View Full Version : Arrested for killing a cop!
09-28-2007, 05:11 AM
So this it how it goes I got off work today and fucked around with the injectors on the s14 to see if one of them was stuck open. I got tired of fucking with that so I decide my car is not low enough so time to fuck with my coil overs I put the car on jack stands and take the wheels off in the garage. I was on my 3rd coil and a fucking cop runs up behind me pointing a gun at me saying to put my hands up and to drop my weapon a fucking coil wrench. So I was like WTF are you pointing that gun at me I didnt even know what was going on, so they hand cuff me put me in the back seat of the cruiser and im trying to figure out whats happening so I started asking questions and they tell me to STFU. I try to overhear what was going on and they said they had positive I.D. on the guy who shot the police officer. So to wrap things up the guy who shot the cop was wearing the same shirt and shorts I had on and they were blaming me for shooting an officer the guy had run through my neighborhood and they ended up not finding him and since I matched the description perfect they were going to throw my ass in jail . They ended up letting me go like around 5:30am this morning im fucking pissed off fucking pigs.
09-28-2007, 05:33 AM
wow, that fucking blows.
but hey, at least they didnt try to save face and just blame it all on you sicne they arrested you and all.
i would have been scared shitless while i was waiting to be proved innocent.
09-28-2007, 05:45 AM
Holy Sheesh thats pretty nuts man.
09-28-2007, 06:20 AM
time to call the lawyer and see if there is anything you can get out of it...
09-28-2007, 06:34 AM
and your whats wrong with the US these days you piece of shit^
09-28-2007, 08:00 AM
wow :wtf: gl with that mess
Unholy S14
09-28-2007, 08:25 AM
how did they find out it wasnt you ?
sucks bro
09-28-2007, 08:28 AM
That really sucks for you.
can't really blame them for what they did, you matched the description, not your fault, not their fault, just bad luck. Glad you got it sorted out.
09-28-2007, 08:42 AM
thats crazy! did they ever catch the guy who did it? they usually show pics on the news go and see if he does look like u
09-28-2007, 09:30 AM
and your whats wrong with the US these days you piece of shit^
No, it's not... Checks and balances. Only way they'll learn to check their facts instead of shoot first ask questions later.
09-28-2007, 09:33 AM
little do we know.. this guy actually bludgened a cop with his coilover, took his gun, shot him in the face, and hid under his 240 with a wrench.
LOL... but seriously though, that sucks man. Atleast you were released...
09-28-2007, 10:32 AM
damn thats crazy at least u got out bro. fuck da police
09-28-2007, 10:34 AM
No, it's not... Checks and balances. Only way they'll learn to check their facts instead of shoot first ask questions later.
btw totally agree
09-28-2007, 10:45 AM
I understad their line of work being stressfull, but seriously nothing is seen outside of that, to those (like yourself) who have been treated as the person who commited the crime are not compensated!
Oh yea umm a fucking cop killer just happen to take a rest in the area and work on his car openly untill it cooled down..
dude that something out of a movie.. fucken like LIAR LIAR or something
09-28-2007, 10:46 AM
glad it all worked out in the end
09-28-2007, 10:47 AM
fuck da police? they didn't do anything wrong, he matched the description.
09-28-2007, 12:34 PM
police always do something wrong. If they didnt, people would actually like them.
For example... using the same analogy.. I saw a white male police officer run a red light... but I don't go making citizen arrests on all white police officers. It sounds to me like the officer saw your clothes, got excited, and went all Barney Fife on your ass.
If he had taken the time to calm down, he probably could have thought "hmm.. if I had just killed a cop... would I be chilling in my driveway working on my car at the moment? Or would I be bookin my ass somewhere and hiding?".
On a different note, police officers are trained to act before thinking in situations where they are in immediate danger. Having you underneath a car with a coil over in your hand does not really constitute immediate danger, if any thing: you are the one put in danger with a trigger happy po pointing a gun at you making accusations.
Remedy? I have none. Deal with it. Sadly enough these guys are given a liscense to make big mistakes, a liscense that we as citizens do not have.
09-28-2007, 12:40 PM
You kill a cop, run through your neighboorhood, and start working on your car, it's perfect, hahaha.
09-28-2007, 12:41 PM
time to call the lawyer and see if there is anything you can get out of it...
Haha. terrible.
09-28-2007, 12:43 PM
Just be glad that cop wasn't trigger happy.
Sucks to hear.
Glad it worked out for the better at the end.
09-28-2007, 01:00 PM
and your whats wrong with the US these days you piece of shit^
whats wrong with that. I would be pissed if they wasted my entire day.. and giving me my lack of sleep since he got out at 5:30am. what if he works early like at 7am. plus treating me like shit and not telling me why they detained me. if they had just let me explain and let them run like a 30min-1hr background check and let me go, then i'd let it go, but this is totally outrageous.
shouldn't they be reading me my rights at least or telling me why they detained me. i wouldn't just rub it off and say "thats ok. just an honest mistake officer. have a good day" maybe you're ok with that, but I don't like being pushed around and treated like scum for no good reason. i would understand if it was work or something and a higher up manager did that, but honestly I wouldn't know how long of that i could take before I end up quitting.
this happened to my brother a year or two ago. he was driving to 7-11 like at 1am to get some cigerettes, and police pulled him over. my brother is chinese but he's dark skinned and balled and he never smiles. my family always makes fun of him for looking like a triad member. anyways, police pulled him over because he matched the description of this cambodian gangbanger who was suspected in the area for stealling cars. cops id him and let him go. he didnt go through the hell this guy went through.
09-28-2007, 01:09 PM
damn dude, thats horrible...
in the eyes of the cops, we're all guilty until proven innocent...
09-28-2007, 01:14 PM
I wouldve LOVED to get shot in the leg or something by the cop! oh man.... can you say investments!?
09-28-2007, 01:30 PM
thats nuts...youre seriously lucky you didnt get shot, Im honestly suprised that cop didnt rough you up at all....thats some shit though
09-28-2007, 01:35 PM
oh wow, lucky your not one of those guys in prison when they are totally innocent.
09-28-2007, 02:18 PM
Yeah, that's bullshit.
Don't get me wrong, adrenaline pumping, one of your buddies just got shot, I could see how you'd throw proper procedural matters into the wind. After all, a lot of cops live by the motto, "I'd rather be judged by 12, than carried by 6". But that doesn't make it right.
One of the great things in this country is that you have the right to scrutinize the government. Don't ever buy into the notion that when you take advantage of that right that you're somehow undermining the government.
Glad you didn't get shot.
09-28-2007, 03:18 PM
No, it's not... Checks and balances. Only way they'll learn to check their facts instead of shoot first ask questions later.
because all police officers are homicidal maniacs who beg for any chance to discharge their sidearms.
seriously, you watch too much tv.
09-28-2007, 03:28 PM
time to call the lawyer and see if there is anything you can get out of it...
Why? Honest mistake... these things happen. He'll probably be receiving an apology, and maybe even some small compensation. Similar thing happend to a buddy of mine (he was arrested for an assault with a weapon and bank theft because he matched the description perfectly) when they released him, a couple weeks later he received a letter from the city apologizing and free tickets to any sporting event of his choice and VIP treatment.
can't really blame them for what they did, you matched the description, not your fault, not their fault, just bad luck. Glad you got it sorted out.
This is basically the truth... you happend to look like the guy. Sucks, but hey, at least they admitted there mistake.
09-28-2007, 03:33 PM
I wonder if that was a situation where self defense would be allowed, since the cop was on private property and threatning you with a weapon..... I wonder what kind of mess what would make in court.....
09-28-2007, 03:43 PM
Yeah right. Self defense? When a trained shooter already has his weapon pointed at you at point blank range?
You would only commit Suicide by Cop. :duh:
Was the Officer right to detain you? Yes.
Was it done properly? Doesn't sound like it.
Is this country too fucking Lawsuit happy? Hell yes!
Is that an efficient system of checks and balances? No. It makes Police Officers scared to do their jobs, for fear of being sued and loosing their job.
Is every Officer a saint? No, of course not.
Am I done asking questions? For now.
09-28-2007, 03:48 PM
Did he read you your rights and all that crap? miranda violation...
but that is some crap luck. Good to hear ur not in jail anymore.
09-28-2007, 03:55 PM
Your lucky some cops believe in that street justice sh!t if somone takes down one of theirs they will do the same regardless if they aren't armed and dangerous. Besides the way they went up to him not identifing themselves or saying anything was not right in any way. What if he seen the gun and threw something at the officer and didnt even realize it was an officer then BLAM BLAM? You could prob get something if you go to a lawyer.
09-28-2007, 05:19 PM
he was wearing the same shit, honest mistake...
ur lucky they didnt beat the shit out of you before they took you in and then found out that it wasnt you...
trust me it happens
09-28-2007, 05:22 PM
this is all your fault
maybe you should stop dressing like cop killers
09-28-2007, 06:08 PM
because all police officers are homicidal maniacs who beg for any chance to discharge their sidearms.
seriously, you watch too much tv.
yep, just like all 240 owners are smog illegal, street drifters and canyon racers...
09-28-2007, 06:57 PM
Yeah there wasn't much I could do but go with the flow and see what happened. I wasn't really scared i actually thought i was kind of funny 20 cruisers on my front driveway and lawn lol all pointing there fucking spotlights like I was a star or something I think I got a tan from it.
But yeah I was thinking of Lawsuit time and some new parts for the 14 but fuck it Honest mistake I was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Wearing some cop killa cloths lol
09-28-2007, 07:14 PM
DAMN...glad you didn't get roughed up or shot. Do become lawsuit happy...your wasting money and time.
I wonder if that was a situation where self defense would be allowed, since the cop was on private property and threatning you with a weapon..... I wonder what kind of mess what would make in court.....
Yea..that is the worst thing you can do.....
09-28-2007, 07:26 PM
I agree with S14DB. Checks and Balances.
09-28-2007, 07:29 PM
I hate cops.
09-28-2007, 11:24 PM
Something similar happened to a friend of mine.
Cops make mistakes sometimes and it sucks, but I can deal with it.
It just bothers me when they treat you like you're the criminal when they have absolutely no proof whatsover that you did anything wrong. My friend didn't match the description of the suspect. His car that he was driving was a different make and color than the one involved in the crime and they still treated him like scum. Oh yeah, they probably let the ACTUAL criminal get away because they spent so much time hasseling my friend.
I still wouldn't sue them. I might file a complaint though.
09-28-2007, 11:44 PM
and your whats wrong with the US these days you piece of shit^
And your whats wrong with the rest of the world thinking that everyone in the US is a money grubbing asshole....
Only 99% of us are. Idiot.
On a serious note...
Suing someone for some fake medical bills after a fender bender = what is wrong with the US.
Suing a government organization for not doing their job correctly? = what needs to be done to change things around here...
Look at Rodney King... I bet ALL cops these days are a little more reluctant to pull out the club since that happened.
09-28-2007, 11:52 PM
Sue. You will win.
If you want to build a killer case, check yourself into a hospital right now for panic attacks brought on by this.
Rack up those medical bills.
The city will settle with you before it goes to court.
Buy a house in a different county.
With a locked gate at the property line.
Only work on your car in the garage with the door locked.
Never ever leave the house again.
IDK what to say, way too much is wrong now...
09-29-2007, 12:03 AM
Damn dude, that really sucks. Good thing YOU werent the one. lol.
09-29-2007, 01:13 AM
i am sorry it ruined your day, but it just straight out bad luck and straight forward mistake. color of shirts and pants are very likely the only description they had at that time. and you just happen match, show up at wrong place at wrong time
at least things did not get worst such as they try to set you up as the real killer or after you got butt rape in the jail, than they let you go.
09-29-2007, 06:02 AM
can't really blame them for what they did, you matched the description, not your fault, not their fault, just bad luck. Glad you got it sorted out.
Your wouldn't win in court unless you got hurt or something but it doesn't seem like you did.
09-29-2007, 06:09 AM
Did he read you your rights and all that crap? miranda violation...
but that is some crap luck. Good to hear ur not in jail anymore.
In that situation miranda would not have to be read (unless the laws are different in your state thats how it is here in NY)he fit a description. miranda is would be for a situation were they were questioning you they would then read miranda and then every thing would be a good in court...
09-29-2007, 10:10 AM
You always have to have your rights read to you...ALWAYS. Even if he did kill a cop he still has rights, if your are a LE officer (which MP is one of my duties) and you apprehend an individual you have to read them their rights. PERIOD
Miranda warning is a warning given by police to criminal suspects in police custody, or in a custodial situation, before they are asked questions relating to the commission of a crime. A custodial situation is where the suspect's freedom of movement is restrained although he is not under arrest. An incriminating statement by a suspect will not constitute admissible evidence unless the suspect was advised of his or her "Miranda rights" and made a knowing, intelligent, and voluntary waiver of those rights. However, police may request biographical information such as name, date of birth, and address, without first reading suspects their Miranda warnings.
09-29-2007, 11:14 AM
In that situation miranda would not have to be read (unless the laws are different in your state thats how it is here in NY)he fit a description. miranda is would be for a situation were they were questioning you they would then read miranda and then every thing would be a good in court...
IIRC if you're going to be taken into custody you are suppose to be read your miranda rights. Regardless if its murder or shoplifting.
09-29-2007, 11:30 AM
IIRC if you're going to be taken into custody you are suppose to be read your miranda rights. Regardless if its murder or shoplifting.
the key word here is SUPPOSE to (meaning its not mandatory ) I've been in law enforcement for 3 years now in over 100 arrest situations here in NYC and I have never read miranda to anyone. Now I could have used it in alot of the arrest situations but like i said it wasn't mandatory. Its commonly used while people are being debriefed, questioned about a crime etc...not sure of how other states are but that just my 2 cent
09-29-2007, 01:27 PM
I forgot to mention after they arrested me they took me to the crime scene and pointed at a shot up Saturn and Shot up cop car and they asked questions like if I forgot my wallet or who else was in the car with me I was hell no, thats not even my car first of all I wouldn't even be caught driving that P.O.S. I got better taste then that lol. But then I asked them why weren't they looking for the guy who actually shot the cop, then they were how do you know it's a guy that was in the car. I was like you stupid fucks if you weren't looking for a guy wearing a black hoody I wouldn't be standing here.
I started a little B.S. between the cops since the cops in my county drive Chargers and the other county is little under budget and drive Crown Vic's lol but the cops started B.S.n with the other cops about if they would of had the Chargers maybe the would of kept up and there buddy and he wouldn't of got shot. But yeah I didn't really care most of the cops that were there knew since I worked at a gas station right next to one of there stations. The other county cops were the ASSHOLES to me. My county cops said they were gonna put up a wall so they stop bringing there shit over in our county.
09-29-2007, 03:02 PM
So wait....the cops that arrested you were from a different county? I guess someone was fleeing one county and crossed into another while still being pursued.
So far the state and some sheriff's are rocking Dodge Chargers over here...they look badass as cop cars haha
09-29-2007, 03:44 PM
Not reading your rights is a big no-no. But at least after verifying and questioning your not the guy in jail.
Wearing the same clothes that the suspect wore is one helluva coincidence though. I can't really find fault in the cops for just doing there job.
But then again, some ppl find fault with burning their mouth on that cup of hot coffee they just bought, and winning the lawsuit. Go figure.
09-29-2007, 04:05 PM
It's a cover-up! He did it and is posting this to make all of us believe he didn't do it. And if authorities checked it out, they would see all of this seemingly true stuff on his side... since he has convinced everyone of his innocence.
I'm just shittin' ya...
09-29-2007, 07:47 PM
miranda was made moot by the patriot act, so it is no longer a necessity. People USED to get off, when an arrest was made, they confessed, and they were not read their rights.
So. For miranda to be applicable here, you would have had to confess to the crime, which you didnt, which you didnt commit, so its not even on the table here if it was before 2001.
09-29-2007, 08:09 PM
Something like this happened to a friend of mine at work. He works a graveyard shift, so he was driving his beatup white Lincoln to work at 1a.m. and 6 cop cars surround him in the parking lot. They all come out with their guns drawn. They tell him to lay down on the floor and crawl towards them, and then they threw everything in his car on the floor searching for something. Turns out a Puerto Rican guy in a beatup white Lincoln raped a girl and it was a case of mistaken identity. But crazy thing is my friend is black and he looks nothing like a Puerto Rican. In the parking lot at my work, there are a ton of lights and the police also had their spotlights on him so its not like they couldnt see him. Before they left, they gave him a ticket for not having his seatbelt on. They didnt even bother to help him pick up his stuff and put it back in his car. My co-workers had to help him put all his stuff back.
09-30-2007, 12:06 AM
Jesus, people, wake up.
If you don't think this kind of behavior is acceptable then stand up for your rights and do something about it.
In my opinion it isn't right for the government to arrest you without giving you a reason why. It's not alright for somebody to haul you away without reading you your rights. It's not alright to give the government the benefit of doubt. People died and went to prison to give you these rights. Don't let your apathy make them disappear.
The government only has as much power as you're willing to give it.
09-30-2007, 04:39 AM
No, it's not... Checks and balances. Only way they'll learn to check their facts instead of shoot first ask questions later.
yeah and suing everyone is the way to do it....
09-30-2007, 07:18 AM
Atleast they didnt actually shoot you first then asked questions later...
09-30-2007, 02:11 PM
Just curious, it sounded like you were arrested at latest during the day, but you were released almost 10-12 hours later? Did it take them that long to find out you weren't the guy?
09-30-2007, 08:48 PM
His fingerprints are now on file.
If he ever applies for a job with a background check, he will come up as a suspect for killing a cop.
In our ever advancing age of free information sharing, he's basically fucked for any high powered/secure job.
Writs of Assistance.
Look it up.
Not all that fucking different 1770 to 2007.
steve shadows
09-30-2007, 09:16 PM
oh shit rep wars
10-01-2007, 11:15 AM
What were you wearing? Blue jeans with a red or black shirt? Man, If I walked down the street, I would never see something like that. Unless he had on some knee highs with a s&m suit holding a black umbrella and that matched the description, then I would have thought him to be suspect.
That is ridiculous and sadly, the only way to reprimand the cops if they don't own up to it, is to sue. Not because of money, but because of horrible police work.
10-02-2007, 12:05 AM
What were you wearing? Blue jeans with a red or black shirt? Man, If I walked down the street, I would never see something like that. Unless he had on some knee highs with a s&m suit holding a black umbrella and that matched the description, then I would have thought him to be suspect.
That is rediculous and sadly, the only way to reprimand the cops if they don't own up to it, is to sue. Not because of money, but because of horrible police work.
I was wearing some black shorts,black shoes,and a gray undershirt with a all black sweater with a red and white stripe down the side...
I guess the crackhead that shot the cop was at the same sale I was!
10-03-2007, 05:38 PM
His fingerprints are now on file.
If he ever applies for a job with a background check, he will come up as a suspect for killing a cop.
In our ever advancing age of free information sharing, he's basically fucked for any high powered/secure job.
Writs of Assistance.
Look it up.
Not all that fucking different 1770 to 2007.
Ive always wondered if bein wrongfully accussed and filed and then let go would do something like that.. is that possible?
That i would be upset for... I would also be upset for the hours lost when they detained you and any embarrassment that might have caused...
I always wondered if your by self at home working on ur car, lets say u got ur car in pieces, garage open and your front door locked, and the cops come and arrested you.. would they jus leave all ur stuff like that?? pretty much opening your house up for any thing to happen???
Ive had my share of cops, some are nice, some are pushing it.. Ive had my fair share of cops, like having a neighbor call and say i was on his roof, then cops visit me while im in my garage, and randomly ask to pop my hood cuz he wants to show his buddy cop my car.. grrrrrr
I understand they are doin thier job, and some need to be strict in order to keep people in check, otherwise we would live in total chaos if no one enforced laws, but come on!! lmao
10-04-2007, 09:00 PM
theres no such thing as self defense against a cop trying to arrest you. Its called resisting arrest. Trust me, dont do it. If anything just bend over and take, or theyll fuck you even harder. They are THE LAW, like it or not, theres nothing you can do in the heat of the moment. thats what courtrooms are for. kinda sucks, but shit happens. As far as not telling you why you are being detained and not reading your rights, that is illegal, and since they wasted your time and broke the law in the process, I would pursue this. If cops can start breaking laws, then we start living in a police state.
10-05-2007, 09:35 AM
theres no such thing as self defense against a cop trying to arrest you. Its called resisting arrest. Trust me, dont do it. If anything just bend over and take, or theyll fuck you even harder.
Imma have to try to remember that and keep my cool next time a cop greets me..
Sometimes ive had interest in possibly joining law force.. cant beat em, join em approach... but it just doesnt look as glorifying as it does in movies.. everyone either hates you or is scared of you..
10-05-2007, 09:53 AM
only reason I would do it is you get a little bit of immunity from other cops... but having that doesnt seem to me like it would be worth being considered a dick, and the paper work they have to do.
10-05-2007, 01:59 PM
No, it's not... Checks and balances. Only way they'll learn to check their facts instead of shoot first ask questions later.
Except for the fact that they didn't shoot first and ask questions later. They were searching for a violent suspect in a shooting. They find someone in the vicinity who matches the description. They detained him until they determined that he was not the suspect. We know that he was just sitting there working on his car. The police didn't know that. Is it so outlandish that a perp might duck into an open garage and act innocent, hoping the cops will drive right by? What if the person in the garage really was the perp? Should the cop not investigate it just because he appears to be working on a car? "Oh, looks like he's busy, that means he can't be the criminal"
It was just an unfortunate coincidence. Sucks for the OP, but the cops had a duty to investigate. Maybe they didn't do it perfectly, but I haven't seen any evidence yet to warrant a lawsuit. They didn't read him his Miranda rights, but that would only come into play if they tried to use something he said in court. Then whatever he said before he was read his rights would be inadmissable. Not being read Miranda does not equal a Free Lawsuit.
10-05-2007, 05:36 PM
You can't hold someone for as long as you want. They would have to show that it really took them that long to figure out it wasn't him. I'm not saying the initial arrest wasn't unjustified. I just think holding him for that long of a period is ridiculous.
10-08-2007, 07:20 AM
theres no such thing as self defense against a cop trying to arrest you. Its called resisting arrest. Trust me, dont do it. If anything just bend over and take, or theyll fuck you even harder. They are THE LAW, like it or not, theres nothing you can do in the heat of the moment. thats what courtrooms are for. kinda sucks, but shit happens. As far as not telling you why you are being detained and not reading your rights, that is illegal, and since they wasted your time and broke the law in the process, I would pursue this. If cops can start breaking laws, then we start living in a police state.
Any given police officer is not the law. They enforcers of the written law. Today's methods of law enforcement is now being questioned and looked upon negatively. The US Constitution is, seemingly, no longer relavent in the time we live with the passage of several "Acts."
There is an old saying. "To have security, sacrifice freedom. To have freedom, sacrifice security."
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