View Full Version : I need a lawyer .. A GOOD ONE ..

10-30-2007, 05:46 AM
in socal ... any ideas when i say good i mean stupid good ..
lmk what ya got ..
u dont need to know what happend just if u know of a lawyer a good one pricey is cool just reall good .. i need the BEST .. lmk thanx

10-30-2007, 06:44 AM
Wish I could help man, I just hope you didn't kill anyone.

10-30-2007, 07:11 AM
street racing im assuming?

10-30-2007, 08:34 AM
what kind of lawyer do you want? A criminal, divorce, etc

10-30-2007, 09:03 AM
Where in Cali are you from? I have a good one if you need one, but he's up here in Norcal.

10-30-2007, 09:08 AM
what kind of lawyer do you want? A criminal, divorce, etc

Yeah, if you want really good, you need to know what area. You could get a GREAT divorce lawyer, but he isnt gonna help you out with the murdering your wife part...

10-30-2007, 10:10 AM
Yeah, if you want really good, you need to know what area. You could get a GREAT divorce lawyer, but he isnt gonna help you out with the murdering your wife part...

isnt that considered a divorce? :rofl:

10-30-2007, 10:36 AM
If you did it, don't try to get out of it by throwing money at a lawyer. Pay your fine, do your time, and next time don't be stupid.

If you didn't do it, why do you need such a good lawyer?

10-30-2007, 10:50 AM
isnt that considered a divorce? :rofl:

That is where the "til death do us part" comes into play.... :keke:

10-30-2007, 11:01 AM
That is where the "til death do us part" comes into play.... :keke:

LOL +1 to you madame.

steve shadows
10-30-2007, 11:02 AM
in socal ... any ideas when i say good i mean stupid good ..
lmk what ya got ..
u dont need to know what happend just if u know of a lawyer a good one pricey is cool just reall good .. i need the BEST .. lmk thanx

wait about 4 years haha ill help you out

I dont think anyone can help you with your offense.

sex crimes area biggie

10-30-2007, 11:12 AM
street racing im assuming?

i think if it was street racing he would tell us.

10-30-2007, 11:22 AM
A good lawyer will show that you're innocent.

Vision Garage
10-30-2007, 11:24 AM
Yes it will help us big time if you told us what kinda lawyer you needed!

10-30-2007, 11:27 AM
like everyone said. need to know what kind.

10-30-2007, 11:36 AM
If you did it, don't try to get out of it by throwing money at a lawyer. Pay your fine, do your time, and next time don't be stupid.

If you didn't do it, why do you need such a good lawyer?

that's pretty bad advice, depending on what he did. i've gotten out of about 20 speeding tickets so far. if i'd just paid the fine on the first four or five, i wouldn't have a license. instead, i have a license with no points on it.

10-30-2007, 11:39 AM
dam street racer haha!

10-30-2007, 11:41 AM
My shit doesn't stink.

Fixed that for you!


10-30-2007, 12:22 PM
k i need a lawyer hmmmm because my babys mom is trying to take my son said i slapped her when i never did .. so i went to jail and posted bail 100k so 10% only 10k ... now she knows i didnt do anything she is just pissed because im not with her so yeah .... i went in last night got out this morning like at 3 30 a.m

oh and socal near long beach, pomona, chino hills, ontario ... IE ... 91766

steve shadows
10-30-2007, 12:24 PM
wow jesus

good luck

10-30-2007, 12:33 PM
k i need a lawyer hmmmm because my babys mom is trying to take my son said i slapped her when i never did .. so i went to jail and posted bail 100k so 10% only 10k ... now she knows i didnt do anything she is just pissed because im not with her so yeah .... i went in last night got out this morning like at 3 30 a.m

oh and socal near long beach, pomona, chino hills, ontario ... IE ... 91766

jesus christ. good luck, man.

10-30-2007, 12:38 PM
lol no help? haha .. do u guys think ill go to jail? that was my first time to jail and dont have a backround...

10-30-2007, 12:38 PM
k i need a lawyer hmmmm because my babys mom is trying to take my son said i slapped her when i never did .. so i went to jail and posted bail 100k so 10% only 10k ... now she knows i didnt do anything she is just pissed because im not with her so yeah .... i went in last night got out this morning like at 3 30 a.m

oh and socal near long beach, pomona, chino hills, ontario ... IE ... 91766

I wish Pandora's box didn't involve a box at all that Pandora opened up and caused all the problems in the world. It should just be woman was made then the problems occurred. It would make much more sense!

Just remember to calm and relaxed.

And if you really want to get her back. You could cut yourself with a knife she owns and call the popo on her hahahaha. But thats just to evil.

10-30-2007, 12:54 PM
Try to set her up... You or a friend with a taperecorder in the pocket.

"Why are you doing this you know I didn't slap you"
"I know but you're a fucking bastard"

If you can get that much, then SHE's the one who's gonna need a lawyer. And hopefully you're 10K will be gotten back.

Cheezy but it's the stupid ideas that work.

At least try.

EDIT: Does she have a mark on her?

10-30-2007, 12:58 PM
Try to set her up... You or a friend with a taperecorder in the pocket.

"Why are you doing this you know I didn't slap you"
"I know but you're a fucking bastard"

If you can get that much, then SHE's the one who's gonna need a lawyer. And hopefully you're 10K will be gotten back.

Cheezy but it's the stupid ideas that work.

At least try.

Not a good idea. It never goes over well to voice record someone without their acknowledgment of the record.

But anyways. I'd tell them if they can prove it without a doubt. I'll agree to what she says. Until then they can fuck off because you're innocent.

10-30-2007, 01:02 PM
r u serious its probably jeffs fault i told you not to go out with his chick he ratted you out :kiss: :rant2:

steve shadows
10-30-2007, 01:05 PM
Not a good idea. It never goes over well to voice record someone without their acknowledgment of the record.

But anyways. I'd tell them if they can prove it without a doubt. I'll agree to what she says. Until then they can fuck off because you're innocent.

its worth it in the long run though because it may contribute to a greater body of evidence turning her into the defendent if it comes down to a custody battle and determining a pattern of dishonesty and manipulation.

do it

and then if that doest work

frame her ass and stab yourself good

make sure you come over be extra nice to her first, get her to cut you some peaches with the knife, then when she is in the other room stab yourself in the stomach.

go print out a medical body cavity diagram so you know where will do the least damage to you then stab there, call the police, stir and enjoy+

10-30-2007, 01:25 PM
LOL steve I love your advice on this one...

"just stab yourself in the stomach! I do that shit all the time!"

10-30-2007, 01:32 PM
wow jesus

good luck

jesus christ. good luck, man.

msg msg

10-30-2007, 01:34 PM
wow! lol im not tryinng to stab my self .. and untill the court date nov 13th i can see or speak to her i have to stay within 100 feet away from her so yeah .......

10-30-2007, 01:36 PM
r u serious its probably jeffs fault i told you not to go out with his chick he ratted you out :kiss: :rant2:
lol na its wasnt her it was the fact that i was with to many bitches and she was hott .

10-30-2007, 01:39 PM
Take my advice and i know it works for sure (several friends had this happened to them).

By now your ex baby momma is feeling guilty deep inside by sending you to jail for a stupid reason. I bet she is also scared for the fact that she knows what she did was illegal. To settle things down talk things out with her, I mean in a calm and repective manner. Once everything is handled in a mature manner you tell her this


If she is not in court then there are no witnesses to prove anything. The case will be dropped, but the bond money will never be reimbursed unless you sue her (which I highly doubt you want to).

Law offices offers free quotes and advices prior to hiring them and even calling them will help you out. So I suggest shop around and see if they all give you the same advice, but most likely they're going to scare the balls out of you to make you hire them. Don't fall for it!!!! It's easy to tell who really cares and who are just in it for the money.

IMO go to court first and see how your Public attorney will handle it, you'll be suprise on how many good public attorney there are. If you don't want to take my first advice (telling her not to show up to court) and If you don't like the way the Public attorney handles it, then by all means hire a private lawyer.

Goodluck on your situation..hopefully this will help you out.

10-30-2007, 01:44 PM
dont worry foo she cant prove shit youl b alright u kno me ive been there dne that just get ready to pay your child support thats all. if shes lying she will fuck up and look bad trrrrrust.

10-30-2007, 01:58 PM
when it comes to child support never put checks or anything in her name my brother has a good lawyer hes going through this right now... also when you see the jugde do everything he says. ie like the weekends you are with your baby dont go out stay with the baby.. also i know you have a bunch of voicemails of her saying shit save them all.... record everything she does. for example days she wants you take care of the baby and its not your weekend... my brothere did all that and more... a well lets say she skrewed herself... just make sure that your on top of it

good luck

20 til 3
10-30-2007, 01:59 PM
its word for word... hard thing to fight againts

but at least talk to a good lawyer... 10k is alot of money to just throw out... a friend of mine was pulled for the same BS until she admited he didnt hit her... now she sets in jail for quite a while... BITCHES need to be taken care of... run her ass into the ground with fee's and jail time

10-30-2007, 02:58 PM
dude first of all state always protect the mothers and taperecorder can't really use them in court unless it has change this pass year you need to ask for approval from her (the mother) that you will record her ..lol how silly is that!
you can video tape it with sounds thats what i did ...
i lost alot shit and still losing as of this fucking day...
anyways keep a calender of event write them down every occurrence btwn you guys...video tape you guys talking hey who knws you might record her hitting u lol ...
theres a good lawyer in town called Goldbergs & jones

tell them i sent you Phil de Vera ... lol like they will remember me they helped out alot of husband or guys win ...damn i should get paid for this..anyways good luck ...

10-30-2007, 03:13 PM
k i need a lawyer hmmmm because my babys mom is trying to take my son said i slapped her when i never did .. so i went to jail and posted bail 100k so 10% only 10k ... now she knows i didnt do anything she is just pissed because im not with her so yeah .... i went in last night got out this morning like at 3 30 a.m

oh and socal near long beach, pomona, chino hills, ontario ... IE ... 91766

hahaha gus.. why post bail you scary ass bitch..?? you would have went to court today or tomorrow..

and would have been out..

alright.. ill take it for the team.. whats baby mommas phone number?? ill make her forget about you..:keke:

10-30-2007, 03:15 PM
hahaha gus.. why post bail you scary ass bitch..?? you would have went to court today or tomorrow..

and would have been out..

alright.. ill take it for the team.. whats baby mommas phone number?? ill make her forget about you..:keke:
jeff haha gus took yours for the team my bad:keke:

10-30-2007, 03:16 PM
r u serious its probably jeffs fault i told you not to go out with his chick he ratted you out :kiss: :rant2:


hahahah stfu..

i told gus.. its cool.. im gonna handle it for him..

10-30-2007, 03:17 PM
wow y yo hating foo

10-30-2007, 04:04 PM
Hey just good luck with everything. Sounds like a bunch of not so fun times dude. I'm sure the truth will prevail in the end

10-30-2007, 04:21 PM
Damn Gus that fucking sucks.

I don't know any lawyers for what your trying to do. But I wish you all the luck in the world. Baby mamas can get nuts.

Kinda reminds me of this.

10-30-2007, 04:52 PM
Don't worry, the worst that can happen is you'll go to jail for 18 years and get $360,000 afterwards.

Nah bad joke, I'm sure everything will turn out well, good luck man.

steve shadows
10-30-2007, 05:45 PM
wow seriously fucking wack day

I need a lawyer too lol :rl:

im moving to 'death' soon

its a place where no one can bother me, exploit me or make me feel raped

'death' is the best place to live

haha :hammer:

10-30-2007, 05:49 PM
Gus I sent your "S" today. :bigok:

10-30-2007, 06:17 PM
find her.
go punch her in the cooter.



10-30-2007, 06:38 PM
Gus I sent your "S" today. :bigok:
yeeyyyyyyyyyyy my silvia badge will get here before i go to court :keke: haha ......

N jeff u cant handle anything ur g/f doesnt even like u .. lol jk jk .. anyways i guess will see whats happends call up some lawyers gets some quotes and yep will go from there ..
o btw jeff wtf u talking about same shit happend to u , u could be in there for one day when u also got bailed out !

anyways what gets me a lil mad is those 10k where to order the 26 :-/

10-30-2007, 06:40 PM
i think if it was street racing he would tell us.

Would he?You know people get clowned on here for that.
What did you do Gus?
*EDIT* Oh.
The chick that was always with you at Han's?
Gluck dude!!!Don't worry about jail they wont
go that far for a first offense.

10-30-2007, 06:45 PM
Would he?You know people get clowned on here for that.
What did you do Gus?
read through the thread it says it on here what i did .. and if it was street racing i would be happy haha and would be no point of posting it on here

10-30-2007, 06:56 PM
^ I read and edited.

10-30-2007, 07:05 PM
obviously she didn't like it when you hit it sideways

10-30-2007, 07:08 PM
Would he?You know people get clowned on here for that.
What did you do Gus?
*EDIT* Oh.
The chick that was always with you at Han's?
Gluck dude!!!Don't worry about jail they wont
go that far for a first offense.
yeah thats what im guessing since it my first time ever going to jail ..
and yeah that chick ... she's pretty crazy ... she once slammed into my old 240 because she saw me with another girl .. when i say slamed i mean she fucked up the rear frame ... Enough to say my g/f at that time called the cops and they took her to jail since she had my son in the car as well .. so yeah crazy in love i guess

10-30-2007, 07:09 PM
obviously she didn't like it when you hit it sideways
lol that was ment for other girls .. but yeah she did ... never complained one bit ... as a matter of fact i think we had sex yesterday hahahaha no we didnt but the day before we did

10-30-2007, 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by mrs.drift33 http://www.zilvia.net/f/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?p=1617233#post1617233)
i think if it was street racing he would tell us.

Would he?You know people get clowned on here for that.

and if it was street racing i would be happy haha and would be no point of posting it on here

i know gus. he wouldnt want lawyer to fight a street racing ticket becuz he prob was street racing lol ... :keke:

hahaha gus.. why post bail you scary ass bitch..?? you would have went to court today or tomorrow..

and would have been out..

alright.. ill take it for the team.. whats baby mommas phone number?? ill make her forget about you..:keke:

stupid jeff!!! LMAO!!!

and your were in jail for like an hour werent you???:keke:

jeff i think you have taken like 20 for the team already...:naughty:

10-30-2007, 08:05 PM
yeah thats what im guessing since it my first time ever going to jail ..
and yeah that chick ... she's pretty crazy ... she once slammed into my old 240 because she saw me with another girl .. when i say slamed i mean she fucked up the rear frame ... Enough to say my g/f at that time called the cops and they took her to jail since she had my son in the car as well .. so yeah crazy in love i guess

She looked a lil crazy:loco: .
Well good ridance I say.

10-30-2007, 08:06 PM
Damn Gus, If i was you I would have spent the time in jail till court date Then Pay $10k. A week or so is nothing in the county jail. Dont worry she will pay in time for what she did.

10-30-2007, 08:25 PM
Damn Gus, If i was you I would have spent the time in jail till court date Then Pay $10k. A week or so is nothing in the county jail. Dont worry she will pay in time for what she did.
yeah i was planning on staying in there but 2 hrs later they wake me up and i was bailed out im like wtf??? my dad bailed me out obiously used my money and his of course i only hade a 1/2 of in the bank so yeah .. i was like fuck it i have to go to work and handle the buss ... but i didnt even go to work all today i felt stupid and in shock like wow ! wtf just happend ..

also the person who called the cops was my babys mom's friend not my babys mom i forgot to add that in there ... whoever babys mom was crying when they took me in but obiously she said i did it also or else nothing would have happend ... i hope i never see that girl on the street or else im gonna cry haha :keke: na that girl will get hurs in the long run ...

10-30-2007, 08:39 PM
That sucks man. Did she take pictures of the supposed "slap"? If she went through all the trouble of putting you in jail, there should have been at least some kind of physical evidence.

10-30-2007, 08:44 PM
wow .. no pix .. at all ... i dont even know were the evidence was?

10-30-2007, 08:52 PM
They couldn't have just arrested you on her or her friend's word. There had to have been something to make them arrest you. I'm not saying you did slap her, but maybe she had someone else slap her to make it look like you did it.

10-30-2007, 09:13 PM
Ugh where is this country going, you can't even slap someone anymore, since when do people go to jail for one slap? That's ridiculous. What did she look like? If she had two black eyes and her face was bleeding all over that'd be a different story, but if it was supposedly just one slap, that's silly.

10-30-2007, 09:31 PM
What did she look like? If she had two black eyes and her face was bleeding all over that'd be a different story, but if it was supposedly just one slap, that's silly.


h m m m m m...

10-30-2007, 09:47 PM
I don't feel sorry for you at all. You knew that chick was crazy yet you kept going back. Even if her friend was the one that called the cops, she didn't stand up for you. You deserve everything that is happening to you.

10-30-2007, 09:58 PM
I don't feel sorry for you at all. You knew that chick was crazy yet you kept going back. Even if her friend was the one that called the cops, she didn't stand up for you. You deserve everything that is happening to you.
Thats harsh man. I dont think he deserves this but damn. With todays society, if a chick seems crazy... bail. I dont care If shes the sexiest chick ever, it aint worth it. He learned this the hard way. That sucks. Shit sucks all the time. He doesnt deserve this, but he did kinda walk into it.
To the op... good luck. Itll work out hopefully. And If that 10k was for an rb26, then I hope that bitch rots in jail.

10-30-2007, 09:58 PM
I don't feel sorry for you at all. You knew that chick was crazy yet you kept going back. Even if her friend was the one that called the cops, she didn't stand up for you. You deserve everything that is happening to you.
lol wow ! who are u? u must know me or something haha .. yeah i do diserve this .. and no she didnt have anything on her face not that i can see atleast ..
however my mom just picked my son up from her house and she started crying telling my mom that she didnt call the cops that she is sorry she told the cops that i didnt do anything that her friend was the one that was telling the cop I did .. so yeah really i dont believe that even thoe she was also crying when i was getting arrested but o well shit happends for a good reasone , by the looks of it i just lost out on 10G's could have gone towrds the RB26 i had recently placed a order on .. now it have to wait and as long as that doesnt stay on my record witch im hopeing it doesnt since there is no proof then ill be good ..

But once again i am stupid for getting back with her for like the 6354567465 time i always break up with her and get back with her 2 months later .. sad part is i havent gone out with her for the past 2-3 months yes i been with her sexually but not b/f g/f:keke: .. so yeah ...

10-30-2007, 10:00 PM
Thats harsh man. I dont think he deserves this but damn. With todays society, if a chick seems crazy... bail. I dont care If shes the sexiest chick ever, it aint worth it. He learned this the hard way. That sucks. Shit sucks all the time. He doesnt deserve this, but he did kinda walk into it.
To the op... good luck. Itll work out hopefully. And If that 10k was for an rb26, then I hope that bitch rots in jail.
lol yeah it was for a rb26 i had seriously told the guy that ill be getting in 2 weeks ... so now it will take me a lil longer, might still get it soon but will see it all depends if i actually have to pay a lawyer if i have to pay a lawyer then .. ill be asked out on that baby motor for atleast 6-9 months ..

10-30-2007, 10:15 PM
ooooh the irony.

10-30-2007, 10:35 PM
now it have to wait and as long as that doesnt stay on my record witch im hopeing it doesnt since there is no proof then ill be good ..

the case will be closed, but the charge will still remain on your record. Good luck getting that expunged.

But once again i am stupid for getting back with her for like the 6354567465 time i always break up with her and get back with her 2 months later .. sad part is i havent gone out with her for the past 2-3 months yes i been with her sexually but not b/f g/f:keke: .. so yeah ...

Not that you deserve what happens to you, but if you know you're playing with fire, why do you keep going back? If anything, think about what seeing all this fighting is doing to your son. He's gonna have some foul issues with relationships if you keep going back and having this happen.

Sometimes staying together isn't a good thing. If you're having fights like that, it's not a good idea to stay together, even if you do still care about each other.

Going back for sex isn't gonna make it better either. It's better just to make a clean break, and arrange only to pick up and provide for your son.

10-30-2007, 10:48 PM
the case will be closed, but the charge will still remain on your record. Good luck getting that expunged.

Not that you deserve what happens to you, but if you know you're playing with fire, why do you keep going back? If anything, think about what seeing all this fighting is doing to your son. He's gonna have some foul issues with relationships if you keep going back and having this happen.

Sometimes staying together isn't a good thing. If you're having fights like that, it's not a good idea to stay together, even if you do still care about each other.

Going back for sex isn't gonna make it better either. It's better just to make a clean break, and arrange only to pick up and provide for your son.
couldnt have said it better ......
n last but not least i dont think are son ever sees us argue ...

10-30-2007, 11:55 PM
couldnt have said it better ......
n last but not least i dont think are son ever sees us argue ...

All this political correct stuff is gay. From my very brief experience it seems like you are the type to learn from making your own mistakes instead of learning from others. I know because I am the same way. However, I have been taking classes from Tom Lykis. That way I can stop making my own mistakes and learn from others. Life is short, I have better things to do then deal with drama like that.

Don't skimp out on the lawyer. Having one increases the chance of you getting off. This country is run by feminist. Don't believe me? Look at the laws and they are there to protect women and not men. Look at the Duke lacrosse Rape case.
Even if your girl says he doesn't want to press charges, the District attorney can go forward with the case. The more evidence you have, the better.
Having no priors helps but you still have the chance of going to those gay domestic violence classes as well as other fines and such.

"Federal law allows recording of phone calls and other electronic communications with the consent of at least one party to the call. A majority of the states and territories have adopted wiretapping statutes based on the federal law, although most also have extended the law to cover in-person conversations. Thirty-eight states and the District of Columbia permit individuals to record conversations to which they are a party without informing the other parties that they are doing so. These laws are referred to as "one-party consent" statutes, and as long as you are a party to the conversation, it is legal for you to record it. (Nevada also has a one-party consent statute, but the state Supreme Court has interpreted it as an all-party rule.)" http://www.rcfp.org/taping/intro.html

Make sure you check out what other people say on this forum. Including myself. I have always known that tape recording is okay as long as one party knows about it. Of course you would have to check with your local laws. Tape record the conversation with your accuser when permitted by law. It could save your ass in the future.

After the criminal procedure is over, you always have the option of a civil proceedings to recover some of the damages incurred.

10-31-2007, 12:09 AM
Consult an attorney before doing anything else. Take his/her advice, not some people off an internet forum. Don't make things worse.

If you can't find one by word of mouth, check the yellow pages and then check their record:
Go to the attorney search on the lefthand side and check their discipline record to make sure they aren't like Sean Penn in Carlito's Way (corrupt and addicted to blow).

10-31-2007, 12:11 AM
o gus gus wow its kool 10k ant nada 2 a boss, but still that sucks

10-31-2007, 12:11 AM
couldnt have said it better ......
n last but not least i dont think are son ever sees us argue ...

Just because you might not argue in front of him doesn't mean that he's not aware of the tension and anger that's being transferred back and forth.

Get your case dropped, go to family court to settle child support and visitation issues, and move on with your life.

10-31-2007, 12:31 AM
This country is run by feminists. Don't believe me? Look at the laws and they are there to protect women and not men. Look at the Duke lacrosse Rape case.
Even if your girl says he doesn't want to press charges, the District attorney can go forward with the case. The more evidence you have, the better.
Having no priors helps but you still have the chance of going to those gay domestic violence classes as well as other fines and such.

We have yet to have a woman president. There is still a salary gap with men still leading women (women make 80% of what a man in the equivalent job makes). A majority of executives in business are men. Our president is George W. Bush, a BIG TIME feminist. Our Governor is HUGE feminist. The mayor of my city is such a big feminist that he's a womanizer.

As far as the Duke rape case, the DA chose to go forward with the case and he is now out of a job. He was actually disbarred for what he did - meaning he cannot practice law any more. He is actually faced criminal charges of his own for how he handled that case.

Domestic violence classes are 1) better than jail and 2) actually serve a purpose. If you don't want to go to classes mandated by the court, don't be a wifebeater or don't drunk drive or control your anger. I'd go to anger management/dui/domestic violence class any day instead of jail.

10-31-2007, 01:15 AM
OK ppl....BACK ON TOPIC (even though it is Off Topic)...

Help this guy get a lawyer, and anything that is CONSTRUCTIVE! Keep personal feelings/negativeness out of this thread, guy already has enough shit going on, please don't add to it.

10-31-2007, 02:44 AM
Family lawyers go both ways. One, they think they can get more from you cuz you're family. Two, they might work harder cuz you're family.

But who knows.

I say, plead the FIF.


10-31-2007, 03:23 AM
Not 100% sure if this is true, but supposedly courts don't consider "amateur" voice tapes or clips to be valid evidence anymore as in this era of technology it's really easy to tamper with and edit such recordings.

10-31-2007, 11:20 AM
k .. yeah my best bet is gonna be to talk to a lawyer .. thanx for everyone comments really appreciate them .. and have a great day !

just incase u wanna see who ur talking to and about





http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b274/Studgus/two%20thousand%20five%20to%20two%20thousand%20seve n%20june/IMG_9855.jpg

http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b274/Studgus/two%20thousand%20five%20to%20two%20thousand%20seve n%20june/IMG_9855.jpg
sorry for the sideways pic ..

steve shadows
10-31-2007, 11:48 AM
sucks man good luck cute kid

10-31-2007, 12:25 PM
Awww you two are so cute together! I wish you both the best of luck, and that little guy is adorable!

10-31-2007, 12:29 PM

Awesome you two were wearing matching yellow polo shirts.

GL Gus with the whole situation.

Sucks about the 10g's.

10-31-2007, 01:02 PM
thanx 2 all!!!!!

10-31-2007, 01:03 PM
That sucks hard dude, women are evil.

Ill come over form NY and "dispose of her":rl:
Super easy installation.
Mad JDM.

Zilvia members get a discount!!!

PM me for pricing!

possibly group buy if i get 10 or more.

10-31-2007, 01:27 PM
That sucks hard dude, women are evil.

Ill come over form NY and "make your problem disapear"
Super easy installation.
Mad JDM.

Zilvia members get a discount!!!

PM me for pricing!

possibly group buy if i get 10 or more.
huh? im confused...

10-31-2007, 02:11 PM
huh? im confused...

He is offering the mafia special to zilvia for a group buy... :keke:

10-31-2007, 02:22 PM
lol wow ... u dont see that very often haha

Vision Garage
10-31-2007, 10:23 PM
Yea gus, hopefuly she drops the charges. It will still be on your record but it will show that the charges were dropped. But if you apply for a job and they ask about criminal record, you are obliged to let them know about this one.

10-31-2007, 10:45 PM
That sucks hard dude, women are evil.

Ill come over form NY and "dispose of her":rl:
Super easy installation.
Mad JDM.

Zilvia members get a discount!!!

PM me for pricing!

possibly group buy if i get 10 or more.


damn dude that sucks man hope everything works out for you

10-31-2007, 11:13 PM

damn dude that sucks man hope everything works out for you
lol this is funny .. but she told me she isnt even gonna show up that she never told the cop anything thats why she was crying her friend is the one that told em everything ...
Sooo im gonna fight it, and try and get it taken off before it even gets on.
cause till this day its not on my record yet they told me untill i go to court they will decide what is going on my record ... for now thats just what im getting charged for

11-01-2007, 12:21 AM
This is ridiculous some girl lies and potentially puts you out 10k and a record without any valid proof? any chance of getting your 10k back and the charges on your record dropped?

11-01-2007, 01:30 AM
lol this is funny .. but she told me she isnt even gonna show up that she never told the cop anything thats why she was crying her friend is the one that told em everything ...
Sooo im gonna fight it, and try and get it taken off before it even gets on.
cause till this day its not on my record yet they told me untill i go to court they will decide what is going on my record ... for now thats just what im getting charged for


stop calling me everyday.. asking me do you think im going to go to jail?

its getting old already.. you weenie..

hahah.. i told you she wouldnt show up.. :bigok:

o yea.. the beast is coming out tomorrow..

11-01-2007, 07:11 AM
lol jeff ur funny ... and ur car out? wow that will be the day

and no chances of me getting those 1G's back are 1 out 10000000 .. chances of that staying off my record are hmm i dont know 2/10??

11-01-2007, 07:31 AM

stop calling me everyday.. asking me do you think im going to go to jail?

its getting old already.. you weenie..

hahah.. i told you she wouldnt show up.. :bigok:

o yea.. the beast is coming out tomorrow..

HAHAHA what a fool.

11-01-2007, 05:32 PM
i saaaayyy u go with Larry H Parker :)

I got a dub that says his car ant coming out today


11-01-2007, 10:36 PM
from personal experience:

a friend of mine lost his temper and whupped his gf's ass, i mean bad, emergency room bad. the girl took him to court for domestic violence, and he was sentenced to 1 year anger management. but the worst of all, he can't get a decent job now cause of his record.

his situation is the same as yours: he keeps running back to this broad like she's got some super pussy or somethin, but she aint even that cute! and she has 2 kids that aren't his! needless to say they're not together anymore, not even in contact, and i'm fuckin relieved, as a friend i can only take so much nagging from his ass.

what i don't get is why people do this: break up and make up all the fuckin time, it's ridiculous. when i break up with someone, its done, finito. if you wanna be with someone, be with them. don't play with emotions like it's not gonna be there tomorow. women are fuckin sensitive as hell and they'll translate anything you do into love. you call them, i love you. you text them whats up, i love you. you have "meaningless" sex with them, i love you. etc.

i've never gotten back with an ex, for the sole reason that i don't wanna deal with the fuckin drama.

although currently it's a different situation...hehehe

love sucks.

good luck man.

11-01-2007, 10:42 PM
from personal experience:

a friend of mine lost his temper and whupped his gf's ass, i mean bad, emergency room bad. the girl took him to court for domestic violence, and he was sentenced to 1 year anger management. but the worst of all, he can't get a decent job now cause of his record.

his situation is the same as yours: he keeps running back to this broad like she's got some super pussy or somethin, but she aint even that cute! and she has 2 kids that aren't his! needless to say they're not together anymore, not even in contact, and i'm fuckin relieved, as a friend i can only take so much nagging from his ass.

what i don't get is why people do this: break up and make up all the fuckin time, it's ridiculous. when i break up with someone, its done, finito. if you wanna be with someone, be with them. don't play with emotions like it's not gonna be there tomorow. women are fuckin sensitive as hell and they'll translate anything you do into love. you call them, i love you. you text them whats up, i love you. you have "meaningless" sex with them, i love you. etc.

i've never gotten back with an ex, for the sole reason that i don't wanna deal with the fuckin drama.

although currently it's a different situation...hehehe

love sucks.

good luck man.
wow if i go to jail i will cry lol ... see diff is i didnt hit her ata ll ... she told me she is not showing up to court ... and that she never told the cop that i touched her it was her friend ... so yeah Nov 16-18th if u guys dont see me post lol im in jail crying my ass off haha

11-01-2007, 11:26 PM
yea but my friend didn't go to jail tho, and his shit was documented proof.

well he did spend the night when the cops picked him up. but his sentence was just anger management classes.

i wouldn't worry about it.

my ex's baby dad hit her numerous times, he's got a record of domestic violence now, and a restraining order against him, but the bitch never stepped foot into a jail cell! still gets me fuckin furious till today. fuck the justice system.

11-01-2007, 11:46 PM
That's what pisses me off about the system. They'll throw in guys that didn't do shit like the OP, but dudes that do serious damage will get off.

And they wonder why girls don't come forward when their dude beats the shit out of them.

They don't take it serious until the dude kills the girl.

11-02-2007, 02:44 AM
isnt that considered a divorce? :rofl:

LOL thats horrible