
12-04-2007, 02:44 PM
They are doing this on 240SXforums...and induces post whoring (due to the post count requirements) and it still invites flaming (though its not allowed). FA has a simliar setup, but not as restrictive as 240SXforums. Its rather decent as you WILL get flamed for posting in the "advanced" section and newbie questions don't get flamed on too much in the "beginners" section. I should know as I post a few of my newbie questions there. :keke:
EDIT: I just read your post...and well I still can't see it flying to well in this forum IMO.
BTW....I found out the whole pineapple reference...and I never heard of that show before (rarely watch TV).
If you were looking for something on television and found the pineapple reference, you haven't found it yet.
Go to YouTube and seach "spelling bee," I would find it for you but I cannot view youtube from work.
Why is it that this "announcement" thread that should be read is now replied on 2 pages with mostly nonsense and casual jokes?
12-05-2007, 04:32 PM
wow i find it cool that i am not the only one watching Chuck.
12-05-2007, 05:20 PM
Why have a n00b section? it'll have all the same repetitious and useless threads, and they still wont search... I like how some other forums have it set theat you have to have a certain amount of participation on the boards before starting new threads.
Regardless, I'm with the boss-man on this one...
Koopa Troopa
12-06-2007, 06:26 AM
Can I make a what color should I paint my car thread even if I already know what color I am going to paint it?
And by " I paint it" I mean pay a body shop to do it... :rofl:
12-06-2007, 10:10 AM
That bolded statement remeinds me of family guy, when peter became a news ancor man, in his What grinds my gears segment haha but yea guys, stop being lazy and stupid with your posts, search and you will recieve results
^haha wasnt that in the family guy movie/special? YOU GROUND MY GEARS!
That's all you got from that post? My fleeting Family Guy reference?
I was wondering what was going on (until I read this thread). I don't get the "PINEAPPLE" that from a show? inside joke?
Check your rep. Also, Phil lays it out later in the thread.
I am never going on vacation again, something like this seems to happen everytime I am away for any noticeable period of time, I will stay and up the level of killing in the face, for you guys!!!
I blame this completely on you.
i KNEW you were the intersect
It's not about Chuck
We need to hire that damn cat.
okay kevin.
you got it.
now if we could only get kevin to stop posting equips for sale with weak offsets......
Jack, don't make me stab you. I don't need to remind you how cruel and heartless we of the Corps could be when we felt like it.
Besides, I was just cutting away the fat from the steak with that sale.
I got an idea...can we have a "N00bie" section where all the noobies can ask all the n00bie question they have with no repercussions? At the same time, the people who cant stand answering and seeing questions like that can simply stay the fuck out of it?
I can't go along with this idea. There are too many bad reasons why. The one that bugs me the most is that it'll encourage laziness.
Why is it that this "announcement" thread that should be read is now replied on 2 pages with mostly nonsense and casual jokes?
I'd love to know that. I'm going to lock it now.
Can I make a what color should I paint my car thread even if I already know what color I am going to paint it?
If you want to be pinked, go ahead.
Not trying to be a dick or anything, but that's what'll happen.
I realize you're probably making a joke, Chris, but this thread is anything but light-hearted.
Perhaps I shouldn't have thrown in the joke here and there, because there's about 10 users wishing they'd taken me more seriously right about now.
I won't put up with crappy threads, and I won't put up with crappy users.
I'm not saying don't have fun or make fun or be fun, but if you go overboard, expect to be moderated. Swearing isn't a big deal here, but if you use it to belittle or insult another member, it becomes a problem. Name-calling is fine so long as it's in jest, but you'd better find a way to make that very clear.
We're not trying to turn this into a no-fun place, just have some common sense and control yourselves.
Sometimes I believe the following to be a completely true and unchangable fact regarding people on the internet:
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