View Full Version : Rough Idle Question

10-09-2007, 12:36 AM
I search and found that the problem can be a million diffrent things so im in need of some help.

When the car is just being started up it idles normally
after the car gets warmed up when at a stop the rpm gauge moves slowley up to the 1500 1400 mark. Thats only at a stop when I shift to nuetral it idles normally 500-800 range but as soon as i stop it will jump back up to the 1500 mark.

The car is a 90 240 sx stock single cam motor only mod would be the intake theres also kind of a poping sound comming from the exhaust.

10-09-2007, 01:25 AM
pretty sure the popping sound doesnt matter, if im not mistaken thats something with backpressure.... anyway, ive heard rumors of intakes making idles wierd on some cars.. dont know what it is but it does sometimes.. reset your ECU

10-10-2007, 07:40 PM
How would i go about setting my ecu? and what exactly is that gonna do to help out just curious. any other ideas what it could be or is it even that big of a problem?

10-10-2007, 08:05 PM
My car did the oposite thing. It would idle fine in gear but would stall as i came to a stop at a light or something. Mine was a dirty and misadjusted idle air control valve. You may want to check on that, also check the voltage/resistance of your tps